Pond Party Week 2

9 months, 24 days ago
9 months, 19 days ago
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Chapter 6
Published 9 months, 19 days ago

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Day 6 Jake Hill

"Are all humans as...solitude seeking as you are?"

Jake poked at his cooking pot, stirring the broth inside as he considered the Ramadii's question, "Nah," he said eventually, "Sure I think everyone likes a bit of peace n quiet, but most don't care for it as much as I do."

"And there was not enough peace and quiet to be found closer to the Citadel?"

"Well, sure there's the one little planet and colony they've got going, but it's only gonna be a small place for so long you know," He shoved another couple small pieces of wood onto the fire, deciding the broth needed a little while longer to simmer, before settling down next to the large felinoid alien, "Why bother settling down there when I know I'm gonna need to pull up my roots again in five or ten years, y'know?"

"So you intend to spend the rest of your life here on Koruka Nith?"

"If I can get away with it, yeah."

"Ah that's right," Svirtil chuffed out a laugh, "You do not have authorization to be on this planet, do you?"

"Nope. Ain't harming anything though. And you like my soup too much to snitch on me."

"True," she flicked her tail idly, "And in any case you are so very small. If anyone did decided to tell, I doubt that they could find you if you did not want to be found. You walk into the vines and no one will find you in the next hundred years."

"That's the backup plan. How bout you and your hunting partner then, the both of you intending on staying here for the rest of your lives?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not. I suppose though that we will stay here for longer than your life span, so I doubt you'll be much bothered about it."

Jake chuckled, "Well, means I don't have to worry about finding other plans for my Wednesday afternoons. I think you're just about right for a good chat and then I'm happy not to even open my mouth the rest of the time."

Svirtil laughed with him, "I am glad I provide acceptable company, little stranger."