Mind Scribbles

6 months, 15 days ago
6 months, 15 days ago
11 2705

Chapter 9
Published 6 months, 15 days ago

A series of short Drabbles or One Shots more accurately labeled as Scenarios centered or involving Crash

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The witch excuses himself from the bright and cheerful chattering of his companions residing around a bonfire, the former knight waves him of as he once again focuses on the scary storie he was about to tell, the kids not even bothering to which the adult good night as they find themself to captured by the tail. 

The witch walks a little further from the camp they set up merely hours ago, away from the soothing warmth and comforting gaze provided by the sights small dancing fire. He doesn't have to search long until his eyes catch on to a hunched figure, a deer like creature laying comfortably on the forest ground with its head protectively resting on top of an even smaller body. It's a wolf pup, it's small body curled into a ball cuddled against the older creature in a search for warmth.

It is a heartwarming sight, the way the deer hugs the little body closer towards themselves, the way the small Pup doesnt seem bothered...comfortable in fact, is undeniably an adorable sight. Yet, the Witch can't help but show a grimace in response: ,,What the fuck?", it's to nice for his tastes.