Mind Scribbles

9 months, 16 days ago
9 months, 16 days ago
11 2705

Chapter 11
Published 9 months, 16 days ago

A series of short Drabbles or One Shots more accurately labeled as Scenarios centered or involving Crash

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[After Dragons, a Werwolf might be the Monster with the highest defense]

The Witch brased himself for Impact, eyes shut tightly as he waited for the woman's frightening claws to strike, to rip him apart.

Yet, the pain never came. ,,He...he parried the captain!", the Witch's eyes refused to open to glance up towards the figure shielding him as the crowds previously excited shouts turned into panicked screams.

,,You came at last, seven.", her voice was cold, calculated as she gazed down at the young boy holding her arms with frightening strength,- choosing to remain silent the teenager gritted his teeth as he shoved back his eyes focusing on the knights behind her with an intense heat.

,,You're not welcome here, Traitor.", the youngers words were meet with a visible flinch, the knights drawing their weapons in response. Yet pausing in their steps, confusedly glazing at their respected captains raised hand.

,,This...the mortal behind you,- a wanted criminal im ordered to catch. Seven, I am sure you are aware that this soul...his fate had been decided."

,,You expect me to care?! A Traitor like you sure has its nerve.", the boy barked out a laugh ,,As long as he's within this Country you will not take him. I will kill your men if you dare."

,,Threatening a high ranked official working under the Crowns order. Seven have you finally lost your mind? Are you sure a war is what your King would've wanted? Hand over this criminal I promise we will never set foot into your Country again."

,,All traveling souls are under my protection. Criminal or not, as long as I live Lost will remain a safe place for those wandering aimlessly. That's EXACTLY what big Brother would've wanted!"