Free Time

A few Drabbles relating to the 115th Generation and the prompt "Free Time"

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“I think that’s it.” Hiroshi smiled and put the new bought cheese into the bag. “Now we’ve got everything.”

His cousin next to him yawned and stretched herself afterwards. “About time. I feel like we’ve been on this market for hours now.” She crossed her arms and her eyebrows furrowed. “Next time, Kawashima and Aoki can do the shopping if they use up all the ingredients!” Hiroshi shook his head and laughed. “Oh, Itoko-chan.”

“Hey, guys look!” Another voice suddenly exclaimed and the two Aldini cousins turned their head to the third party-member, Kimiko Yukihira who excitedly pointing at a stand a little far away. “They sell salmon over there!”

Immediately Mika stepped next to her to see what she was talking about. “You’re right.” She commented. “And it seems to be of quality, or what do you say Hiroshi? You’re the fish expert after all.” Hiroshi shrugged in response. “I have to see them in detail to decide on that.

Kimiko grinned. "Well then let’s go there! I would really like to buy some salmon, I’ve got a recipe in mind to test!”

Insantly Mika’s eyes narrowed. “Oh yeah? Wanna bet that I can come up with one in just a few amount of minutes? One that will entirely crush yours, Yukihira?”

Kimiko turned to her with a challenging glimmer in her golden eyes. “I would absolutely love to see that, Mika-chan!”

The two began walking to the stand with the salmon, not stopping talking.

“The challenge is on, Yukihira! Just you wait when we’ll get back to the dorm!”

“Come at me with all you got, Mika-chan! I will not go easy on you!”

Hiroshi shook his head and sighed. “You guys..” Then he started walking as well.


Kaori closed her book, sighed and began to massage her temples.

How many hours of studying have it been?

She couldn’t remember, but she knew that it were enough hours to even convince her stubborn head to take a break.

And so she stood up from her desk and bit her lips as result of the short pain that ran through her legs which had been asleep for so long. She staggered out of her room and went downstairs.

There she immediately reached out for the green watering can to fill it with water.

As the can was full, she left the house and got out into the garden, where she was greeted by a breeze of fresh air and the soothing sight of her many, many, colorful and precious flowers.

She took a refreshing breath before going forwards.


Mona did what she loved to do the most.

And that was laying on her bed, her pitch-black headphones on her head, the technological beats in her ears and staring blankly at the ceiling while thinking about what other girls her age were possibly doing right now.

Shopping. Having Phone Calls. Going to the cinema. Exchanging love stories.

Must be nice.

Her inner train of thought was harshly interrupted though as someone suddenly ripped the headphones from her head to stop the Techno music from blocking all sounds out.

A face very similar to Mona’s face appeared in her vision, opened her mouth and said. “Hey, Mona! I’m bored, wanna play some Uno?”

Mona sighed before sitting up and giving her twin sister Lola Nakiri a nod. “Sure, why not?”


“I still don’t get it.” Takayuki frowned. “Why do you need 363 gingerbread hearts again?”

Kazuo turned to him with one wide eye, clearly surprised with the question as if it’s answer was a completely obvious one. “For Mika-chan, of course! I want to surprise her! Everyday!” He turned back to the gingerbread hearts. “That’s also why it’s important and absolutely essential that they all have an individual and well-thought out message….This might take a while….”

Takayuki gave his best friend a long look. Then he looked at the gingerbread hearts. Then at their price. And then at Kazuo again.

He took a step closer and his voice took over a serious tone. “Mimasaka, we need to talk about this..”


“Oh for God’s sake!” Yelled Hideyoshi and threw his controller away. “Hey, hey! You could have break it!” Daisuke immediately screeched while Chieko glared at her dorm member. “You just can’t loose, huh?!”

Hideyoshi crossed his arms and gave Chieko a challenging look. “Marui.” He began before giving a theatrical sigh. “I can take losses. But in this case something is clearly rigged.” He threw a death glare to Yasu, who did nothing but sit neatly on the floor, the controller calmly in his hands. “This. is. inhuman.”

Chieko raised an eyebrow. “I see how well you can take losses.”

Daisuke shrugged. “Ibusaki’s just simply good. Accept it already. Like Marui-chan and me.”

In that moment, Yasu spoke up. “Oh, we’re out of snacks. I guess I’ll ask Satoshi-san for new ones.” He stood up and left the room.

The moment the door closed, Hideyoshi turned his head to Daisuke. “I’ll completely destroy you this round.” Daisuke’s eyes narrowed. “Bring it on, you incredible hothead!” Chieko rolled her eyes before yelling. “Stop arguing, for Heaven’s sake! It’s so goddamn tiring.”

And as Yasu could still hear the bickering when he was at the end of the hallway.