Pond Party Week 2

9 months, 24 days ago
9 months, 19 days ago
7 2690

Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 24 days ago

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Day 1: Teyvim

Teyvim squinted up at the rings overarching Korkua Nith, splitting the sky in half, and wondered if it was something he would have considered beautiful when he was younger.

He definitely did now, he couldn't deny it was stunning, but looking back he wondered if it would have even caught his eye.

Maybe it would have. Maybe he would have been overawed by it, rather than merely impressed.

He wasn't sure anymore. Sometimes it felt who he'd been was a ghost that faded a little more every day.

Apt all things considered.

There was a quiet scuffle from behind him, claws rasping against the flooring.

"Still awake, Eosub?" Eosub was the only one who would be moving around in such as way that his claws would scrape on the ground.

Now that was something he wouldn't have noticed in the past. He was certain of that.

"Not tired," ambling along on all fours like he was an quadruped rather than a biped, Eosub joined Teyvim out on the balcony, sitting back on his haunches "You aren't tired?"

"I am I just-" Teyvim's hand drifted up to scratch absently at his neck.

Eosub canted his head to the side, even sitting the other Valtalvi easily came up to Teyvim's shoulders. Teyvim was sure he'd never met anyone so tall, his memories weren't that bad.



"Zathzi has stuff. He gives it to Huto sometimes."

Teyvim laughed a little, "It wouldn't help. I've tried just about everything I could get my hands on. Nothing helps for the phantom pains."


"S'when you get a wing or an arm or something chopped up and the nerves get all confused thinking there's still something there. And sometimes when you get a replacement stuff doesn't always got connected right, so your brain still thinks its hurting."

"But it's your neck?"

"Yeah. It was... not a typical injury."

"Oh. So no one else has been hurt like that ever?"

Teyvim shrugged his wings, "I don't know about that, but I've never heard of it happening before."
"A lot of bad things happened in the war," Eosub sounded like he was echoing someone else rather than as if he actually felt the words, despite probably being the living embodiment of the sentiment.

"Yeah," was all Teyvim could say, cause there wasn't anything you could really counter that with, was there? No "but at least something good came of it" no "it was worth it". Nothing. Just. A lot of bad things happened. That was all.