The Iné Logs (tm) for Season 2, Ep. 1

Mild Sexual Content

All logs for Auran, Leslie and Jess for season 2 episode 1, "All's fair in love and g-strings"

The logs with sexual content are marked in author's notes at the beginning

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Author's Notes

After Season 2 kickoff.

October - Room 4 - Jess, Jiemba, Kasper, Auran


Time for Jess to properly meet the Boys



jess fully just walking in and going "oh come on, really"

sirNix 🤺 

“Oh. Hello, you’re new” : D

Actually make that more like


Albo aunty-donna-what-have-you-forgotten.gif

Jiemba like

sirNix 🤺


We’re off to a good start   



jess just stepping back like "fuckin hell-- who the shit are you"

"besides roommates. i know we're roommates. name's jess, this is my first mission, yadda yadda. who're you."

all the boys so happy and jess is just a rude ass fbkabfke


Jiemba's brain: oh no, she's an arse   

Jiemba outwardly: "Oh well, ya hit the ground runnin' did ya? I'm Jiemba! Nice meetin'  you!"


"hey. ... you guys been around SC for long? is it normal to get fancy hotels like this?"

"my friend said you guys had been staying in like... cabins. tents. stuff like that. not that i mind the fancy hotel, at least its probably comfortable"

auran staring from his corner on the floor with all his stuff


Jiemba hmmms "In the beginning, it was all nice hotels...then we were in the woods....oh! There were tour buses too. And tents.""But seems like we're back to hotels now. It just, really depends on where we end up going"

Ine is NOT rping wit herself))


((nope refused cancelled denied))

"huh.... well i guess it would be weird to be in a cabin or a tent here, huh."

"... you guys better not wake me up during the day. you got all night to be noisy when im not here"


Jiemba laughs, "I feel like we'll be far too busy hunting demons to be much of a bother to ya, mate"

"And seeing how some missions can go, YOU might be too exhausted to give shit" 


"........ fair"


Another laugh, "Anyway, tell me about yourself! Where ya from? What brings you here? All that" 

"And by here, I mean SC, not...Italy. I know why you're here "

Jiemba just swerving around the rudeness, he's dealt with enough tourists to know LOL))


"oh. well. what brings me here is getting away from my sire so i can get strong enough to be able to go back home without being constantly under control. freshly turned and all that"

"im from new york-- my friend brought me here. you know leslie? techie, pink everywhere, short dark brown hair with bright pink ends?"


"Oh damn--thats a good a reason as any..." He frowns at that...then brightens, "Oh yeah, Leslie! I know 'em! Damn good at their job and happy they were able to get you over here"

"You? Adjusting alright?"


"yeah!!! my dad taught us the mechanics stuff we know" proudly beaming with hands on her hips

"im... eehhh" so-so gesture with hand "still learning how to vampire. miss my family. oh well."

sirNix 🤺 

Kasper zoned out for a moment to get back to folding his clothes and putting his suitcase away but was trying to listen in on the conversation as it went on. Good on Jiemba to curve the rudeness away though. After a bit of listening, he finally speaks in. “I’d like to assume you’ve met the other vampire with us too, am I correct? I hope she’s been giving you good advice if you have. Being new and all to this I mean.”


"Oh yeah, Lethe? I've met her. She's cool. Old as balls though. Guess that just comes with the immortality, huh?" finally puts her bags down next to one of the beds and sits down xdjhgkdfgf

"So? What d'you all do here, huh?"

sirNix 🤺 

“Depends on the team I feel, but to sum it up, we might as well call ourselves the occult police.” He shrugged a moment with a chuckle before going into detail. “Physical labor, investigating, hacking, community service, etcetera, aaaaand maybe there’s a fight or two that happens here and there.”


Blinks. "I was asking about your classes, my guy. Your role in the company."

"... I realize I haven't introduced myself. I'm Jessica." 

sirNix 🤺 

He blinked a moment. “Oh. Apologies. I should have clarified what you meant.” Kasper nodded at the greeting. “I am Kasper. I’m an elemental energy psychic. Pleased to meet you, Jessica.”


"You got my name already  but I'm a ranger! And I specialize n' throwin shit so well, it comes back for more" He then points to his boyfriend on the ground, "This is My boyfriend, Auran! Spirit comms psychic"


Auran waves from his corner with a lil "heya!"

sirNix 🤺 

((Im just imagining Auran face planted on the floor and lifting his hand to greet lmao )) 


"Oh cool! -- Wait holy shit you're the first human I've met since arriving here. I KNEW there were more. Why are there so few around, jeez."

"I think I'm a rogue but I'mma be real I didn't read the papers so I'm not sure"

sirNix 🤺 

Kasper’s expression blanked a moment. “Well, we are in an organization that protects the occult, and the occult themselves would know best what needs to be protected. At least that’s a way to look at things.”


"... That makes sense. I'm just constantly weirded out that there aren't more humans around but maybe that's just 'cus it's what I was used to seeing all the time"

"You'd hope humans care-- or at least, like. Have you SEEN the benefits we get?? Like damn."

Auran just scrunching his nose at her like "are you only here for the benefits..."


"Ah well, to be fair, you haven't been around that long! Promise there are more humans running around than ya think!" He hums thoughtfully, "I was raised around occult, so...lack of humans isn't really something that crosses my mind, to be honest!"

"And while the benefits are great, I'm mainly here to help where I can. Make the world a better place for everyone an' all that"

sirNix 🤺

“They are good benefits I admit, so much that— and I admit this may be a bit of a controversial take— I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to want to start out with just the benefits as a big motivator to join. It doesn’t mean the want to be active and help can’t come into mind later as well after all, especially once you’ve seen what’s out there and the trouble the occult face on a daily basis.”


"Oh, yeah! Agreed! Plenty of other folks have done the same! Hell! There was one who joined who didn't even know occult was a thing" Jiemba scratches his cheek, "Not sure how you could be THAT sheltered but--" He shrugs, "The job sure has a great way of gettin' you exposed to shit you otherwise wouldnt'"


".... Huh... fair." Squints at Jiemba "... Who the hell-- not knowing occult exist is like thinking the world is nothing but white people. Who the fuck." dont tell her thats one of leslies best friends


"I'm not gonna tell" Jiemba pulling that air of secrecy, "They're no longer ignorant, and thats what matters" Giving a definitive nod, he gets back to unpacking, "You lot down to get dinner later, or??"

sirNix 🤺

“…yes, that would be nice. Though… I hope it’s not rude to ask, but does human food still work the same for you as a vampire?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lethe join us during food outings the more I think about it.”


She's about to firmly agree before Kasper's question freezes her in place. "I. I haven't tried. I don't know."

Auran raises a hand "Oo oo I'm down for dinner"