The Elevator Game

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👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

DISCLAIMER: This RP is intended to be scary and somewhat immersive. The following topics will be touched on: 
- liminal spaces 
- dimensional shift 
- horror beings/creatures/people 
- sounds used for scares 
- the unknown 
- glitching 
And other topics I may forget to mention or cannot think of. Please be cautious if you're easily influenced by sound or horror writing. It's fine to leave the RP at anytime if you are overwhelmed. 
This experience WILL somewhat use sound for immersion, so it is suggested that you have the soundboard sounds turned on and volume up to hear them. They are not mandatory for you to participate, but it will make this more fun.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

While  in Italy, everyone received a request from an apparent "anomaly  scientist" operating in the area via shoddily scribbled notes slid under  their room doors. It enlisted your help and gave you an address and  time, which lead you to a sort of nice office building during its  non-operating hours. The note also said you can wear costumes if you  want, cause Halloween. 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty  finds this whole situation mildly sketchy but hey if there's something  weird, whatever the source it's probably still a good idea for them to  check it out before it hurts someone, right??

Thistle is along because  this was a very vague request and that alone is enough to make her  curious.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi  stretches casually as he approaches the office building, mostly out of  idle curiosity. No costume, unfortunately, but if asked he'll excuse it  as ''I'm dressed as a siren'', which definitely counts as a halloween  monster. Trust him. 

Esme is not here, because this sounds like a scam. 

Bones also missed the memo, because 'room doors' are for scrubs.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex  is here! Feels rough they have to work on a holiday like this, or at  least this close to one, but he's just excited to get to wear the super  cute white rabbit costume Bab's made him! Hopefully it doesnt get messed  up

Frank was also shoved into a Mad Hatter costume by his bubbly  dormmate, but he kept his mask on. Doesn't wanna get mistaken for the  potential horrors this ominous building has.

Cami's confused why  they all just decided to follow a strangers mystery note when they're  meant to be finding a demon and stopping the world from ending, but he  gets to dress hot so its whatever.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera  thinks this is all probably just a very elaborate set-up for a  halloween party event, and put on her angel costume before heading out.

Jarno  is more suspicious about it. At least they are going as a group, so  whatever it is, there's going to be a lot of people to deal with it.  He's wearing his Snufkin costume (don't ask if he's a witch, please)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Syd  wanted to spend the end of October spoops to drinking and eating  comedically themed sweets, but the curiosity got the best of him. He was dressed up as a cat though. Sporting the black clothes he normally keeps for raves and grossly low quality ears. Meow.

Ryder  seemed nervous when this outfit was meant to be used .. whenever she  was able to go to her first con. But. The cape allowed emotional support  and she was thankful for that upon approaching the building.

Babs  is doing little bounces in her pretty Alice skirt and was very  enthusiastically ooo and awing at the different outfits, including how  well their little group project turned out. Maybe she’ll be able to  really feel the character by falling into a hole too. Woo!

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

After  making sure this is something that everybody's going for, Spare's come  over expecting a Halloween party! He still has that outfit from that  backup dancer "mission" in Vegas and this is a fantastic excuse to walk  around in a sparkly white spandex outfit showing midrift with  accompanying long ass cape. If anybody asks he's dressed as someone from  an obscure mobile game that does not actually exist he made it up.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani read costumes and ran with it okay, even if this is technically a mission! She's been undercover  anyway so what's the difference between that and a halloween costume?  She walked along looking like death herself... wearing a mariachi suit  with skull and marigold designs, skeletal makeup, and topped with a  sombrero adorned with marigolds snd candles. Needless to say, she's  happy

Ivy walks along wearing one of her flowy-er dresses. She doesn't really do Halloween, but she did want to dress nicely. She even let her hair down, letting her curly locks flow along behind her.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Hey,  Ash has been dying to wear their cosplay since it finished, and so they  practically jumped at the opportunity to wear it earlier! Bouncing  around at the destination in question, they just kept swishing the long  sleeves of their wei wuxian cosplay around, waiting around for the rest  of their group. Does it sound fishy? Yeah! But meh!!!

Lethe is not really dressed up. She has a cute tophat on and that's it. But she's wondering about that note, and so, she's here.

Iseul  actually has some self preservation skills and values his life enough  to not follow weird stalker-ish-y letters and is taking a rest day while  everyone else goes to see what's up with the letter. Have fun guys!  Wisty and Lana, come back safe!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi is here, tired, but here in a budget rate shadow the hedgehog costume.

Romeo did not want to come to this until Wisty decided to go so now he's here because he doesn't trust this.

Mirror thinks this is stupid and is staying at the hotel.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Cat  takes one look at this note and quietly thinks this is just someone’s  idea of a party invite…mm no harm in checking it out right? She was  already excited to wear her new vampy Hex Girls inspired outfit so why  not show it off

Lana’s unsure what’s going on but hey it’s not involving the bar so she’ll check it out!

Jack is tagging along, excited to finally have something to do! Catch him proudly sporting his Cheshire wolf Cat costume courtesy of Babs

Ash | David 🌻 

David  decides to go, thinking this is an elaborate Haloween party.  He goes  wearing all yellow and orange, with a yellow headband with messily  painted cardboard spikes.  he's trying to go as the sun, it's sort of working but kinda not really

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo  is simultaneously confused at the sketchy summons, but also, he’ll take  the excuse to get away from the bar for a bit, so he’s going. Besides,  he’s always wanted to dress up for Halloween before. Monty time

Andy  isn’t sure what’s going on but his curiosity drives him to join! Though  he’s more worried about fussing over his Wirt cosplay. This hat keeps  falling over!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Anomaly  scientist??? And they can wear costumes??? Sweet!! Auran is somewhat  excited to get on a mission, even if his gut feeling is telling him to  run the other way. He's dressed as a timebreaker character from a well  known animated movie

After Jess talked them into watching this popular series and cosplay as one of the characters has someone been watching them?? Leslie decides that... well. They might as well go to whatever this is. It looks like a party, and parties are fun!

Jess is very excited about finding out what this is >: ) She totally didn't steal a dress from Lethe--

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

(It's okay Jess, Lethe probably willingly gave it to you-)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Interestingly,  the front door is unlocked to this office building. Once inside, its. A  fairly standard office area: a big empty reception area with a desk and  then elevators off to the side. Next to the elevators stands the...  scientist? 

They look over and smile, waving. "Agents! Hello!" 

They're  dressed how you'd imagine a scientist from the most stereotypical  clippart possible: A large set of glasses that are so thick you can't  see their eyes behind them, a white thing doctor's coat that has a  'spirit of halloween' tag hanging off the back, a clipboard that looks  like they took it from the reception desk... with the addition of a  bucket hat pulled way over their head. Peaking out from the bottom of  the coat is a tail with a jewel on the edge that they keep behind their  feet.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Hello!!!" Ash responds cheerfully with a wave! "Were you the one who sent the letters!!"

Lethe tilts her head curiously at the newcomer, her eyes narrowing a bit in distrust.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is look around, feeling a lil creeped out now and sticking to his friends like glue- 

Frank yawns.

Cami's staring dead at the jewel on the tail. Sus.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Are you... is your halloween costume a scientist? While already being a scientist?" head tilts

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera is happy to see the "scientist" is clearly just playing the part. "Buonasera!" She waves her hand enthusiastically grinning.

Jarno is so sus. Squint.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi gives the scientist a look over "What the hell are you?"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena  is a little suspicious considering.. where they are and what they've  been doing lately but, wanting to investigate, arrives at the address.  She's somewhat surprised yet pleased to see she wasn't the only one from  SC who received the notification. Dressed like Yor Forger for a little  bit of Halloween fun, she steps up close to Wisty and waves "So... I'm  not crazy to think this is sus right?"

Ysa wasn't too  sure if she should be going.. but hearing that Ash was, she tagged  along. She's dressed as Lan Wangji to match with Ash, although she feels  like her personality doesn't fit the character well..  She looks at the  scientist and loops her arm around Ash's in hesitation.. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy’s confused but happy to be here.

Hugo’s suspicion grows.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“Pretty empty around here huh? Sus mate.” Syd was staring at the scientist. That’s a weird little lad if he’s ever seen one.

Seeing them wearing glasses Ryder remembers to clean her own.

Babs is squished between Alex and Jack. Neat!

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Ducky is dressed up in a pretty much store bought SF branded Halloween costume of Puck!

Arjuna  went all out and is wearing a pretty nicely put together Miles Morales  Spider-man suit and accessories. He's pretty proud of it.

Matching  with Athena, Kasper went ahead and dressed up as Loid Forger. He's... a  little confused as to what any of this is about. He finds this  scientist pretty suspicious.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani is holding back a giggle at how stereotypical the scientist dressed. It was almost cute, but obviously sus.

Ivy is just following alooong

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty  leans in towards Athena from next to Romeo. "Yeah no this is suspicious  as hell and that's why I figured we needed to go. Even if its a really  obvious trap, we're probably better able to handle it than regular  civilians, right?"

Thistle is just staring unblinkingly at the scientist.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Yea yea bono sierra to y'all too" they put their hands to their hips. "Yeah I sent the letters. Good job gettin' here."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle stares at the scientist a little more intently.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Cat makes her way over to Syd & Leslie “hey guys,  nice costumes!” 

Lana hangs back. Yeah this looks very sus. 

Jack  senses someone hanging onto him and finds Babs & Alex squished  together “oh hey!! I like your costume— check it out we all match!” Big  toofy grin

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Didn't answer my question. Sussy." Sushi comments.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"I don't really have to now do I"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"That's not how you say it!" Nera huffs.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy nudges the paper hat back onto hit hat before it has a chance to fall and gives the scientist a thumbs up.

Hugo crosses his arms. “So, what’d you need us for?”

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"Okay.  Even more sus.." Athena whispers enough for Wisty, Romeo, and Kasper to  hear... She looks at the 'scientist' and observes them, trying to pick  up their vibe... (Perc: 22)

Ysa makes a slight grimace that accent was horrid but there's probably more things to be worried about...

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran blinks. Hm. Yeah the bad gut feeling is coming back. "So... huh, what did you need us for, again? A mission for us?"

Leslie is observing the location. (perception 18)

Jess is staring into this creature's soul.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty is eyeing the sketchy mans lightly. (perception 24)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex sparkles "Yeah!! All our outfits are so cute!~" Gently happy nudges Babs like Good Job :D

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash carefully tugs Ysa a little closer, protectively-

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Syd  looks Leslie over and does a little pat on Caitlyn’s side as greeting.  “…what are you again?” When is someone gonna explain SF to him. 

Babs  did happy little claps at the compliments. “I hope this is a party, a  party mission. The building is pretty .. bland for that though.” 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"I  need you guys to check out this weird thing I found! An anomoly if you  will. Something that started in South Korea, but apparently can happen  anywheres." Observing the person, you note there's a short green bob of  hair sticking out from under the bucket hat. Their skin also sits at a  greenish tint. From under their coat, you can see hint of a black  turtleneck, and black capri pants as well as green flats. The gem at  their tail at times has bits of magicky floaters plop about from the  main gem. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

“What’s the anomaly?” Andy asks, not paying mind to their appearance, thinking it’s just a very unique costume.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"A  party?" Alex looks confused at Babs, then at the strange lil creature  thing leading them. He keeps watching the magical tail floaters as they  appear

Franks getting an odd vibe here, but also intrigued.

Camis feeling like he should've stayed home. This place reeks of debt and desperation and they're following a weird gremlin.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty's  eyes narrow a little, but doesn't really see a way to bring up 'hey  this guy is some magic creature i've never seen before' in a way that's  not super obvious, and besides it's a bit late for them all to turn  around and leave anyway.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"So  there's this thing called the Elevator Game that people have been doin'  to go into a different dimension" they motion to the Elevators "So I  want ya to do that and tell me what happens!"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Ryder let out a tiny groan. ”dimensions?” He’s heard of this. He’d like to leave

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Wait, the what-??" Alex has also been on this side of the internet, and is suddenly terrified. Its probably not the same thing though

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Sounds  like a fun game to try to Nera. She doesn't really believe in any of  that but it's gonna be a little spooky if they think they will!

Jarno nopes out.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  perked up a bit at mention of the Elevator Game."oooh I know that  game..!" she's grinned. "did you want us to just test it out and see if  it works or something? thats uhm... interesting if thats the case"  laughs it off

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Cat studies Leslie’s outfit for a minute “…I feel like I’ve seen it before but hmm. Looks good thought!”

Jack  ruffles Babs hair “Yeah you did so good!” Tilts his head his sorta  listening to the scientist “…dimensions? Didn’t some people just get  back from hopping around like that—“

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Frank looks like hes gonna fall asleep. Its past his nap time. They've been working a lot.

Cami's already leaving. Hes not doing that.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena  raises a brow in skepticism, looking back at Kasper, hoping he shared  the same suspicions as she did. Once they got more information she  squints. "That sounds very Jigsaw-like and I don't know how I feel about that.. are we doing this or..." she mutters to Kasper in Mandarin.

Ysa clings a little closer to Ash. She's not inherently scared but this does make her worried about what they'll be doing... "this.. probably isn't safe.." she looks at Ash, worried

Ash | David 🌻 

David  looks a little nervous at the mention of dimensions, thinking back to  Ryder and Esme coming back from the portal from Hell, and takes Auran's  hand.  "Mmmm kay maybe we stay close?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy gasps. “We could travel to another dimension?!” He’s in!!

“…I’m gonna have to pass on this one.” He’s been on the internet. Hugo knows this whole thing is bad news.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi is practically staring into the void with the most deadpan tired expression.

Romeo squints. "So we're not doing this, right?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash tilts their head curiously. Dimension, Elevator Game..... Hm.

Lethe squints at the scientist. That sounded.... suspicious, at best.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty leans towards Romeo. "...Nope. That's sketchy as hell."

Thistle gets the sense this might be bad news but is also. curious despite herself.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Uh...  have you... figured out what kind of dimensions?" Spare is losing  confidence this is a party thing when he's still reeling from the  whole 'hell and maybe other dimensions are real' thing. But everybody  being in costume is a good reminder he's here for a fun time! Right?  Right. Just a party thing.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Sounds fake." Sushi comments, deadpan.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"No  clue! S'why I need ya to do the game" the point at the elevator "But  its like, normal elevator, so I don't think all y'all will fit"

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Kasper  squinted and made a face at the "professor" as they described the  elevator and what it could do. He hummed at Athena's question. "Hmmn...  it depends on if we can trust everyone to be alright without us doing  this. You especially. There can never be enough healers among us." He replied to her in Mandarin.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"So...  you want us to go like onesie twosie at a time... to test something you  can maybe test yourself?" Mia has a smirk on, almost like a 'i cant  believe this guy' type smile.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Wait--  you want us to just go test dimension hopping????" Auran squints at the  creature. He blinks when David takes his hand, giving him a little  reassuring nod. "Yeah, stay close to me." 

"--Oh!! Thanks! Yeah,  it's from a popular show--" Leslie started, still thinking about the  mention of South Korea, before getting interrupted by Jess. 

"ONE OF THE CHARACTERS IS--" And she gets a Leslie hand pushing her face away. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Yeah Hugo’s not getting in that elevator.

Andy is practically hopping in place. He wants to get in the elevator! He wants to travel dimensions!! Pleeease please please!!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"I  think about 14-15 of y'all can fit in there actually! Its kinda big"  they nod "And yeah! How else are we gonna test if the game is real?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Maybe not using real people as guinea pigs??" Auran is deadpanning.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Ryder is shrinking towards the back of the group.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex shrinks "Thats a lot... don't these have weight limits..."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"...Sure, why not. Dibs." Sushi is already walking towards the elevator.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Well I can do it. I gotta record the data! See, gots me a clipboard and everything"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Athena  pauses a bit to contemplate. "I don't want anyone risking getting hurt.  I can handle myself well enough.. I don't see Esme, nor do I think  Wisty is coming along although I could be wrong about that.. either  way.. I think I'm going in... and I'll be more comfortable if you're  with me." 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"I'm sure one of us can hold that for you while you go on." Mialani shakes her head.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera shoots her hand up."Oh me! Me, me me me meme!" She wanna know what happens!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi grumbles and follows Sushi. "Guess if I'm dying..."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie is judging Sushi and Natsumi for just walking in. Their techie brain is cringing at the idea of 15 people in an elevator.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle walks over and stops by the creature, staring at them for an uncomfortably long moment without a word before continuing.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

“Hey  uh.. Y’all be careful, please.” Hugo says to the people getting in the  elevator while Andy practically runs in. “We’ll be fine!” Andy chirps  back, too hyped to really think about this rationally.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Okay, that was fuckin' weird but ok. Yeah whoever wants to go first hop in the 'vator please!"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare  is happy(?) to go along with what's probably a Halloween prank. But  first he is curious about something... greenish skin... pointy ears...  swishy tail... are they... raises hand "Are you southern?" 

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Caitlyn can’t help a chuckle at Leslie & Jess, subtly tugging on Syd’s arm “Hmm yeah ok maybe let’s not go on the weird elevator because a stranger told us.” 

Jack looks down to Alex “You comin’?? Sounds like it could be fun!”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle is staring at the creature from the elevator now.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe, who is honestly far less concerned about her own life, siiiiighs and starts walking to the elevator. 

Ash turns to Ysa to try to reassure her that things will be okay. They're a bit too focused on that though and the elevator's going to close before they think to walk into it.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo stares at Spare.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Kasper  pauses before sighing in defeat. "And I can't handle the thought of  something happening to you either while I'm not around. Of course I'll  come with you."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 


👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"you can stop that, void thing." 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is very confused on his idea of fun- "O-Oh-!... Of course-...! Lets go!" Hes following Jack while lightly trembling and trying not to think about it

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo blinks.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

She blinks.  "Stop what?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Staring at me." 

Ash | David 🌻 

David heads to the elevator, still holding Auran's hand, and tries to find a corner of the elevator to stick to. 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera goes into the elevator."Ooh I'm so excited!"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"...Is it the costume??" tugs at he coat 

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Ducky disapproved that

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Oh. I can." She doesn't. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe quietly supports Thistle.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo looks away.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena smiles in relief and nods her head. "Right, let's get going before it gets... too crowded at least." she heads into the elevator, taking Kasper with her as she holds his hand.

Ysa,  meanwhile is holding Ash's hand "I d-don't know how comfortable I am  doing th-this.. everything just feels s-so suspicious and my instincts  a-are saying no.."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"...mmk"  they sigh and reach into their pocket "BEfore i forget! gotta tell you  want to do so here's a talky box thing" and then hand a walkie talkie to  Natsumi 

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

As  Ryder is shuffling back Syd whistles innocently, putting a hand on her  shoulder and pushing her towards the elevator. “What an enthusiastic  volunteer! Thanks buddy.”  Ryder squeaks and falls into the elevator.  She feels too awkward to back on now. Is two steps away from passing  out.  Syd then turns back to Leslie and Caitlyn. “Oh yeah I’m fine with  that. Fuck elevators.”

Babs gives Jack and Alex a quick aggressive  group hug. “Have fun! I,,, I’m a little scared of being squished with  all the people wanting to go on. Be safe! If you see a ghost tell me.”  She trots to Frank.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  sighs. People are going in and she feels like if they're gonna be  ported to another dimension, it's better if they went together. She  heads in with the others and gives a smile and wave to those not going  as if to say 'be right back!'

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Oooooh, retro." Sushi peers at the talky box thing over Natsumi's shoulder.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks at it "Talky box??"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash looks to Ysa and smiles gently. "It's okay, I understand that, you don't have to go if you don't feel like it-" 

Lethe stares curiously at the electronic box that's been handed to Natsumi.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Can't we just use our watches? What's special about these?" 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo looks at Mialani concerned. “Please be careful.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Your watches won't work in the other dimension. That thing should" they nod 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Don't do it" Leslie whispers in Alex's direction.

Auran  sighs as he gets pulled into the elevator. He looks over the whole  group to see who all is there and plan an escape route in his head. "...  Natsumi, keep your eyes peeled."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Like a phone!" Sushi nods helpfully.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank instinctively pats Babs head as she joins him

Alex  hugs her then give her a lil wave. And watches Ryder getting shoved in,  slightly concerned, and hurries ahead of Jack to help them. "Ryder! You  okay-?" Oh wait hes in the elevator. Leslie you should've whispered faster-

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Have  fun with your friend!” Waves to his sister and practically runs towards  the elevator with Alex “It’s like a haunted house! You can hold on if  you get scared-“

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"My eyes peeled? Why?" Natsumi looks back at Auran. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"... I don't trust this."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani smiles and nods."I'll be fiiiine, I'll be back. Promise."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"No shit scooby doo, but seeing won't do a whole lot" they sigh

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare wonders what the hell are in these things. "...Okay, walkie-talki- I mean talky boxes it is." Elevator walk time.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Kasper holds unto Athena's hand as they enter the elevator

Obviously my other kids are staying back lol

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran gives Natsumi a :/ face. 

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"as if this wasn't horror movie-esque enough.. we end up with a walkie talkie as our only mode of communication.

Ysa  nods, grateful that Ash is being supportive of all this. "B-besides.. I  don't think F-Fable would appreciate if anything happened t-to your  c-costume." she laughs lightly

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex's face gets red. "Oh- Thanks!" He can't decide if he regrets this decision or not

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

“Fine!  Fine. I tripped.” Honey who has been sitting on his shoulder shakes his  head in disappointment. Atleast seeing Auran and Alex made him feel a  little better. “..,dear Heimdall I hope this just ends up a normal  elevator.” With the frizz? No way!

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Lucy  gives the spirit comms in the elevator a reassuring nuzzle (carefully  with Natsumi). Where Hugo goes, she goes, but she can’t follow because  he’s staying here..

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani's heart is full now, thank you Lucy

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Oh, no, Fable would murder me if I ruined the costume they worked on for months for me. Although  where's-" They see where their friends are. Okay, Wisty's there, and....  Alex? Athena? Kasper?

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Once  everyone has entered the elevator, the scientist stands infront of the  door. "Alright! I'll talk to you through the talkie and give you  instructions. Make sure you follow 'em if you don't wanna die or  something. Bye!" and the doors shut After a pause, the walkie talkie  clicks on in static spurts. 

Check check you hear me?

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran grimaces at the phrasing. "... We can."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy looks confused. “Wait what’s that about dying?”

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

“Die? D- d. A. ah

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕

Kasper deadpans.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack snorts “weelll that’s not ominous or anything-“

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi is also deadpanning

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash maybe panicked when that elevator door shut with their friends inside-

 Lethe siiiiiiighs. She casually reaches behind her for her sword.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is taking Jack up on that offer and clinging like a spooked child when that door closes. The weIGHT limITS-

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"follow instructions, don't die. Simple enough..."

The elevator doors shut and Ysa looks around. "Uh o-oh.. I think.. they're in the elevator.. Athena and Kasper, I m-mean.." 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani laughs quickly/nervously after hearing die. Yayy...

Ash | David 🌻 

David slowly closes his eyes.  "wow that's...sure a way to send us off..."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Great! So first instruction: Press the 4th floor button. When you reach the 4th floor, don't leave the elevator.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"So... leaving the elevator kills you?" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

It could

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy looks around. “..Does anyone wanna be the designated button pusher? Or can I-“ he points at the elevator

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Damn, hope nobody works on the fourth floor." Sushi deadpans.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare presses the damn 4th floor button. Reaches over a couple people to do it.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Babs  is having a very solid conversation with Frank about how work life  would benefit from a few more unicorns. Probably. Or maybe what happens  if the elevator people die. 

Ryder is clutching the elevator rail  watching Alex squish into Jack and feeling envious. “You can push the  buttons! Having only one person focusing could— Be good too- o. …oh. Oh  okay. This is fine.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The  elevator chunks to life, as everyone feels their center of gravity  lurch. There's a pause of elevator music, before the doors open to the  4th floor.  It opens to a hallway, lined with cubicles to the right  which all stand empty. To the left is the windows outlooking the street.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack jumps at suddenly being grabbed and puts an arm around Alex “we just gotta follow the instructions! It’ll be ok!”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle is tucked in a corner next to Lethe. Hope she doesn't clip through the floor!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Alright. Next step?" Mia says before anyone even thinks of stepping out.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe blinks blankly at the elevator opening, moving away from the entrance and closer to Thistle.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy nods Ryder’s way and was ready to push a button before someone beat him to it. Looks like Spare’s the button pusher!

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena staggers just a little bit at the sudden movement of the elevator.. okay this isn't up to code at all..

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

“So, what is the elevator game?” Andy asks aloud.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

A game about an elevator, duh!
So nothing interesting on that floor?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi is really tempted to hop out on each floor, just to mess with everyone. Fortunately he's not close enough to the door.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

“Nope, just an empty floor!”

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank is listening so intently (hes falling asleep, not cause of her hes just tired) 

Alex  laughs awkwardly while becoming a mini heating source. "R-Right! I  mean.. We don't have to get out- so not like anything can happen,  right?" Alex then looks at Ryder and motions them over closer.  Friendship protection!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Hmm okay. Next, press the 2nd floor button. Don't get off, again, unless you want trouble.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy’s getting more and more confused. This is a weird game.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"This is gonna make us sea sick" Sushi comments.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Clearly,  what we're doing." Auran's tone seems to be... more serious than  normal. "Hallway, cubicles on the right and windows on the left." He  eyes the buttons to see who's gonna push the next one.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack looks over to Ryder and back to Alex “friend of yours?” He extends his free arm for support, more friends!!

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe squints at the talking box.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"Uh... Andy? Did you want to push buttons?" gestures at buttons

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera  resists the urge to flap up to see what's going on in the floors  they're looking at. She would probably hit her head on the elevator  light

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

“Can I?” Andy asks Spare.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi grumbles "push the fucking button.."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran slams the button.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy flinches and shrinks in on himself. “S-Sorry-“

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is receiving the second hand feeling of rejection from Andy. If there were morale mechanics in this system, he'd lose -1.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Once  again the elevator lurches to life, rumbling and jumbling. Everyone  feels a float to their stance, as it moves down somewhat quickly. Then  the doors open, to a hallway with a few doors lining the right side, and  again windows to the left.  There's a cold air seeping into the  elevator from assumingly the AC system that can be heard.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran shivers. Brr. This feels so off.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"Yeah!  Have you guys met-?" Alex looks between Ryder and Jack. He's trying not  to focus on the elevator- Blinks. "Wow, they have AC running here-?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy shivers and goes to rub his arms. Being cold sucks.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle just actually floats up off the floor for a sec when the elvator goes down. She still does not weigh anything.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera  always liked elevators, because you can feel the same lurch in the  stomach as you do flying, but with no effort on your own at all!

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

When  overhearing the elevator game question Ryder tries to muster up some  courage. “The elevator game.. It’s- if I recall right it’s about someone  who was initially caught on an elevator security tape going frantically  through different floor combinations before disappearing completely  upon exiting. Th- there’s a few other instances of something similar  done at hotels— accessing a secret 14th flood in a high rise or of the  sorts. Um. It says,, that. That.” Ryder sinks down a little. “Upon  exiting it’s said you step in a different but parallel space. And. You  can’t do certain things or else your stuck. I could be wrong the lore of some of these things have unclear acco unTS.”  Squeaks at it moving again before staring at the door. “Like step out  during the process. Or. Other. Issues—“ slowly pans to Jack when asked  about friendship. “Hi.” Waves.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Ominous..."  Mialani glances out and kind of has a smile on. She doesn't shiver like  the others though since well... she's kind of used to that 'chill up  your back' feeling. Sort of her thing.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe  stays perfectly still. Maybe starting to reach for a small book she  brought with her. Maybe also starting to keep an eye on Thistle while  also listening to the Elevator Game explanation. Her frown deepens.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare regrets having his midriff exposed. Stomach cold.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Anything happening?

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

“O-  Oh.” Andy looks at Ryder, now understanding why others were weirdly  hesitant about this. “W-We just need to stay in here then, right?”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Just loud air conditioning."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"It's still just an elevator." 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Ooohhh... Auran hates that description. "... Does it say anything about being able to exit at the end?" 

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Oh  yeah guess they do— wait. Do all your friends have pink hair?? Did I  miss a tiny pink army?” Yup those 2 braincells are working hard today  boys

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Okay cool...
And there's nothing behind you?

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“I think. I think we have to get out at a certain point. I just. Um. I don’t. I didn’t memorize this I didn’t realize I had to research-“

Ash | David 🌻 

David frowns and slowly turns, eyes narrowed

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy whips around to look behind him.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

He  also doesn't like hearing the explanation from Ryder. "But, uh... it's  not a real thing, right? This is just a game?" Spare hears the professor  and. turns around.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe, who is practically in a corner, turns sharply.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Well I’m not fucking looking—“

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Ryder didn’t look. No thank u

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran freezes and turns very slowly.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi isn't turning, just staring at the hallway infront of them. Why do the doors stay open so long?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I'm back to a wall." Sushi isn't turnin'

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle  looks at Ryder. "All we can do right now is follow the instructions.  Yes?" She has her back against the wall already she can't see behind her  so doesn't bother to look. 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani doesn't look! Because she knows that if there is, you shouldnt acknowledge it! Scary movie rules!

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"N-Not all of them!" He laughs, then hears the radio. He is not turning around. Hes staring hard into Jack so he can focus on not moving. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

There's nothing behind you.

Ash | David 🌻 

David rolls his eyes and faces forward again

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe raises an eyebrow. "There's nothing behind us, no." 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran continues staring.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera whips around to just see the people and the elevator wall.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Laaame. Okay, next press floor 6. Don't get out when ou reach the floor.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"...Why would you ask us that???" he says a wee bit exasperated. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Being thorough. I'm a scientist, duh

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“I’ve seen horror movies. I don’t trust like that”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Well if they are gathering data...."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

live spare reaction

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"This has nothing to do with science!!" Alex is pouting

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“Um,,  so. So there is this theory— that. That if you believe in something, or  act on something enough it manifests into existence.” She’s basically  half sitting now sinking more everytime the elevator moved. “So,,, um.  Even if it didn’t exist initially it may now.” Slow nod. “I guess so! Mhm. And,, do whatever they want us to do to confirm this. If it happens.”

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy  stares at the wall for a moment, his nerves rising a bit, but  eventually turning back. “W-Why did he want us to turn around?” he  whispers.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi pushes the button.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Oh wait, button time again. Maybe this time Andy could- oh.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"...ah." spare is suddenly very unsure this is a party thing

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The  elevator lurches to life again, as the pit in your stomachs feels  tugged on. The elevator moves up, taking a moment to reach the floor and  as it does it shakes a bit.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare grabs onto the rail.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“You’ll get em next time dude” nodding to Andy 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"... They might also be trying to make us manifest something." Auran holds onto the wall as the elevator shakes. wheeze.

Ash | David 🌻 

David holds onto Auran's hand tighter.  "You doing okay hun?"  

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy stumbles, a little unsteady and leans onto a nearby wall. He suddenly doesn’t want to be here anymore.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Yeah-- I just have a really bad feeling about this, and the shaky ass elevator isn't helping."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe is quickly becoming a bit annoyed with the elevator as she ends up falling onto her knees. (10)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex feels the shake and hunkers down, somewhat trying to hold Jack up as well. Hes helping he swears- (14)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The shake causes Natsumi to lose balance and hit the ground (con 5).

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy can feel his hat slipping again and rushes to push it back up when he falls on his tush. “Ow..” He whines

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“I  don’t know how long it takes to manifest something— I think. The only  instances I’ve seen of something like that is some mass hysteria events.  I think.” Talking through this is equally making him feel better and  worse. Except when the elevators amazing modern system makes him fall on  his ass with an oof. (7)

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle tilts her head, keeping her balance with no trouble and reaching over to help Lethe up. (constitution non-nat 20)

Ash | David 🌻 

"Yeah,  it's making me-" his mouth snaps shut as the elevator jolts and sways.   He's able to keep his footing by leaning back into the corner of the  elevator, grimacing as he feels his stomach lurch.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena  feels the shake and holds on to Kasper's arm to steady herself just in  case. Seeing as other people were... falling so it  seems.. "well.." (CON: 19)

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi stumbles a little, bumping their head a little on the wall they're learning against. "Ow-- can I get out yet."

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Woah!” Jack does a wide stance to help balance, keeping an arm around to Alex to help support (14)

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  heard what Ryder was saying and nodded at it."That's right!  Manifestation is a powerful thing!" She chimed in before the elevator  jerked. She quickly steadied herself by grabbing onto the side rails,  since yknow... all elevators have railings. (13)

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe huffs a bit, before taking Thistle's hand and standing up. "Thank you, Thistle."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The  elevator reaches floor 6 and  opens. Another level of cubicles with  windows to the right. But this time...  it sees you. Through the  window. 

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Kasper too balances himself well enough with Athena holding unto him as the elevator shook. (Con: 14)

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack reaches out a hand to Ryder “oh shit you good dude??” 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Shit--"  Auran manages to hold himself steady, but holds his breath at seeing  Natsumi and Ryder both falling. He tries to reach his free hand out to  pull them back up! : ( 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera feels the shaking but she manages to keep herself on her feet. [CON 15] "Wait, elevators aren't supposed to do that-"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare holds on to that rail hard. (19) He's grabbing on to Andy to pull him back up when it starts to see them. 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex  huffs "Thank you.." They had the same idea. He then also reaches to  help lift Ryder to their feet. "Are you hurt-?" And then his chest drops

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe squints and once again reaches for her weapon.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy thankfully accepts Spares help, rubbing his now sore hiney. “Th- Thank you-“ Andy freezes, feeling eyes on him.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi grumbles and slowly stands back up. They stare out at the floor.

Anything here?

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle eyes the windows. "....It looks normal, but it feels like we are being watched."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

The moment the elevator doors open, Athena feels the heebie jeebies and shudders "I second Thistle... it's uncomfortable."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex can't stop looking at the room feeling odd. Its like he can't look away, but this is terrifying.... (Perception 15)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Ryder  took Jack’s hand and lifted herself weakly. Giving an appreciative nod  to Auran and Alex. “thanks. Um. I think my behind is just a little  bruised.” Ryder shuffles to be able to finally look out the elevator  into the halls. They don’t see anything but there’s a strange itching  that makes them keep staring. “I,, I really like manifestation. Um.  Like— studying.. instances…. hh” 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe huffs, not liking this feeling.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  looks up once the door opened, feeling eyes on them but seeing only a  normal office floor."I feel something watching, too. It's kind of faint  though, so it might be mind tricks." she shrugs it off before turning to  Ryder and smiling. "Yeah, I study it too! Sometimes."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"Yeah,  I thought it was just me but... you guys feel that too? That feeling  there's someone outside of this group?" And then Spare looks through The  Window. (nat 20 perception)"...I think it's right there. Through that  window over there, the small one at the end. It's person shaped, that's  person shaped right?" points at the it

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack feels a shiver run down his spine “…maybe stay close. I have a bad feeling about this one.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

It wants you to come closer.

Ash | David 🌻 

David squints at the window.  "Wait, outside the window? On the sixth floor?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟


✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"I do not know, I cannot see it. Please stay in the elevator."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy tries squinting in the direction Spare points, but, he can’t see anything. “I-I don’t see anything?”

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"It wants us to come closer." 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Do not."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran's breath catches in his throat and he steps closer to David. "Don't. Don't get out of this elevator."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Please don't-"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Spare wants to go closer. Closer. He begins moving closer to the elevator door.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"Let me come closer."

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Someone grab him before we get killed”

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

“No! No. No no grab him grab no—“

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

She  lets out a soft and subtle gasp, stepping back and shaking her head  "for anyone who is trying to figure out what's there, there's a faint  outline of a person and it's not.. I don't trust that. Do not get closer...!" (PER: 19+10 = 29)

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi squints, but doesn't see crap. "...This is a weird prank."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex pushing into Jack a lot- embarrassment be damned this is scary af- 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

!!! Andy rushes to grab Spare but misses (6)

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"Exiting the elevator is against the rules!" Nera yells at Spare. She's helping.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Hellooooo anything fun happening?

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe darts her hand out at the speed of light, grabbing Spare's arm and pulling back sharply. (NAT20 + 3 = 23) 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Spare is trying to leave. It seems as if he is being compelled by something."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Well I don't recommend leaving the elevator

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"What's the next floor number." Sushi wants this over with.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani sighs to herself. "No shit."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Press floor 2 again. Do not leave the elevator.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Well no. We are stopping him."

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack punches the button

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex jumps. "C-Careful!!" 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is on his ass, eyes wide and face blank. "We should come closer."

Ash | David 🌻

David tries to motion to Spare.  "Fuckin, get him to the center of the elevator, don't let him run out when the doors open."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe's eyes widen at Jack and her mouth drops open.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"I wouldn't suggest th---" aaaand he's punched the elevator.. "that."

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“,,,,oh no- oh no—- oh I don’t— which button did you pRESS-“

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Dude?!??!?" Auran jolts at the punch. Oh. Bad memories. Stop punching elevators.

Ash | David 🌻 

David  stands on his tippy toes at the reactions and sees the button press is  the wrong floor, and sinks down next to Auran.  "oh goddammit hhhh....okay, okay this is fine, this is....ugh...."

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack  very confused by the panicking “what? He was about to jump out again.”  Pointing to spare. He thinks he did a good job y’all are just mean

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy  is too busy trying to block the door from Spare when he hears everyone  suddenly panic. This game isn’t fun anymore and oh crap don’t cry no don’t cry-

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"Dude  no-" Mialani reached to the button panel even tho Jack already hit  them. She sighed again. This is getting frustrating."Has no one dealt  with ghosts and spooky games before...?" she questioned to herself.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle sighs. "You pressed the wrong button."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Wheeeeeee.." Sushi sounds extremely unenthused.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Upon  pressing the 2, Jack also hits the 5th floor button. The doors shut,  severing Spare's connection and releasing the want to leave. It lurches  and moves down, but opens at floor 5 

The floor  is empty. Literally empty. Its just a floor and a cieling with lights  hanging down, casting their sickly pale yellow light across the area.  

What are you doing here.

All spirit coms in the elevator suddenly feel an intense pain in their head, enough to bring them to their knees.

Natsumi, as if shot, hit their knees and yelps in pain, holding their head and buckling over.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani yelps in pain, grabbing at her head with one hand."Fuck-"  she grabbed onto the railing with the other and starts to fall to her  knees slowly, doing her best to hold herself up with the rail.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle  ghosts over and takes the walkie talkie. "Hello, someone accidentally  pressed the 5th floor button, and now there is an empty floor with a  ceiling and yellow lights and it is hurting our friends. Should we press  the floor 2 button again?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe  curses under her breath. "There was an accident, and we pressed the  wrong button. What do we do now? Continue with the original  instructions?" To the walky talkie- 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"...Huh.  Shit" Sushi leans forward to look out of the elevator better. He's  actually waking up now that this is getting interesting.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Oh wow, interesting. No one has been stupid enough to do that before. Sure, press floor 2, see if that fixes it.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Okay" she presses it. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran  was about to turn to try to reassure David, but suddenly yelps in pain  and pulls his hand away, squatting on the floor holding his head.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare snaps out of it, shaking his head and trying to figure out what was that, before noticing the yelps of pain around him. "Wuh- Wuh!? Holy-holy  shit is this supposed to be- I thought this was just a party!?"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

“Ok wow rude. Didn’t like you either creepy elevator voice.”

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

“What’s happening?!” Andy panics.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Ryder watched some of the people in the elevator crumble. “Are you okay? What?” Fixes it?? Girl

Ash | David 🌻 

David's eyes go wide as people hit the floor, and he drops down next to Auran a second later.  "Hey- hey Auran?!-" He swallows and tries to swallow down the panic in his voice  with it.  "h-hey, hey can you hear me? Whats wrong?" and sets a hand  against Auran's cheek.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Why would a party be in an elevator." Sushi blinks at Spare.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is lightly trying not to panic and comforting Jack. "We maybe should be easy with the weird elevator..."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

"That's  honestly why I wouldn't have suggested doing that.. maybe we don't  punch horror elevator buttons randomly next time?" she looks at Jack  with a small frown, worried about the targeted spirit comms.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

In unison, with a voice not their own, the spirit coms speak together:


They take 11 psychic damage. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy’s gonna cry.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"I think you are not allowed to press buttons anymore, is that okay?" to Jack

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Okay that's fucked--

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi jumps "The hell--"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera doesn't think this is fun anymore.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe regards them suspiciously. "Don't worry. We're not staying."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Blood  is dripping from Natsumi's nose, as the doors finally close and the  elevator begins to move down again, as they float a bit from the  movement.  

Once it passes the fourth floor, the pain stops.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"I  THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE A THEMATIC ENTRANCE!!" aaaaand the spirit  coms are speaking in unison. great. good time to hold his head in his  hands and go "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Well no one else was moving fast enough—“ grumbling he’s definitely pouting and hanging back with Alex

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"...If  the next floor is normal I'm getting the hell out, screw the game."  Sushi shudders a little, eyeing the spirit comms weirdly.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"I think that is also a bad idea. It may look normal, but so did the one with the thing watching us."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

points hard "Y-You are not leaving! We're stuck in this to the end!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe  fixes Sushi with an intense look. "Just because it looks normal does  not mean it is. We do not know what is lurking on these floors. Do  not." 

Ash | David 🌻 

David  recoils from Auran as those words are yelled in his face.  He holds his  breath and scans Auran's face, his brow pinched with worry.  "okay, okay, fuck..."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex pats him "Its okay- We wanna move quick but, uh, gentle-"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy hesitantly reaches down to Natsumi. “A-Are you.. okay?”

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

As  the pain goes away and Auran can think again he's trying to regain his  bearings, knees and hands on the floor and trying to catch his breath.  Give him a sec to be able to talk again.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi shudders a breath, rubbing the blood onto their sleeve. They wince, sitting up off their knees. "...I'm fine..."

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“No-  no I think we’re a bit too deep into this. It’s like a ritual  you  don’t stop until it’s properly closed.” Ryder pulls out fast food  napkins from her pockets and tries to shove them towards Natsumi for the  blood.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani  is tearing up from the pain, looking pale even and having a nose bleed  like Natsumi. She sighs in relief when the pain stops, and slowly  straightens herself up as the elevator moves."Please... stick to the  rules of the game..." she dabs away the tears.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

So did that floor hurt all of you?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi rolls his eyes but doesn't retort. Fine, stay in the death box. Whatever.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

“Yeah- yeah….sorry” he’s still sulking for now

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Only some. All psychics, but not every psychic." 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 


Natsumi looks at Ryder and takes a napkin. "Thanks.." before they stand back up.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

One  more look at Natsumi before he checks on the others. Andy taps Ryder’s  shoulder and points to Mia. She needs a tissue too, please. “U-Um, only  three people seem to have gotten hurt.”

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"Hey, hey did you even give us your name? It's kind of ominous only thinking of you as 'the scientist'" 

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“Ope—  I’m sorry- oh. Gosh. Um.” Uncrumpling more of the napkins for Mialani.  “Sorry they’re kind of harsh on … the nose they don’t um. I’m sorry

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex smiles gently and gives Jack a lil hug "You were just trying to help. It's okay."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

When  they reach the 2nd floor, it opens to another office floor. There's a  few cubicles to the right but interestingly, its only like... 5. In a  star shape. Same dark windows to the left.

None of you asked did ya

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy looks out the door, perplexed. “What-“

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"5 cubicles in a star shape and windows to left. No feeling of being watched at the moment." 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Oh, thank you." Mialani smiles then cleans off before staring to the new floor. " shapes. of course..." she sighs. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"?" Lethe raises an eyebrow. That was a deviation in the script.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Well  we're asking now!?" Spare looks out and. doesn't like it at all.  "...Star shaped cubicles on this floor. Okay, next instructions? I don't  want to hear whatever that one on the 6th floor again."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"Is that... a pentagram..........?"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“Haven’t we been to this floor before? So we really.. are in this. Oh gosh.”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"...?! Thistle....?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle's form is starting to waver and warp a bit, but she looks at Lethe, not seeming to notice anything odd. "...Yes?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"You're glitching..."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Are you.... alright? Your form is wavering..."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Thistle became a dubstep wave- "Uhm-..."

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Jack hugs Alex back! “Uhhh does she normally look like that?”

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"--  Can we please just follow the rules now..." Auran holds onto David to  try to get back up on his feet. "S. Sorry..." He wobbles over to check  on Natsumi, lightly tapping their shoulder. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Hair is slipping down from the entrance to the elevator.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Ah. Fucking gross. Can we leave now?” 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera looks at Thistle."Stop doing that! It's creepy!" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi feels the tap but doesn't turn, arm going out to stop Auran moving further as they stare at the hair.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕

"......Do we need scissors..."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

"Thistle??  Are you oka---" she pauses, watching as hair slips down from the  entrance of the elevator. "Oh my god.." a shudder goes down her spine

Ash | David 🌻

"Hey,  it's okay I gotcha..." He wraps an arm around Auran, looks over and  freezes at the site of the hair.  "...what floor next. whats the next floor." He's whisper yelling, staring at the hair.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is staring at the hair.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi watches the the hair. "Next number." 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy sees something move in the corner of his eye and looks up at the door, freezing.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

She  looks at her hand and blinks. "....Ah. I do not feel anything odd...I  cannot stop doing it, I am sorry." She looks at the door to see if  anything is strange outside that she missed and pauses. "What is the  next floor? There is hair coming down." 

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“Hey- hey um— what’s the… next stop can we go yes please—

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex tenses up on Jack's arm. Sorry buddy it probably hurts. He's also lightly dragging him backwards away from the door- 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Yknow, at a normal haunted house, Mialani would be enjoying this.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran looks up. And sees the hair. And freezes. And his face is slowly turning to horror. "Next floor. NEXT FLOOR!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe pats Thistle's head carefully, before grimacing at the hair and stepping back. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The next floor is floor 10. Do not leave the elevator. If a woman enters the elevator at this floor Do Not look at her and Do Not talk to her. And do not make any noise.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle presses floor 10.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“This floors lame someone press the button”

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy reaches for the b- never mind.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is reaching his hand up to the hair, the door closes before he gets close.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Again, please everyone follow the instructions and do not make noise." 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Oh great... yeah those were clear instructions okay  follow them." Mialani said almost like a stern mother.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The  doors shut and the elevator lurches to life. Once again that feeling  falls into their stomach, as they move upwards. It takes a moment, but  the doors open. And a woman, with black hair and pale skin, steps onto  the elevator. 

Natsumi quickly backs up and looks away as fast as possible.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi gets curious and checks his phone, wondering if they have wifi in this weird, liminal space.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera presses herself to the wall of the elevator, trying to merge with it.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe's eyes stay on the floor, and she doesn't make a single sound.

Ash | David 🌻 

David presses himself to the wall of the elevator, staring at his feet instead of the woman.  He's definitely shaking.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Ryder is gently squishing against Alex who’s probably squishing against Jack. She is not perceiving anything. 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani breaths slowly to stay focused and glances away. She distracts herself by adjusting her gloves.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare faces the wall, gripping the railing. He keeps his attention to the others.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex starts to look out of habit, then stares harshly at the floor and hyperventilates a bit hoping that didn't count- 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy backs up quickly and stares at the ceiling. His hands start shaking.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Those  instructions were clear enough... The moment they arrive at the floor,  she backs up a little, looks away and presses her face against Kasper's  arm 

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack looks over to Alex, not saying a word but the  look is definitely a ‘what the fuck is happening here’ kind of one

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

David's hand is getting squeezed with the full force of Auran's +1 STR as he steps backwards into the wall and looks away.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy  can feel his head moving on it’s own, slowly looking down where he  knows the woman is. He shuts his eyes tight, scared. H-Help?!

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

He's turning around, he doesn't want to, but he's turning around. His arm flies to his face and covers his eyes. (con save 5)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Ryder’s hands were over her ears, and eyes screwed shut. There’s nothing he could do to help others. (Nat 20 absolutely not)

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi gets hit with an overwhelming urge to look up from his phone, despite his best efforts-- so he just lifts his phone with his eyeline. Like the world's shittiest shield. (7)

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  is on the side of the elevator snd can see from her peripheral vision  that people are starting to look before the thing spoke again. She  closed her eyes a moment and breathed slowly again. She was mentally  preparing for whatever was to happen next... is she gonna be in pain  again? are others? probably.... at this point, she's accepting that  she's gonna get hurt again.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle is not looking Thistle does not see.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Did the woman enter?

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Kasper is not looking he's only interested in one woman lbr. (13)

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera  doesn't want to look, but her head is turning towards the woman. She  doesn't want to look, they said to not look! [CON SAVE 6] She nestles  into her wings, covering her entire head and body with them.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The  woman turns to look at the talkie's direction, Natsumi starting up a  cold sweat as she walks over to them and gets very close to them. They  keep their eyes down at the floor. 

Everyone else is no longer feeling the pull.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena does not know if Kasper is looking or not she is hoping to fuck that he isn't-- (CON: 23)

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy flinches when the walky talky speaks up. He hears footsteps and the pull is gone but, where is she going?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi reaches over to try and turn the volume on the walky talky waaay down. 

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack felt his head moving on its own before it suddenly dropped. Ok maybe this game wasn’t a good idea (con 7)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex  sees the head starting to turn and doesn't hesitate- He jumps up and  turns Jack face to look at Alex instead; placing both hands on his  cheeks. (STR 13)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran's holding his breath so hard. (CON 23)

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani's  eyes widened at the walkie talkie making sound. Wasn't Natsumi holding  it? She has to keep breathing slowly to stay quiet.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Well I figure since you're not answering, she did. So your next move is to press the 1st floor. The elevator will either go down or up. If it goes down and opens on the 1st floor, get out and do not look back. If it goes to the 10th floor, leave and do not answer the woman if she asks where you're doing.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare  is turning around and is not trying anything. he stands and wonders -  if this comes close to whatever took malek - why he ever thought he  could have found him on his own.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe's gaze is staying down and away but she feels so bad for Natsumi.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

There are clicking noises coming from the woman, like bones snapping.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Well guess they’re having a state off! Jack doesn’t seem like he minds

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera  cocoons into her wings tighter.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani cringes at the sound... she hated that sound.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy’s  eyes are still closed, but he inches around the room to get closer to  the buttons. Pressed right against the wall practically, he finally  opens his eyes and sees the buttons. Quickly (and quietly) he presses  the button to the first floor.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi is managing their breath, trying not to panic or freak out. They can feel their hands clamming up.

The  elevator closes and moves... and it feels like its going up, as the  numbers change sporadically before landing on the 10th floor again. The  doors open. It looks like a normal floor, with cubicles and such... but  the windows glow red. 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera  feels the elevator stop, knowing they need to get off, but she can't  move. She doesn't want to pass the woman. She's just a ruffle of  feathers

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is. walking right out. he navigates by staring at the floor

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Athena  holds on to Kasper and pulls him out the moment the elevator doors  open. She hopes no one actually answers-- please just follow  instructions...! 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran is walking outta that elevator so fast, pulling David along and Natsumi with his other hand.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Ryder got a string shiver down her spine as the door opened. The red was ominous but.. they have to get off. She shuffles out.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle takes hold of Nera's arm and tugs her out with her.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex moves his hands back to hold Jacks arm and starts to pull him along to leave without looking or saying a word. Hes worried about his friends, but too scared to check for them

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe walks out quietly.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Aaaand Kasper is pulled out! Quietly of course.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack is grabbing Alex and they’re getting the hell outta here. Bye creepy lady 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  was at the side of the elevator, so she'd have to wait for others to  get out first before she could. Her heart is starting to pound a bit.  That's weird, normally she isn't scared of ghosts but yknow... she  doesnt wanna get hurt again.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

When  Auran tugs Natsumi, they want to tell him not. The woman is so close,  they're gonna- They bump into her shoulder.  There's a pause.  The woman  grabs them and drags, nearly as fast as lightning, out the elevator and  into the office darkness. 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera  jumps a bit at the weid feeling touch of Thistle, but from between her  wings she sees that it's not the lady. She hastily follows her out. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Okay  they went up. Andy nervously glances towards the room where he sees  red. He’s about to leave and sees the woman fire out with someone in  tow.  Andy’s frozen in place.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"NO--!!" Auran screams and runs after them, only thought in his mind is get Natsumi back.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  looks and gasps. "No-" She doesn't even think before running to follow.  She knows this is probably a bad idea but who cares, it has Natsumi!

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe grits her teeth and picks up the walky talky- "Natsumi got dragged away, what do we do-" She whispers into the device-

Ash | David 🌻 

David stumbles as he's tugged along next to Natsumi, until that happens, and he jerks back with a gasp.  "oh FUCK- Natsumi?!" David quickly runs off the elevator after Natsumi and the woman. 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi  hadn't even left yet when Natsumi gets dragged out past xem "Oh shit--"  He starts following along after Auran, chasing the action.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Ohhh you better leave them. Go too deep and you can't get back. You guys are in the Other now.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex looks up and sees them zooming past. "Wait-!!" Alex also starts sprinting after them, letting go of Jack.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle  leans in and talks to the walkie talkie. "...Yes, we are on the tenth  floor, there us a red glow in the windows, if that makes a difference."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

The  rush of movement makes Spare Look out of instinct to see Natsumi  getting flashed away. He's already running after before realizing the  others joining him. fuck it shit's fucked go big or go home

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe winces. "... So most everyone went after Natsumi."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy’s still in front of the elevator, rooted to the floor. He’s now crying.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Then they're gone. You cannot leave sight of the elevator or you lose it.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

"I don't wanna be here anymore!" Nera's not letting go of Thistle's hand.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack watches the people start running off and only runs when he feels Alex leave “uh HEY WAIT THE INSTRUCTIONS!!”

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Ryder looked up and only saw the last wisp of the lady and Natsumi turning a corner. “Gosh this— everything feels wrong”  Ryder rubbed her arms to warm them up. This felt like hell but worse.  “I can’t do anything. What do-“ he notices Andy crying … pulls out a few  more napkins and offers them to him. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe lets out a bit of an aggravated sigh. "Can we not tie something to it, like a ribbon?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"....I  see." Thistle gives Nera's hand a staticky squeeze and looks further  into the office. "Is there no way we can call them back to us?" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Not that I know of

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

He takes the napkin with a shaky hand. “Wh-What do we do? Are they- Are they g-gone?”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe calls out, "Do NOT leave sight of the elevator! Come back if you can!" If not.... she was sorry. 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"I  assume with this being a strange space, even using a string or  something along those lines to track may not be a guarantee of coming  back."

Ash | David 🌻 

David  is holding on tight to Auran's hand, and with his other he conjures a  sword of fire, charging on into that darkness after Natsumi. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy takes a few hesitant steps back and gets back in the elevator, but the tears don’t stop.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex  stutters on his heels a bit, hearing Jack call out to him and the  instructions following- "Ah-..." He huffs, looking back forth panicky  and unsure what to do. "We can't just leave them though!!!"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  stopped in her tracks when she heard Lethe call out, her heels making a  loud CLICK sound from it. She watched as Auran, David, and Natsumi  disappeared into the darkness before cursing in spanish and look back.  She could see the elevator still."But the others..!" she calls back, not  running back yet hoping there was something that could be done first

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran's never ran so fast in his life. Except maybe when running after his sister before she died.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

I would try to come back now. What do you see first though

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi  fortunately wasn't in too much of a rush, and looks back at Lethe as  she yells. "...Where the hell are we supposed to go, then? I thought  instruction was leave the elevator?" 

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“Besides  the spot where you are currently standing.. the surroundings are  ever..” Ryder was shaking a little, walking further into the cubicles  but not out of sight of the elevator. He looked around kind of  helplessly. “Ever changing.”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"It is a normal looking office, but the windows have a red glow."

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Jack  doesn’t hesitate to grab Alex’s wrist, admittedly a bit too tight “we  can’t help them if we lose the elevator too!” Boy is looking a teeny bit  panicked 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Anything outside the windows?

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"I know! And I'm sorry. But you will not be able to find your way back if you go too far." 

"I assume we're supposed to wait to go back in the elevator. I'm not sure."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"It is just a bright red landscape, with a single cross far in the distance." 

"What button would we press to go back?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  huffed frustrated before looking around herself, seeing the big cross  outside... she shivered. Slowly she walked back to the elevator, never  taking her eyes off the cross.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Interestingggg! So to get back, you need to press the floors in the exact order you pressed them to get there.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"So  we just don't try?!" Hes being a lil irrational from panicking, but  calms slightly when Jack grabs him, even though its tight.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Including the mistaken one?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

No the correct sequence

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi stomps back over. "I don't know why you're still listening to this jackass. They got us in this situation"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare  hears Lethe's warning perfectly well! Problem: he already told himself  1. he doesn't want to let anybody else near him vanish like this ever  again and 2. he needs to know how deep the rabbit hole goes. there has to be something that will help him here.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The elevator has gotten very far away.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Okay."  Thistle looks over at the others. "I remember the order. If we are  ready to leave..." She looks at Sushi. "Their instructions are all we  have, and so far they have been correct. We need to go."

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“I  know they’re your friends but running after without a plan isn’t gonna  help!” Jack’s trying to be calm here but doesn’t like the look of this

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Auran  and David are going after them. They are trying. Natsumi and Auran can  use portals. Hopefully, that can help them. Again, I'm sorry."

"This  is... beyond our forces." Lethe sighs, noticing Spare's not listening.  ... And then the elevator moved. Because of course it did. She sighs and  goes to pursue it.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"You'd leave those guys?" Sushi raises an eyebrow. "Damn, cold." 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy is sitting in a corner of the elevator, feeling a little hysterical right now.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  kept walking back. Wow, did she really run that far? She looked over to  the elevator... yeah it was really far. She starts running towards it  now.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"I  do not wish to leave people behind, but there is no way I trust to go  after them without being lost ourselves. There would be no point."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

You feel like you're going to pass out.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Kasper is..... not gonna take any chances and is going straight for the elevator with Athena in tow. (Con: nat 20 +8 = 28)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"But-!..."  He feels like crying and teeters back and forth till suddenly he begins  feeling woozy... and falls asleep, falling towards Jack.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

“What  about the missing people. How will they get back?” Ryder stared at the  elevator growing distant. There was a sense of numbness, and the  helpless feeling of being powerless. And then … weak. But not normal  emotional weak suddenly. His legs buckled at the next step and bam bitch  was out. Honk snoo

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi watches people start dropping "...Right, fine, yeah. We get out, not my problem if their friends downstairs kill us."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe feels the urge to pass out and she fights it (15), continuing to pursue the elevator.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy feels extremely dizzy all of a sudden and short of breath. Is he having an attack- (19)

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera  tries to walk towards the elevator, but feels woozy on her feet, and  fights to stay awake for a moment. The feeling overtakes her and she  stumbles into the ground. [CON SAVE 9] Down and out.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle  sighs and heads back towards the elevator, pulling Nera's unconscious  ass along with her as best she can (con 18 to resist, str 14). "We can  see later if we are able to work out a way to get them back, but we  cannot do that if we do not help ourselves first. Let us go."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi  goes to try and drag the nearest person (Ryder) towards the elevator.  When they don't budge much he just gives up and starts walking to the  elevator on his own. Bye. (9 str)

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe stops, thinks about it, sighs, goes back, grabs Ryder, and helps pull them to the elevator. (17)

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  saw Alex pass out and saw Jack struggling to pull him, so Mia stopped  running even though the elevator is getting farther and went to help.  She's struggling, because she is not the strongest, but she will be saving someone!!

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack nods to Mia “THANKS DUDE” he’s helping them book it back to the elevator.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex doin a honk shnoo

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

you guys in the elevator again yet or???

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Shut the fuck up." Sushi wants to break the walky talky.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera's gonna have some mysterious scrapes on her face and a broken halo after this.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

what a spicy fish

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Yes, it took a moment because some of our companions fainted and we had to carry them. I will start pressing the buttons now."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy’s still curled up in the corner of the elevator. Hat sadly left on the floor, forgotten.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Fuck off already!!” Jack flipping off where he thinks the voice is coming from

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Ryder is having a very nice nap.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  is panting, exhausted. She's not used to dragging a body!"How..." pants  "How do you know it was Sushi talking..?" she chimes in, noticing that  the walkie said 'spicy fish.'

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I also turned volume and they're still talking. I think it's just magic."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Once everyone is back in the elevator, they need to press the buttons in the same order they pressed them  to get here.

I can recognize their voice

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe is a little winded from not really doing this too often, but they've made it back to the elevator.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle  gets in front of the elevator buttons and begins pressing the correct  buttons at each floor. (int roll 15+5 for remembering)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Once you get to the last number, press floor 1. It will try to pull you back. Press any number repeatedly to fight it.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 


👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

As stated, the elevator begins being pulled back to Floor 10. It won't let you go. 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle starts pressing a button very quickly (15 presses).

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Once it starts pulling, Sushi also leans over and begins spamming a button.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Thank you"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani watched as there was a struggle and decided to help, spamming a button alongside Thistle.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy can’t get his finger on the button when it’s crowded with fingers and only gets three presses in.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The elevator feels released and goes down, no stops until it reaches floor 1.  

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Kasper also walked over and starts tapping a button. This feels like his training with Athena in mmos are paying off. (19)

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe  watches nervously, trying to see if she can help or not but it looks  like it's handled. She sighs and leans back, thinking to herself.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋


Natsumi  is dragged across the ground by the arm, the woman running into the  hallways. They aren't screaming, but trying to struggle free.

Ash | David 🌻

David still has Auran's hand and the flaming sword in the other, following where Auran leads him.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran is still running as fast as he can after Natsumi and the woman, pulling David's hand along at full adrenaline-fueled strength.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare  is following the couple from behind, panting hard keeping up. If he  weren't so fueled by adrenaline he would have thought he looked so cool  with his cape flowing behind him, oh well.

Ash | David 🌻 

David  takes a fireball into his hand and chucks it at the woman once he has a  clear shot, hoping to slow her down enough to catch up (23 to hit)  (7  dmg) 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

In all of Auran's adrenaline and fear he used imprison on the creepy woman. He's starting to run out of breath. (imprison lvl 1, -5 mana) 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The  woman screeches as the fireball hits, releasing Natsumi who falls onto  the floor. She's about the move, but is then stuck frozen.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

And Auran lunges into the floor to grab Natsumi. "Fuck-- fuck fuck fuck, are you okay??"

Ash | David 🌻 

David rushes forward, getting between Natsumi and the woman, ready to hit her with the sword.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi pants and crawls away from her, tumbling to get up. They blink at Auran then looks around. "The elevator- where are we?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran blinks. Then looks around. Fuck. "... I... I don't know. I don't see it anymore,,"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare  skids to a stop next to Natsumi and Auran, revolver drawn and fighting  his shaking hands. With David in front, he waits for the right moment.  Not in the mood for another friendly fire incident in another dimension.

Ash | David 🌻 

"I  don't know where the elevator is but lets just get the fuck out of here  while she's trapped!  I'll stick closest to her." He keeps staring her  down with the sword.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Can  we go back where we came from-- please be careful, we need to stay  together at least, if we get separated it'll be worse, and we gotta get  away--"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi starts moving, running back down the hallway, but it just leads to more hallways and rooms. 

Void and empty, cold and sickly pale yellow. Panic is creeping in. It knows you're here. It knows you're lost. 

It knows.

Ash | David 🌻 

David  sticks with the group, running and trying to keep an eye on their  surroundings to not get surprised by her if she returns. "Okay! okay  okay okay- can either of you guys make a portal out of here? Natsumi you're good at those right?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Here?" they blink "But we're not...." they look at their hands. "...Okay."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Portals--" Auran looks at Natsumi. "... You think if we both do it? We... If we're in a different dimension..."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"You  can try, but only one of us can direct something that big...Stay  close." they close their eyes and try to picture the reception room of  that office building. Their head hurts already, like something is  clawing at their brain.  

Taking on a wide stance, they put their  arms forward. Their eye lights up green, which begins splinter out  around their face and down their arms in green veinlike patterns as they  force a portal open. Its like their soul is being ripped into pieces.  But the portal opens, shakey and wavering. 


🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran pushes Spare and David in, looking back at Natsumi quickly. "Are you gonna be able to get out??"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Just go. Its not- not easy keeping this op-open"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"I'm not leaving you here"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"If you don't get in, we're both g-gonna get stuck! I can only handle this f-f-for a few more seconds!"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran takes a deep breath, and just... shuts his eyes and runs across the portal.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi winces, and gets closer to the portal the best they can, then quickly jumps releasing the hold.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran catches them!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 


As  the elevator opens, everyone on the bottom floor has been boringly sat  in silence as the scientist guy just sits infront of the elevator  cross-legged. To them, everyone has only been gone like. 10 minutes  tops.  

Just above the crowd of others, a green portal opens and David, Auran, and Spare fall through with Natsumi coming through after.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is laid out on the floor (thanks for pushing himauran)  holding themselves up watching the portal for the others. When Natsumi  comes through, he flops back down and sprawls to the floor, hands on  face. gwargh.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle  walks out of the elevator and carefully lays Nera on the floor, before  looking over to the scientist. "Did you get the data you were hoping  for? Please never contact us again."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi walks out of the elevator and immidiately swings to kick the "Scientist" where they're sitting.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex slowly wakes up when they make it back and looks around, confused, like he just came out of a weird fever dream. "Mmm..?" 

Frank looks at the gang getting back. "Oh.. good timing.. we ordered pizza..." They look worn out

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Syd  was checking Instagram on his phone when the flash of green hit the  corner of his eyes. He looks over. “Oh cool as fuck entrance.” Lil  thumbs up before he goes back to his phone.

Ryder is asleep. Solidly asleep. Honk snoo zonk

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The scientist grins at Thistle, as they simply just float up and avoid Sushi's kick. "Totally! Thanks Thistle."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash  had definitely ordered pizza and was getting it set up when everything  happened all at once. Noticing that Natsumi definitely looks the worst  for wear, they approach the portal group worriedly and carefully. "Are  you guys okay??"

Lethe steps out of the elevator and glares daggers in the scientist's direction.

Ash | David 🌻

David  is pushed out of the portal, stumbling through still with a flaming  sword in his hand, and looks at the crowd of people here.  He has a  stern look on his face, and he's shaking.  It relaxes though when Auran  and Natsumi make it through.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack makes sure Alex and other sleeping folks get out of the elevator before running full force to hug Babs 

Cat blinks a few times, muttering “…do I even wanna know?”

Lana is helping some of the unconscious people!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Once  Natsumi is on the ground again, they're on their knees, hands hitting  the floor to holding them up as a red hot acidic feeling hits them and  coughs up blood.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

As soon as the elevator door opens, Hugo gets up from the wall he was leaning on to check on the others.

Andy  half crawls out of the elevator and the moment he makes contact with  the floor, he collapses at the tears are back full force. He’s  unresponsive right now.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi  isn't questioning the floating at this point, he just swears under his  breath and keeps walking, right out of the door. Flipping everybody off  as they go.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare brings a thumbs up out. Perfectly fine. He hears and then sees Natsumi coughing out blood. "Uh, healers over here!?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  looked out to see everyone and sighed in relief. She was still panting,  and visibly uncomfortable to say the least. She steps out of the  elevator after a few folks do, but before anything as soon as she sees  the others popped out of a portal, Mialani ran past everyone to check on  them."You're alive..!" she said happily, before wincing at  Natsumi. "...mostly!"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"--Natsumi??" Auran kneels next to them, trying to hold them up. "That was so much--"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Babs  was waiting for pizza before she got sweeped in the hug. “Big brother!”  She did a bit of a happy noise as she hugged him back. She missed him!  She didn’t understand why he looked so stressed!

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash is biting their lip, watching from right next to Natsumi and not sure what to do.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo goes from relieved, confused, to overwhelmed. “Hey- What happened guys?”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"That was very interesting to observe! You guys are barely good at following instructions! So interesting!!!" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe would like to slash at the scientist with her sword.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy cries louder. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

As  the group comes back and the portal opens, Leslie jumps to their feet  as Natsumi hits the floor coughing up blood. "Jeez-- what the hell  happened??"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle impassively holds the walkie talkie out to the scientist. 

Wisty  looks over and jumps before immediately running over to Natsumi, hands  already glowing. "Are you okay? Here, let me see-" she does a sense  damage (medicine check 17+5 = 22), then frowns. "...It's just widespread  strain...I'll do what I can, but rest is going to do the most good."  She's ignoring the scientist. Shut up.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank walks over to give Andy a paper bag and a pocket napkin. Pat pat it's ok-? 

Alex is pulling himself together

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is stomping over to our beloved scientist with a pointed finger. he's a wee bit pissed "Y-you! I demand! identification!" 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"To  put it simply, that games real!" Mialani is a little angry. "We got  transported to fuck knows where and yknow probably almost died more than  once." she huffs.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Ah  thanks." they take the walkie talkie and crushes it in their hand, a  bright sparkling energy coming out from it. "Ahhh so much data! Your  fear seems to affect these newly made spaces.." they grin then look over  at Spare. "Ah I guess I can give you a name." they ditch their coat and  glasses, and hat. Now fully shown, their green hair floats up with  their body, their full outfit is shown and you can see a third eye.  Their eyes stare down at the group, a pale blue in color. "You can call  me Nova."

Natsumi coughs some more to get it out of their mouth, trying to sit up on the floor.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

He sets her down “That was so fuckin’ weird— Alex passed out…Wait where is he??” Jack frantically looks around for him

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"You... you're not with the company, are you?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle looks at Spare. "You thought they were?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash  sits up straight as Mialani explains the situation, looking over to the  scientist who's revealed themselves as "Nova". They look murderously at  them, before cooling it to look to Natsumi, trying to help them sit up.

Lethe still contemplates murder.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy  is breathing unsteadily into the bag, not too concerned with his  probably wet face right now, but he appreciates the help. Thank you  Frank.

Hugo quietly notes Nova’s appearance and starts messaging one of their bosses, at least to report what just happened. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie  is staring back and forth in disbelief between Nova, Natsumi, the  fainted people and the rest of the group that came out of the elevator.

Auran  looks up at Nova, still helping to steady Natsumi. It looks like  there's way too many thoughts running through his mind right now.

Jess is trying to understand what the fuck is going on.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 


👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Of  course I'm not! But I do love to observe you all. This company is such  an interesting response to your own creations... your own hubris. This  is certainly one of the most interesting existences we watch over."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Who-who the heck is we???" 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Yeah this is fishy, Hugo’s taking a photo.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty  pours as much healing as she could manage into Natsumi, trying to at  least bring the overall pain level down, before sitting back and looking  at Auran while half-listening to Nova. "...Are you okay?"

Thistle silently moves back over to Lethe.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Nova snorts and snaps. The picture on Hugo's phone self-deletes.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera  is waking up on the floor and is very confused for a moment. What  happened? Why are they here again? This is the ground floor and  everyone's here, that's good. The scientist is floating? What's  happening now? She pushes herself up to sit. Not happy at all."I thought  we were gonna die!" she yells at Nova. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

He blinks.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex  slowly drifts over to join Jack and Babs again; eyes staying on the  group that made it back and feeling relieved to a degree. "Im sorry...  you were right... I shouldn't have put us in danger...." 

Frank just

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"We!  The weavers of time and space, the ones who control the threads of  creation in all existences. We gave you the powers you're not even aware  of anymore! And that's so intriguing!"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani pauses and thinks before her eyes widened a bit."The power of... manifestation?" she asks

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is staring. Tails face. You know the one. 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle tilts her head. "That was you?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo sneaks another picture. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Exactly!  Years ago we dropped a little taste of our powers into your hands, and  you create all this! And then you come to hate your own creation, to try  to destroy it, regulate it, and even forget your own powers!" 

The picture deletes

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran  slowly pans over to Wisty, looking... uncertain. "I... I think? I  didn't-- I didn't get hit as hard, they had to hold up the portal-- We  just-- I just got a headache, is all..." He half turns back to listen to  Nova.

Leslie is blinking in silence. W h a t. What kinda heckin--

"... What the fuck are they talking about--" Jess whispers.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash is noting this down mentally but does not care too much, focus not on them.

Lethe tilts her head slowly. What on earth.....

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

".... So everything... our entire existence- all the ghouls and spooky and the unexplainable... is our doing?" Mia isnt having a crisis no

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Lana’s a little loss for words “…threads of creation?” all this sounds wild

Jack relaxes when Alex joins them, shifting his gaze to mean mug the ‘scientist’. “It’s ok dude— just glad you’re alright.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Yes  but you all aren't ready to rectify that reality. This was mostly so I  could observe your little group here. And give you a warning, as a  trade: One of the strongest of you has awakened, and she's on the move.  You should be careful and watch one another... especially you." and they  point to Kasper. 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

"You're lying!" Nera barks. All this information goes against everything she's ever believed. She's covering her ears.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty sighs and pokes Auran in the forehead anyway, vanishing away that headache. Then looks at Kasper.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy is leaning on Frank (Sorry Frank) thinking he’s hearing nonsense now. “I wanna go home…” He whines.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash turns their head to look at Kasper, suddenly even MORE worried.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Caitlyn snorts “what are you, the riddler?”

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is sitting.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Thank you for the warning. Please do not contact us again," Thistle repeats.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕

Kasper mostly kept quiet, but he did look a little pale at the sudden pointing out... he cowardly held Athena's hand.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  looks to Kasper as Nova points to him. Then she looks to  Athena."...This is fine." she says mostly to herself and breaths before  putting on a small smile and laughing it off. "Everything is going to be  okay." she tried to reassure

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank  is unsure whats happening or what to do. And suddenly has a man on him  now. He just kinda- puts an arm around Andy to lead him out. Same vibes  as helping an old lady cross the street like "O-Okay.. lets uh.. go-"  The pizzas gonna get wasted

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Only  if I'm bored! But I will be taking my leave now- I have other  existences to observe. Tata~!" and a big wheel with light blue threads  flit around them. They fade into the wheel and vanish.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena's  focus is definitely not on them and is about to approach the portal  team when she notices Wisty already taking care of them. She's about to  head on over either way but notices Nova point at her boyfriend.  Her  focus is now on them.. and on Kasper. She holds on to his hand tightly  and looks at Nova "Thanks for the warning, I suppose." she's not too  pleased about this... 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran's  eyes pan down from Nova to Kasper. He stares for a bit in silence,  clearly lost in thought as his face turns into a concerned expression.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Thank you Frank. Sorry Frank.

Hugo  stares at the empty space that was Nova. “Um…” He speaks up. “I- told  our bosses about this so hopefully they know something. I tried to get a  picture, but..”

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

With the cryptic warning now lingering over their heads, Athena looks at Mialani with a small smile. "It should be. It will be." 

"come, oppa.. we'll try to get our minds off of this for now okay?" she does quick goodbyes to her friends and those around before taking Kasper away from there

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is still absorbing everything. but. "I'll... draw them out later..."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Lucy’s just happy everyone is back! Nuzzles for all!

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash  slowly gets back up after making sure Natsumi's not gonna die on them  and walks to pack their stuff up. Lethe decides to wait for Thistle  before leaving.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack leans on Alex some “maaaan, I really need a nap— you good to walk back on your own?”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Once Wisty is sure ish that damage is as fixed as it can be, she's gonna go back over to Romeo and go tf home thank uuuu.

Thistle figures that is that and simply just leaves with Lethe!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani  smiles and waves to them as they leave before walking over to Hugo. Her  smile kind of fades."I'm going to need a hug today." she said simply  before laughing it off

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Huh-.. Oh, yeah, I mean-" He feels a lil guilty "Im heading back as well, dont worry. Im good to walk!"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo’s brows furrow in concern. Without saying anything, he just nods and pulls her into a hug.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran  heads back with David and Natsumi, helping them walk back to the hotel.  Natsumi's getting tucked into bed and watched over.

Leslie's still trying to process all of this information. Eh?? What?? They head back to the hotel confused.

Jess heads back with Leslie, still not knowing what the fuck they were all talking about.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera  takes a moment to breathe and then runs out of the building, taking a  running takeoff into the air to fly off. She's not going to the rooms,  though. She disappears into the night.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

spare sorts everything into 'now' and 'later'. He starts on the 'now' and goes over to... "Alex?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia is very happy with the hug

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Well Natsumi might get to sleep tonight!

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex turns. "Hmm?" Hes a lil tired and confused

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕

Kasper  leaves the place with Athena in hand, but he's going to think hard  about that warning and what they meant by that... Either way, it's  shooting his anxiety up significantly. That was perhaps the most  terrifying part of the whole ordeal for him.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"Listen, that thing in the window on the 6th floor, it was... calling to..." he loses steam  seeing Alex's state and. the cute dog boy clinging to him. "...Maybe I  should talk about it later- is the new person your friend?"