Unnamed fantasy universe plot summary

10 months, 14 days ago

The Misadventures of a Purple Witch (or, why background checking your clients is never a bad idea)

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But first. Who are these guys?


Emma, a witch who inadvertently gets roped into a resistance movement because she sold her potions to the wrong person (Faviola).

The Alliance of Mages (AoM for short):

Faviola, current head of the Alliance, despite not being a mage. Shrewd and cunning, and will stop at nothing to accumulate more power for herself. 

Kion, Faviola's right hand idiot and division leader for the Alliance. He's extremely loyal to Faviola because of how she helped him in the past.

Robin, Combat division leader for the Alliance. She's far less concerned about advancing the Alliance's goals and cares more about beating people up.

Margaret, Informational division leader and, after some time, a double agent who aids AAARM. Nobody knows how she ended up here. Not even herself.

The Awesome Anti-AoM Resistance Movement (everyone just calls it AAARM):

Alexandra, co-leader and a former soldier. Very tough but has a knack for understanding people's emotions.

Quinn, co-leader and a former prince's aide. Said prince is dead now. Not very experienced in worldly affairs, but he makes up for it by being book smart.

Nova, co-leader. Grew up in an undersea town but was banished as punishment for a murder they didn't commit. A curious sort of person--likes observing people and how they live.

Violet, member. A former messenger who knew Quinn in passing. She joined AAARM after a brush with death involving a mage.


Lake, Margaret's younger brother. Got taken prisoner by Faviola after she started suspecting Margaret was a double agent. 


  • The Nonmage Uprising, known to most people as just "the Uprising" happens. This is approximately a generation before the story's events. Faviola was a child at the time--the other members of the cast weren't born yet.
  • Before this uprising, mages were considered an upper class in society and held essentially all high positions. The nonmages were successful in removing them from power, and things became much more equal. There was a lot of animosity between the two groups as a result of this incident, though. Nonmages feared the mages striking back and reclaiming their previous positions, while mages were deeply resentful for being "cheated" out of their previous positions (many mages were killed over the course of the uprising as well). It's worth noting that Robin's family was one of the most resentful groups, constantly mourning their loss of prestige as a result of the Uprising.
  • A teenage Faviola leaves home to (among many, many other things) make a name for herself. 

  • Emma drops out of her magic academy, finding the environment too rigid and stressful. She moves to a cottage on the edge of a small town, with her parents' approval.
  • Kion’s parents (both non-mages) feel as though he’s getting too reckless with his magical powers and kicks him out. Some time later, Faviola recognizes his power and proposes that they partner up. He agrees.
  • Faviola gets rid of the old leader of the Alliance of Mages (Read: she has him killed) and becomes the new leader. With Kion’s help, of course.
  • Emma starts supplying potions to Faviola. She has no idea who Faviola actually is until later. Emma and Kion meet during this time, since he’s the one coming to her house to pick up the potions. 
  • Nova gets accused of murder and forced out of their home. The actual killer was a member of the AoM who got a little too rowdy. 
  • An assassin from the AoM succeeds in killing the prince of a nearby kingdom because of his family’s views on mages. Quinn leaves the castle and travels elsewhere. 
  • Alexandra and the rest of their country's army face off against a horde of mages led by Robin and lose badly. Alexandra takes the opportunity to defect.
  • Alexandra, Quinn and Nova run into each other at the local adventurer’s guild. Realizing that they have the same goal, they team up to find out more about the AoM and hopefully stop them. 
  • After some time, they realize that there are actually other people with a grudge against the AoM, but they're too afraid to do anything on their own. Together, the three of them co-found AAARM (The Awesome Anti-AoM Resistance Movement). Word travels fast about the group, and its membership explodes to about 200 members.


  • Margaret leaves home and inadvertently gets recruited into the AoM because of her impressive speaking skills and ability to gather information (despite not being a mage herself). 
  • She catches Faviola’s eye and gets appointed as the informational division head. 
  • At a division meeting, Kion mentions how picking up potions from Emma is becoming tiresome (Read: he fucking hates Emma) and Margaret, eager to please, offers to do it for him. He tries to back out since she might start to put two and two together but she insists, so he eventually relents.
  • Emma begins to wonder what exactly her potions are being used for. She makes an invisibility potion and uses it to follow Margaret back to the AoM’s headquarters, finding out everything that Faviola is up to. 
  • Terrified, she goes back and hides at home for a few days before going to seek help from the adventurer’s guild. Everyone laughs in her face and dismisses her except for Alexandra, Quinn and Nova. They recruit her into AAARM. 
  • Emma has joined the party!
  • The four of them begin planning to expose the fact that Faviola can’t use magic, and therefore get the mages to turn against her. With difficulty, Emma pretends like she knows nothing and keeps providing potions as usual. They decide not to involve the other members of the group until later. It'll be easier to keep things under the radar if there aren't that many people involved. They do get some help from them, though.
  • Margaret and Emma get to know each other a bit better—they’ve grown from acquaintances to friends because of Margaret’s consistent efforts to make Emma comfortable around her (she knows Emma is nervous when she’s around but she completely missed the mark as to why that is).
  • Time passes. Once they’re ready to move forward with their mission, Emma confronts Margaret, telling her what they’re about to do.
  • She says she’s trusting her because she knows she’s a good person. So why is she with the AoM?
  • Margaret says well. They’re not doing anything that bad. They’re kind of just like any other kingdom. Or political party. 
  • Emma says oh my god bro what kind of fucking propaganda have they been feeding you 
  • Disclaimer: EMMA DID NOT SAY THIS. The closest she comes to cursing is saying “oh my god what the heck”.
  • Anyway, Emma spells out all of their crimes in great detail, while Margaret pleads with her to stop. Margaret finally relents, saying that she knew for a long while that something wasn’t right, but what was she supposed to do? She doesn’t know anything about the world. She’s never even left home until now. Why should anyone take her word over everyone else’s? It was easier to just try to believe their lies and go along with it.
  • She acknowledges that she can’t keep doing that anymore. She’s not sure what she can do right now but if they ever need anything in the future… just let her now
  • Emma: Eh? You’re not leaving the AoM?
  • Margaret: Well. I’d be more of use on the inside, right? All the insider info will just fall into my lap.
  • Emma tells her to please be careful, Margaret says ok o7, and she heads off.
  • The quartet exposes Faviola. Cue a massive uproar in the AoM. The mages demand an explanation from her.
  • Faviola makes the most insane speech of all time, promising to be honest with everyone from now on and saying that it makes no difference whether she has magic or not, because she’s already proven herself as a reliable leader. Everyone’s mostly  satisfied.
  • She also announces Kion is stepping down as her assistant. She does not tell him about this beforehand, so naturally he doesn’t take it well. 
  • Kion, high on copium, convinces himself that this is all Emma’s fault and swears he’s going to kill her. 
  • For a more detailed explanation of the previous three bullet points, see But you Won’t See it on My Face.
  • The quartet scramble to find out their next move.
  • Time passes. Faviola catches onto the fact that Margaret’s loyalty to her is fading and kidnaps her younger brother, Lake.
  • Lake gets thrown in the castle dungeons indefinitely to ensure Margaret’s loyalty. Faviola takes her to see him. 
  • Margaret frantically promises nothing will happen to him. It’ll be ok—nobody here will treat him badly. She’ll make sure of that.
  • They both know she doesn’t have the power to do that.
  • With the stakes now higher than before, Nova suggests that they stop messing around and just try to kill Faviola. It won’t solve the whole issue, but it’ll be a start. 
  • In their words, they’ve spent so long defending themselves to everyone and saying that they’re not a murderer, but they’re willing to become one in this case. 
  • After a lot of deliberation, everyone agrees to go forward with this. 
  • Kion shows up at Emma’s house and threatens her, telling her not to do anything further against Faviola, Or Else. The two of them get into a massive (magical) fight. Good news: Emma wins just barely. Bad news: the cottage is now a wreck. For a more detailed explanation of this bullet point, see No Place for Sensitive Hearts.
  • Depressed and also pretty scared, Emma moves in with the adventurer’s guild trio. 
  • The day of the (new) operation arrives. The entirety of AAARM storms the AoM headquarters. They have sheer numbers and the element of surprise on their side, but the mages have magic, and after a while the tides of the battle shift in the AoM's favor.
  • In the middle of the chaos, Margaret slowly heads to the dungeons to free Lake. She ends up freeing all of the other prisoners as well because they promised to fight on their side. On the way back, Kion intercepts them. 
  • He tells them that if he can drag them all back, Faviola should reconsider his demotion. Margaret tells him to fuck off.
  • Disclaimer: MARGARET DID NOT SAY THIS. She also isn’t big on swearing, although she’ll do so if she gets angry enough. 
  • Margaret is like you know Faviola’s life is in danger right now. We’re going to kill her. He’s like yeah right. Even if that’s true you’re never going to succeed. 
  • Margaret goes “would you like to bet on that bro.” and he stares at her. 
  • She tells him that if he agrees to just leave now, they won’t hurt him. He just needs to never come back. Go somewhere else. Travel a bit. She can vouch that that kind of thing is fun. It opens your eyes to lots of new things.
  • He tells her to fuck off (he did say this.)
  • Margaret is on the verge of trying to re-negotiate with him (she does hate him, but she's really not one for violence) when the prisoners all lunge at him and start trying to bite his head off (slight exaggeration). Kion fights for his life. When Margaret sees an opening, she hurls a couple of Emma's potions she had on hand at him, leaving him unconscious on the floor.
  • She hands off Lake to Quinn (who can't fight and thus is not on the front lines), promises Lake she'll meet him when everything's over, and rejoins the battle. A couple of the injured prisoners also go with him. The lot of them make their escape successfully
  • Throughout all this, Robin is a huge thorn in Emma and co's side. She's singlehandedly decimating a large group of their forces.
  • Seeing this, Alexandra stays behind with a couple of people to fight her. 
  • Meanwhile, Emma, Nova, and some of the stronger AAARM members go ahead and track down Faviola. 
  • Remember how Faviola claimed to have gotten rid of all of her old potions? Yeah that was a lie she still had a few lying around in the case of an emergency. 
  • Cartoon crashing and fighting SFX. It's a rough fight because some of the mages get involved too but eventually Faviola dies like they wanted. 
  • Alexandra purposefully lets a few of the mages leave to spread the word that Faviola is down. They try to escape but when they leave they're surrounded by more members of AAARM that were hiding around the castle. Outmatched, they give in and surrender.
  • Still badly hurt from her fight with Alexandra (it was... something of a stalemate. Alexandra's fine, don't worry) Robin realizes the mages are falling. She says "nuh uh" and throws herself into another battle she knows she can't win. She gets killed in the process, which was her intention in the first place. She didn't want to rot in prison or be forced to stop fighting for the Alliance's goals. 
  • The gang goes around rounding up all the mages. Emma is the one to find Kion. She looks the other way when he glares at her one last time and flees the scene. 


  • The process of reintegrating AoM members back into society is a mess. Only the top leaders (other than Kion and Margaret. Margaret is exempt and Kion got away) get actually sent to prison. But it happens over a few years. 
  • Nova does get to meet the person behind the murder they were charged for. Some punching and yelling goes on during that meeting. Catharsis. 
  • Their case gets reopened and this time they’re allowed to return to their home. Cue a lot of crying and hugging when they say goodbye to Alexandra and Quinn. They’re not gone forever, though—these days they split their time among living with the undersea and living on land. So they visit the besties often.
  • With its job done, AAARM gets disbanded.
  • Margaret and Lake’s relationship was extremely strained after the events of canon but they talk things out and improve their relationship again. Siblings siblings siblings siblings. This is my sister this is my brother we are siblings and we care for each other.
  • Emma and Margaret kiss kiss fall in love. They had feelings for each other for a while, it just wasn’t a priority with everything else going on. But postcanon Margaret confesses, Emma.exe stops working, and they officially get together.
  • They eventually move into their own house in the countryside. They fr are living the cottagecore life. 
  • Kion leaves a letter to Emma saying that he still hates her, but he also hates himself just as much for being such a pathetic failure. He’s leaving to go elsewhere, just like Margaret suggested, and think about what he’s going to do next. 
  • "Raven how tf did he evade the authorities" fake papers. He changed his appearance too. 
  • Kion never sees any of the main cast again, but in time he does some soul searching and realizes that maybe he needs to relax a bit. He compiles some of his savings and enrolls in a magic academy under a new identity. He actually excels and has a good time there. Good for him.