Unicorn Sun and Phoenix Claw

11 months, 22 days ago
9 months, 11 days ago
2 2317

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 22 days ago

Mild Violence

The story of how Osyn meets Phoenix Claw

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Osyn entered the town cautiously. Fleurblomst was a small town, located near a large mountain range. It had a fairytale-like look to it, with small, green houses with pink gable roofs. Most of the houses were decorated with flowers. The ceremonial site, which was nearby, was a big tourist attraction.

While the job didn’t sound that difficult on paper; she just had to kill some monster that had driven everyone out of the town, she was still wary.

The job had barley given a description of said monster and it’s abilities. Osyn looked around. Just as expected, there was no one to see. No footsteps, hinting at the monster or other humans. Either the monster didn’t need to eat that regularly, or it was of a flight based species. Both would explain the lack of footsteps. Osyn had a further look around. Some buildings were destroyed while others were completely intact. Something felt off to her. The houses looked too similar, almost as if an illusionist copied them. Osyn picked up a rock and threw it at one of the houses farther away. It hit the wall and fell to the floor. Maybe they had an earthwizard built these houses.

She looked into some of the houses, most of which had it’s doors locked. Osyn opted to pick some of the locks. There was no food in the fridges. If the people really were chased out of the town, shouldn’t there be leftover food? Did the monster eat it without destroying the furniture? She had yet to see any signs of the monster, she couldn’t even hear a faint growling in the distance.

The door shut behind her. Osyn summoned her axe fire fall, a small throwing axe. She listened but there seemed to be no one behind the door. She kicked the door open and found herself opposite of a person. They were a bit taller than Osyn, had medium brown skin, wavy light blue hair and blue eyes. What surprised Osyn more was the fact that they wore a suit. A double-breasted suit ensemble in light purple and black pinstripe print fabric. It included a vest.

„Who are you?“, asked the person. „I was hired to kill a monster here“, Osyn showed them the Paper for the job. „Oh. Good, I wondered when you would show up. Where’s your team?“ „I’m alone.“

The person started to smile, but it didn’t reach their eyes.

„Well, one more mage ought to be enough.“

Before Osyn had time to think about that statement, she blacked out. She woke up, a few seconds later, and found herself on the ground. She tasted sand in her mouth. The world seemed to move around her, turning itself upside down.

„Do your sleepy charm.“

The voice belonged to the person she talked to before, but she could see a new pair of shoes next to the suit shoes. The new shoes were ragged, green shoes.

A few seconds later Osyn found herself knocked out again. She woke up on a stone floor. Her head was still dizzy as she tried to get up.

„Did you also try to hunt a monster?“, a voice asked her.

Osyn blinked a few times, her vision still somewhat blurry. Was she in a cell?

„Y-yeah. Who are you?“, she looked at the other person. Their skin was darker than Osyns, their face was hidden behind a white and blue bunny mask, and their black hair with red tips was the shaped of a cube, which meant it was 4C.

„Doesn’t matter. We need to get out of here.“ „W-Why?“ „They’re gonna sacrifice us in order to awaken some ancient demon.“ „Oh, so the monst-“ „Yes. So what can you do? You’re a mage, right?“ „I’m a requip mage. Are you a mage?“ „I can use Aera magic. Listen, the door is immune to magic as far as I know and I need to get to wherever they took my katana.“ „How long have you been here?“ „A few days.“

Silence filled the room.

„If the door and ours cuffs are immune to magic….I could try picking the lock.“ „Sure. I hope nothing else here is immune to magic.“

Osyn pulled her two hairpins out of her pocket. It was difficult with the anti-magic handcuffs, but she managed. She was surprised that her enemies didn’t try to search her apparently.

„Gimme your hands.“

The other person put their hands forward.

„Hey so, when is the sacrificing supposed to start?“, Osyn asked. „How am I supposed to know that?“

Osyn put one hairpin to push the mechanism that made the cuffs stuck. She soon heard a click, then turned the cuffs. They fell to the floor with an audible clang. Both looked to the door, but no one outside seemed to have heard anything. She handed the hairpin to her cellmate.

„I can’t pick locks. Sorry.“ „I can walk you through it. Picking cuffs is easier than doors.“ „Says the person that already knows how to pick locks.“ „C’mon.“

Osyn held out her hands. Helping someone else picking a lock was harder than she thought, as the process just seemed so natural to her. Finally, her cuffs landed on the floor. She took back the hairpin.

„Wasn’t that difficult, was it?“

The other person didn’t answer.

„You said the door was immune to magic?“ „Yea. My Aera Wing vanished after a few seconds.“ „Hm. So the door is probably casting a spell on the whole cell.“ „If you say so.“ „So that means…I either have to pick the lock, or try brute force.“

Osyn really looked at the door in front of her. It was made out of metal, she guessed Angelic Sublite, as it was a common metal for doors. Then she took in the lock. It too was a standard mechanism.

She pulled out two hairpins. Osyn put the first hairpin into the lock, after bending it into the right shape. She pushed the second hairpin above, carefully. Lucky, the first pin gave way, it was seized to the barrel of the lock.

Curious she pushed the door. It opened. Osyn looked to the stranger and pointed her head towards the now open door. She couldn’t quite read their expression under the mask. It surprised both of them, that they encountered no guards. Whoever was holding them captive, didn’t seem too concerned about the prisoners. Probably thought the anti-magic cuffs and door were enough.

„I think I know where my sword is.“ „How?“ „Theres only so many rooms here and one is locked with five locks.“

They pointed to another metal door down the hall. „Good point. So do you just plan on escaping?“ „No, I plan on beating these assholes.“ „Great, cause I was thinking the same“, Osyn smiled cautiously.

They arrived at the door, Osyn summoned Windsong, a war hammer, and smashed the door in. The room they entered was small and kept only a katana. The other person grabbed it quickly.

„Lets find however put us here“, they said. „You already found them“, said a voice behind the two. It was the person in the purple suit. They weren’t the only one who stood behind them. The person next to them, was quite a bit taller, with brown skin, short, straight, black hair and a quite muscular build. They wore a turquoise short-sleeved shirt with a black, short, lace skirt and a pair of heavy, white boots.

„I hate that you guys escaped. It makes everything, like, so much harder for us. Well, don’t worry Chrow and I will put you away again“, said the person in the purple suit. Neither answered. Osyn summoned her flight armor and both charged at their opponents.