Mind Scribbles

6 months, 15 days ago
6 months, 15 days ago
11 2705

Chapter 3
Published 6 months, 15 days ago

A series of short Drabbles or One Shots more accurately labeled as Scenarios centered or involving Crash

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Take a plunge?

On a hot summer day four figures crowded a cliff near the boarder of the floating island, two children crouching on their legs carefully peering down. ,, Big Brother! Big Brother look! We're so high up!", the little girl excitedly exclaimed with stars in her eyes. ,,I think I'm going to throw up", the boy mumbled sickly moving away from the edge before clutching both his stomach and mouth, completely ignoring the two older Kids silently watching them a few feet away. 

Crash: So who's going first?

Yuuma: We are not jumping over the edge! 

Crash: Why?! It's so hot, didn't you say we have to entertain these kids somehow? What's more awesome than going for a quick swim in the ocean? 

Yuuma: there's a underwater canyon down there, you know how far this goes?! Dont even let me start about the Monster lurking beneath! 

Crash: It's fineeee~ there weren't any ink sightings in a while. Besides Doc said the kids already learned how to swim, not like they're unsupervised any,-

Yuuma: You. can't. swim. Crash! 

Crash: .....

Yuuma: .....

Crash: ...i didn't think this through. 

Yuuma: You think?