Summerween Event

1 year, 16 days ago
1 year, 11 days ago
8 8425

Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 11 days ago

Prompt fills for the Summerween event. All the characters involved will be tagged in the event - but each part will state who's actually involved and the exact prompt it fills out. Fun note, the parts are written in the order they happen unless stated otherwise or hinted with in the segment. Such as both parts of part 2 happen around the same time & entry 7&8 also happen around roughly the exact same point.

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Author's Notes

Prompt: Part3 - Stage
Characters Involved: Kozmotis & Kaylus
Word Count: 1544

Part 3 - Stage

Kozmotis allows Kaylus to drag him along, further into more of the festival, he really couldn’t say no to that child even if he really wanted to. At least he’s not as exhausted as he expected he may have been after having to babysit on of Stan’s children, he’s also more then grateful that it decided to not cause any more chaos.
If he’s honest he’s not sure what would be worse, the embarrassment and exhaustion caused if the Pawniard and decided to get themselves in trouble with all the guild members around. Or, whatever Stan may have done to him after he found out that after being asked to do what should be a simple task, he failed.
Ugh. He shakes his head trying to get the thoughts back out of them considering the fact that nothing went wrong and he was only asked to do it once, any other Pawniard’s getting into trouble none of his business, he only has Kaylus to keep an eye on. Speaking of Kaylus, he looks back down to where the small child should be… She’s not there.
A snarl escapes him before he even has time to think about it, earning him a funny look from a nearby Magmar, like she’s got anything to judge her child’s on a lead. Thinking about it he really should have leashed Kaylus for this, and brought the spare for that Pawniard. Now’s not the time to be thinking about that however, he needs to find the kid before she can get herself hurt and with this big crowd and how tiny she is it seems like something that is more then possible.
This, this is why Ozul is the responsible parent and he’s the so-called weirdo that stalks people. Though, those skills should come in handy when it comes to finding a small child, his best bet, head to whatever the brightest place may be and that should be where Kaylus is.

Kozmotis pales and he feels his gut twist as he spots Kaylus staring up at the main stage, at the other people acting and someone Kozmotis knows at the back of his head is famous. Ozul would smack him and tell him exactly who it is and why he should know them, but he doesn’t but he knows that he doesn’t want Kaylus this close. There’s a sign with talent show plastered on it and he wants to run, at this point Kaylus spots Kozmotis and waves him over with excited little arms.
“Koz, Koz! Karmelo says if we go up and play with him, we can get a candy for our bag!” She says excitedly and he narrows his eyes. He knows that she knows they don’t actually have a bag and that he was just planning on slipping them into Gabriel’s before they leave. She just wants to get up there and knows how to tease him into doing it, as well as making him look bad in front of everyone else.
“I don’t know Kaylus,” He hesitates, really not wanting to get up there in the slightest, as much as he likes attention, not like this
“But Daaaddd!” And that’s the deal sealed.
Kozmotis knows she’s only calling him that to get what she wants, as well as the fact that the others around them are going to see him as her father and that if he ignores this request, he’d be a bad parent. He sighs, though knows that he’s going to get the child back later for this and heads up towards the stage.

Helping Kaylus up first, Kozmotis then climbs up as well, and Karmelo, that’s the name Kaylus said, right? Gives him a candy. There’s a range of instruments and microphones scattered around the stage, he’s not even sure if Kaylus can sing or play anything or if she didn’t think that through past the excitement of being up here in front of everyone. She picks up a small ukulele and plays off a well-done cord, hu there’s more to this child then she gave out, maybe a future present idea from him and Ozul. The problem here is that Kozmotis can’t play any instruments, well he can, except it’s the only thing they don’t seem to have up here and wouldn’t go with his child playing the uke. What he can do, is sing, but that is something that stays between him, Ozul and that vampire, he’s not even sure how it got that out of him; it’s really not something that he wishes to do in front of this large crowd of pokemon either.
He glances out across the crowd and spots Gabriel and his little gaggle of friends at the game stalls, they seem to be really struggling at hook a duck at this point and it nearly makes him laugh. Kaylus gently tugs on his leg,
“Come on, Koz, it’s our go.” She says and he carefully crouches down to speak just to her.
“What’s even our plan here Kaylus, I can’t play any of these instruments and surely we have to go with something cohesive.” He hisses, trying to not let the anxiety he can feel building come out. 

Kaylus pauses, clearly actually thinking this through for the first time since she got the idea and Kozmotis just hopes that no one laughs at him considering the fact he’s doing this with the ‘daughter’ that’s clearly the one who wanted to do this in the first place, then the idea clearly comes to her head.
“What about that song you sing at home sometimes?” she asks and Kozmotis ignores the blood rushing to his cheeks, yeah no it would have taken money on her having never overheard him do this. He’ll only do it when Ozul is out and after he’s sure she’s long asleep.
“Alright sweetie, I assume you’re going to wing your cords alongside it.” He smiles and she nods so he straightens back up, the sooner he gets on with this then the sooner he’s finished and never has to think about it again.
He removes the microphone from it’s holder to make it easier for him to sing into, he tries to not look at the crowd but ends up staring out at them so turns to look back at Kaylus who’s grinning manically. Someone, announces that it’s their turn to start and he takes a deep breath before he begins to sing.
Ignoring the surprised silence that falls across the front of the crowd, as well as Kaylus’ occasionally badly timed cords, she’s trying her hardest but it’s not something she’s ever heard that clearly so it’s hard to work out when and where she can sneak in. This means it’s not the best performance in either of their regards but all he does is focus down and look at the sheer enjoyment on the little girls face. Yeah, he’s defiantly buying her a uke after this, they’re trying to find her hobbies and this is clearly one of them. 

It feels like forever but then they’re done and they head off the stage, Kaylus is buzzing with excitement,
“We were so good!” She bounces before a yawn escapes from her and Kozmotis realises quite how long the day has been for a tiny child.
“I recon it’s time for us to go home now, the festival’s still on for another couple days if you want to come back.” He smiles before carefully picking her up. She goes to protest but then she yawns again and settles into his hold.
Though Kozmotis knows he has one thing left to do, and that’s make sure Gabriel gets these candies.
It's not hard to make sure his path has him walk behind them, and they’re still trying to play hook a duck, he swears he doesn’t know how anyone could struggle with such a simple game so badly. He keeps a little extra distance, know he can’t be as sneaky as normal with a sleeping child in his arm, the candy bag is visible on his side and there’s already a small pile in there so it shouldn’t be too out of place to just add another one in. Eventually, he sees the opportunity, no one’s looking his way so he tries to walk past them as casually as possible before then dropping both the candies they got today into the bag, the one from Stan and Karmelo. He then continues walking on, as if he did nothing and was just a passerby, as far as they’re aware that’s all he is, just some random pokemon who’s also enjoying his time at the festival. They’ve never seen him before, so it shouldn’t make him any more known to them with his other actions.
He is feeling incredibly smug however, as he finishes walking past them and back towards their home, he’s hoping that Ozul’s feeling better, sure he did end up enjoying the time with Kaylus but he doesn’t want his partner to be ill, sure that he’d enjoy the festival if he’s well enough to go before it ends.
What he will have Kaylus promise however, is that she is not to mention his performance to anyone and especially not him.