Pond Party Week 2

9 months, 24 days ago
9 months, 19 days ago
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Chapter 4
Published 9 months, 20 days ago

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Day 4: Raleigh

"I have never danced," Raleigh expected Cassiopeia to retract her outstretched hand and find another partner. But she did not.

"It's okay," she said, a smile gracing her features, "You're a quick learner right? Come on, we'll start with a basic one, I'm sure you'll get it right away."

"But-" he wanted to protest, wanted to say he didn't want to risk stepping on her feet or otherwise hurting her, but she was tugging insistently on his hand now and attempting to remove her likely would be more injurious. He'd just have to be careful.

Mercifully she didn't pull them right out into the thick of things, just far enough so that they definitively were not on the sidelines.

"Okay so put your hand on my shoulder, yeah just like that, and then I'll tak your other hand and I'll lead for the first couple of times around, then once you've got it we'll switch, okay?"

"I would prefer that you stayed in the lead. You are more experienced."

"Oh it's not that hard, you'll see. Besides, it works better when the leader is the taller one."

*Then why didn't you ask someone of the appropriate height who already knew how to lead?* He wanted to ask but she was already guiding him through the steps.

As she had promised it was a simple dance and he did not need to watch her a second time to be able to take the lead.

"See," she laughed as he took the lead with ease and they continued to dancing, "I told you that it wasn't hard. Isn't it fun?"

Raleigh considered it. Her smile, their synchronized movements, her hand in his, the music. "Yes," he decided, "This is fun."

"Aw," she laughed again, "You're smiling."

"Impossible. I cannot."

"Oh I know your mouth doesn't move, but it's something you do with your eyes. I can just tell."

The song ended and they slowed to a stop, yet Cassiopeia made no move to release his hand.

"Do you want me to teach you another one?" She offered, "I know a couple that are similar to this one but with a little extra flair."

"The music stopped," Raleigh pointed out, but the idea had a sort of an odd appeal to it.

"They're just picking the next song. So, what do you say?"

"...Alright." There was no harm in it, he supposed, after all he had managed to stay safely clear of her toes. "I say teach me another one."