Mind Scribbles

6 months, 7 days ago
6 months, 7 days ago
11 2705

Chapter 6
Published 6 months, 7 days ago

A series of short Drabbles or One Shots more accurately labeled as Scenarios centered or involving Crash

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Dirty Paws

The soft pitter patter of feet could be heard accompanied by a child's laughter as the toddler run through the corridor, ducking and dodging whoever would pass on his way towards the entry way. Out of the corner of his eyes the little boy could make out a woman working in the kitchen busing herself with cleaning the dishes while a red haired teen keept her company, sitting on one of the barstools chattering away while playing with the food on a plate infront of him. 

The moment the door came in sight the boy started to slow down, turning around to make sure none of the elder kids had noticed him or moved to stop his little escape mission. Turning around the three year old started reaching his hand out towards the door knob when he was sure no one had tried to run after the toodler, squealing in suprise the moment he noticed the floor suddenly vanishing. 

,,I told you", came the amused feminine voice from the open Kitchen, a hint of an elders wisdom evident in the young woman's voice. ,,I swear I was just reaching for Shampoo, the hell should I know he would make a run for it?", the teenagers voice carried both tiredness and amusement as he tightened his hold around the squirming toddler protesting at the top of his high pitched voice.