Mind Scribbles

6 months, 13 days ago
6 months, 13 days ago
4 1479

Chapter 3
Published 6 months, 13 days ago

A series of short Drabbles or One Shots more accurately labeled as Scenarios centered or involving Nicolas North

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Fated Encounter

Lance was called to eliminate an level 3 Ink that was seen causing harvoc and attacking innocent bystanders in the middle of a City. He chases the Monster down into a dead alley before finally getting rid of it. Believing his Mission to be done here, he begins putting his weapons away and fishing the phone out of his jacket, ready to call his superiour and letting Ema now that the City's safe now...when he suddenly notices some slight movement out of the corner of his eyes.

His head wips around and he starts watching his surroundings more closely with one of his hands uncounciously darting towards his weapon, ready to go into a fighting stance if need be...what he finds instead isn't another threat but a child,- a terrified child. Allowing exhaustion to finally catch up with him, he let's out a tired sigh,- the hand moments ago just hovering above the trigger letting go of the weapons position and moving upwards to mess with his own hair instead. 

,,You scared me shitless, hope ya know that.", he laughs dryly while cocking his head to the side allowing the small smile to turn into a lopsided grin. ,, where your parents at? It's dangerous out here, kid.", only for the grin to fade into a frown as the child attempts to hug himself closer to the dumpster, wary of the person before him. 

....its obvious to him that he is the reason they don't feel safe, it's in the way they giant bunny ears are positioned, in the way they are sitting half hiding behind the dumpster half ready to bold at any moment, it's in the way they shiver under his observing gaze yet stubbornly refuse to break eye contact...yet he notices the messy state of their hair, the cuts and tears in their worn clothes highlighting the skinny bones shining through and stains of dirt in their face,-

So instead he's the one to first break out of their silent stare challenge, head turning to the side eyeing the opening of the dead alley closely, getting an idea. ,,You know...theres a dinner right across the street...you want some?", switching his attention back to the child not having moved an inch, he shrugs when noticing their lack of a reaction.

,,Your loss.", with this the mercenary begins to walk away...only to hear smal exhausted huffs of air and hurried steps catching up behind him.

"Soo...wat'cha want to eat?"