Doe's Random Book of Shit 1 - OC x CC Fluffs

1 year, 7 months ago
1 month, 1 hour ago
5 3359

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Fluffy headcanons, ficlets, and other miscellaneous ideas go here, OC x CC ships only

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Xemliux (Xemnas x Faliux) - Gentle, soft deer lady and broody, angry nobody man

Ansember (Ansem SoD x Amber) - Two crazy ass Heartless taking over the world together

Demirix (Demyx x Sirix) - Dipshit 1 and Dipshit 2 (endearingly) but also two musically inclined beans

Lealandess (Lea x Lelandess) - Stern, Amazonian lady who isn't used to being treated very nicely and a sunshine boi who has to teach her that not everyone will hurt her

Marlori (Marluxia x Lori)- Chaos and chaos

Tufford (Tuffy x Luxord) - None of them have really experienced love so they take it one step at a time

Clyon (Cloud x Cyon) - Two emotional wrecks comfort each other 

Renmako (Reno x Makoto) - Two wild animals- put them in a room together and see how much mischief they get into

Weisza (Weiss the Immaculate x Breeza) - Two loners who were mistreated by the same person slowly coming to understand each other 

Idika (Idia Shroud x Shika) - Two socially awkward bebs who just get each other