Summerween Event

9 months, 14 days ago
9 months, 9 days ago
8 8425

Chapter 5
Published 9 months, 12 days ago

Prompt fills for the Summerween event. All the characters involved will be tagged in the event - but each part will state who's actually involved and the exact prompt it fills out. Fun note, the parts are written in the order they happen unless stated otherwise or hinted with in the segment. Such as both parts of part 2 happen around the same time & entry 7&8 also happen around roughly the exact same point.

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Author's Notes

Prompt: Part 3-Kecleon Shop
Characters Involved: Gabriel & Melody
Word Count: 1021

Part 3 - Kecleon Shop

Gabriel pads away from the lookout station and heads down main street deciding that that’s probably the best place to start when it comes to looking for his friends. No doubt they’ve become bored of waiting and started on the festival without him, but he doesn’t mind that much, as long as they don’t do everything fun without him.
However, what he notices as he goes is that the Kecleon Shop seems to still be open, which is very strange, everywhere else is shut because of the festival. Well, a little longer won’t hurt his friends if he’s delayed more, so he heads on in to see what’s going on in here.
As he enters, he can’t help but stare at the cloaked figure behind the counter, he’s not really sure if being dressed as death with your store being open is the best way to do it. Heading up to the counter he greets Melody,
“What are you doing open? Everywhere else is closed for the Summerween festival?” He’s trying to be polite and not upset her but she still sighs and explains her situation and Gabriel can’t help but raise his eyebrows at the pile of cash but he can see the desperation in Melody’s face. It’s also not like he’s really doing anything wrong, he’s going to hope that the money just came out of the tills so he’s putting it back in there, he won’t think about what any of the other worse places it could come from.
So, he agrees.

Counting out the money that Melody slides him, he tries to not think about how much money that actually is and heads over to the shelves, he doesn’t want to take too long considering how desperate Melody seems to be to get out of here. So, his best plan is probably to chose the most expensive things and just leave any left over as a tip which should get them to the amount they need before she can leave.
He’s not spent long in the Kecleon shops, Pack Animal says he’s a hazard with money and likes to be chaotic with what he buys, so he uses this chance to really see what they sell here.
The shelves are almost overwhelming to look at as he tries to work out what everything is and his eyes are drawn towards a fancy looking journal, so he carefully pulls it out of the shelves. Glancing at the price it is very expensive but still doesn’t cover it so he carefully carries that over to the counter before heading back to look for something else. As long as he mostly covers it then they should be all good, there’s only much he can consider a tip so as long as he covers most of it they’re good.
Melody smiles as he places the book down before then staring wistfully back out the window again at the festival that’s going on.

Everything on the shelves is so tempting to him and he nearly picks up so many things but his eyes are finally drawn to a fancy looking cog. He grabs that, it’s pretty and he’s sure that he’ll find some use for it, if not he’ll just casually return it later without taking the refund. Checking the price, it seems to bring him up to just about what Melody gave him so he heads over to the counter with this.
He smiles and Melody cheers up,
“Wow, look at this enough profit I can guilt free close the shop and leave for the festival.” Melody grins, excited to finally be done with the shop and Gabriel can’t help but smile.
“Well I’m glad to be of service, are you sure I can actually take this stuff?” He asks, a little anxious about this as it wasn’t his money after all. He likes the looks of this stuff and he doesn’t think he’d normally willing spend this amount of money on just a couple of items.
“Well yeah, you’ve paid for it.” Melody responds and Gabriel just raises an eyebrow and she shrugs with a grin before sliding the items and some candy over. And then she comes around the counter.
“Well, here’s your items and the candy I promised. If you could kindly leave I’m closing up the store and I’ll just casually go to the festival.” Melody seems so excited and Gabriel’s glad that he could have been of help at the very least, even if he’s a bit worried that this is corporate espionage.
“Well thank you and I’m glad to have been help,” Gabriel slides the candy into his candy bag and his new items into his bag, which he’s now very glad he’s brought with him as well.

The two of them walk out to the front of the store and Gabriel waits as Melody locks the store up,
“You won’t mention this to anyone, right? I don’t want to get into any trouble that this could cause.” He adds while she locks it all, and Melody turns to smile at him.
“Of course I won’t, this stays between us.” Melody smiles, finally having finished locking up the store. “Anyway, I’m off to the festival I assume you are as well?”
Gabriel chuckles,
“Yeah, I was quite some time ago, but I got stopped by with Elton to see if everything was good and I got sort of dragged into helping him out for half an hour. It was fun though, but it does mean I have no idea where they’ve gone.” He laughs softly.
They come to where the main stalls are set up and they pause again,
“Well this is where we part, thanks for helping me out back there Gabriel.” Melody says and Gabriel barely has time to process what she says before her cloak is billowing behind her and she’s disappeared off into the crowd of the festival. Well, he feels like he’s done his good for the day, though knowing him he won’t say no if anyone else asks, but now it’s time to find everyone at the very least.