Meguka plot summary

8 months, 24 days ago

A bullet-point plot summary for the story about these three idiot magical girls. Fairly informal, but it gets the point across.

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Author's Notes

I'm so sorry about the fucked up formatting. Toyhouse hates me.


  • The dark lord arrives at earth. They are impressed with the sheer amount of life but not impressed by the fact that the humans are messing up the earth. How stupid can they be. Oh well if they’re stupid it makes it easier for them to take over and be the world’s rightful overlord. Another day another dark lord slay. I guess.  
  • Because they’re answering the dark lord’s commands, the creatures are no longer stupid. They begin taking over the world, starting with Cecilia's city. Think of this as a really big game of capture the flag.
  • The starry one, who followed the dark lord to earth, grants Cecilia her powers and she starts fighting the dark creatures. They wipe the floor with her and move on to another place.
  • Cecilia thinks and decides she needs to redeem herself. She can teleport during the day (to another location where it's daytime) with the help of her light powers, so she asks her parents for permission to take a gap year and sets off with the starry one at her side to help other magical girls throughout the world. 
  • It...... does not work.
  • The dark creatures are simply too strong, so over the next two years Cecilia is forced to watch as the earth gets taken over bit by bit. Nobody even knows this is happening, since the dark creatures are invisible to civilians and have been ordered by the dark lord not to attack anything until the promised day (when they finally take over). 
  • Cecilia is frustrated by the teams of local magical girls, who never seem to be good enough, and with herself, for not being able to do more.

  • Ginger and Francis, two residents of the city in which the story takes place, are awarded their magical girl powers and introduced to each other by The Starry One. Starry realizes almost immediately that they’ve made a terrible mistake, since the two of them can’t get along for shit and are fighting each other more than they’re fighting the dark creatures. The world is so doomed. 
  • …It would recruit more magical girls, but its powers are dangerously low after the magical power granting world tour it just went on. So it’s stuck with these two. 
  • Cecilia joins their mini team, but she soon grows annoyed as well by the way they seem unable to grasp the true extent of the situation at hand. 
  • The three battle the dark creatures. They’re winning. But their team cohesion is still absolutely miserable. 
  • The Dark Lord stops by one day to taunt them, saying that they can’t believe these three are the world’s last hope. They can keep training if they want—they’ll give them some more time. But it won’t change the outcome or anything. Lmaoooo bye. 
  • One day, the combined stress of having the world’s fate (partially) on her shoulders as well as the fact that she has to deal with these two idiots gets to Cecilia, and she snaps at them, ranting about how if The Dark Lord truly takes over and starts killing their friends and family, it’ll be their fault. 
  • Then she runs. Ginger and Francis realize their mistake and try to go after her, but she’s long gone. 
  • They’re unsure what to do, so they decide to just keep up the fight and hope she’ll come back soon. She does not come back soon.  
  • During this time, The Starry One acts as a go-between between the two groups, since they can sense the presence of all magical girls and know where Cecilia is (she’s holed up in her hotel room, refusing to see anyone and wallowing in guilt). 
  • It tries to convince Cecilia that getting angry wasn't the end of the world and that Ginger and Francis are ready to apologize and reconcile, but she’s having none of it. She believes what it’s saying, she’s just… tired. She’s been through so many different groups of magical girls and seen them all fail eventually, so now it feels like loss this time around is inevitable, no matter what she does. So she might as well save herself the trouble. 
  • Several days later, she decides to go out for some retail therapy. The Starry One drags Ginger and Francis out of class and over to the mall, and they grab her (several people thought they’d witnessed a kidnapping) and apologize. 
  • Cecilia gives The Starry One the stink eye for interfering in her peaceful afternoon like that. It regrets nothing. This was for the good of the world. 
  • Francis talks to her first, since Ginger is sort of trash at admitting her mistakes. Ginger reluctantly (but genuinely) follows after. 
  • Team reconciliation achieved! Things are still a bit weird between them for a while but their communication and trust is better now. 
  • The Dark Lord comes back to say hi and announce that they’re going to make their move in a week. The trio announces that they’re ready for them, and they go “yeah yeah ok”. 
  • After a long week of preparation, the day arrives. The Dark Lord was kind enough to make it on a weekend, so they don’t have anything else to worry about. 
  • Don’t ask me how the final battle goes. If I ever write it out I’ll figure it out in more detail. But they beat the dark creature boss to death. The Dark Lord throws a fit. 
  • And then they laugh, saying it’s fine. They’ll just try again later. After all, they have an infinite number of dark creatures (Dark Creatures spawn from their evil energy or whatever, and their evil energy is boundless) so they’ll just keep going until they get worn down and finally give in. 
  • The Starry One says “nuh uh” and takes back everyone’s magical girl powers. The trio goes “WHAT ARE YOU DOING” and it bids them goodbye, saying it’s going to seal The Dark Lord away, now that it has all its power back.

    • Cecilia moves back home and starts school again. With everyone’s powers gone, including her own, she can’t teleport over to see the other two that way, but it’s alright. She has her own friends at school, the three of them have an insane group chat going, and she comes to visit them over summer break. First class, of course.
    • Ginger and Francis have become (very unlikely) friends. They don’t have acquaintances in common, but if they did they would be shocked as to why the hell those two were talking to each other. They go out together sometimes. Just for fun.  
    • After realizing that they're not getting out of the seal anytime soon, the dark lord decides to temporarily stop being evil so they can peacefully hang out with the starry one. Immortal creature that transcends space and time to immortal creature that transcends space and time communication.