Mind Scribbles

9 months, 14 days ago
9 months, 14 days ago
4 1479

Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 14 days ago

A series of short Drabbles or One Shots more accurately labeled as Scenarios centered or involving Nicolas North

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His earliest memory was of a monsters pained cries, of a face twisting in agony as little hands desperately attempt to clutch around a culprit that wasn't even there, to quite the noise only they could hear. 

It hurt, it's hurt so bad...yet it wouldn't stop. 

Instead the ferocious beasts growing sorrow would only rise in volume, crying...no screaming for whoever was listening near. ,,Don't ignore me! Feed me! Feed me you fool do you not hear?!"

Yet no one would reach out, it's pitiful wails meet with nothing less than deafening silence, as tears continued to travel down the child's chubby cheeks, sinking down to his knees, tiny hands clutching around the pained area as if to soften the blow, a tiny voice breaking as it begged the monster to stop...to quieten. 

It wouldn't stop, the pain would never stop. As the gluttons wails would only rise in volume, the barely eight year old would eventually join in the beast sorrowful cries, crying himself to sleep yet again on an empty stomach.

As the days grew past the young child would eventually realise that there was no one to hear the boys pained cries, no one to reach out, no one to notice, the little hybrid had been left all on his own.