Summerween Event

9 months, 14 days ago
9 months, 9 days ago
8 8425

Chapter 4
Published 9 months, 12 days ago

Prompt fills for the Summerween event. All the characters involved will be tagged in the event - but each part will state who's actually involved and the exact prompt it fills out. Fun note, the parts are written in the order they happen unless stated otherwise or hinted with in the segment. Such as both parts of part 2 happen around the same time & entry 7&8 also happen around roughly the exact same point.

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Author's Notes

Prompt: Part 3- Lookout Station
Characters Involved: Gabriel & Elton
Word Count: 519

Part 3 - Lookout Station

Gabriel bids a quick farewell to Steven, letting him know that he’s gone to go check in with Elton. Sure, they’ve already updated him with what happened with those weremon but it’s still unnerved him.
Weaving through the crowd of pokemon who are already enjoying themselves, he heads towards the security station hoping that the others will have fun while he’s off talking with Elton, as he doesn’t know how long this will last.
“Hi Elton.” He calls out to their guild master.

He’s still dressed in the sheet ghost costume, but now he’s surrounded by other ghosts in costume, despite his insistence not to even Gabriel has dressed up upon Steven’s wishes – even more begrudgingly it’s a couples costume, with him being dressed like Dialga and him Palkia, but this is off topic.
Somehow, Elton smiles at him from under the sheet and offers him a tin of candy,
“If you've got some free-time, why not take watch for half an hour with us? I'll give you some candy to help pay for your services!” He says.
Gabriel pauses to consider it for a second, he should be getting back to the others, but half an hour isn’t that long and he’ll be bringing back some candy which he’s sure will go down well with the others. He was told to collect it.
“Sure, can I assume this,” Gabriel gestures at the little security station, “Is mostly because of the current umm situation.” Gabriel’s not really sure how much the other teams have been told, he’s pretty sure some others also went out that night to see what was going on and had their own encounters but it’s not too sure how much the others and general public knows, so he doesn’t want to step over any boundaries.
Elton nods,
“That among other issues, in the more mundane sense as large events can always bring out the troublemakers too.” Elton explains.

The half hour goes by surprisingly fast, Gabriel’s almost shocked when Elton looks down at his clock and then offers the candy back to him,
“And you’re free to go with your payment.” Elton says, snapping Gabriel back out of his thoughts. They hadn’t been sat in silence but he, Elton and a couple of the other Guild pokemon had been joining in, though he’ll be honest that he’s not really sure who it was that was talking with them. It was nothing important, that’s probably why he didn’t realise that this time had passed.
“Thank you.” Gabriel says taking the candy from Elton, “I’ll see if I can drop by again later if I have some spare time.” He adds.
“The extra help would be appreciated if you can.” Elton adds.

With a final wave goodbye to Elton and the other members of the station, most of whom aren’t dressed up and clearly don’t actually want to be here for this event. Now to find where the others have gone, he’s pretty sure they’ve all agreed to be meet up at some point but working out where they all are while in costume is another question.