goofy prodigy ICQs

7 months, 30 days ago
7 months, 30 days ago
3 967

Entry 1
Published 7 months, 30 days ago

incorrect quotes from mostly kim and kyle! separated into years even though their personalities don't change that much

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kimberly, walking into the academy archives: aight heading i-

eleanor, in the corner: **shoving paper into her mouth while snorting**

eleanor: **slowly turns around**

eleanor: crack


kimberly: **closes door**

kyle: i proudly identify as an ✨asshole✨

kimberly: you’re an asshole.

kyle: you fucking take that back

kimberly: **opens chest for the first time**

items: ***flies out of the chest at mach 20, slamming her ten feet into the air***

kyle: oh look, a mistletoe! you know that that means, kimchi :)

kimberly: **kicks the mistletoe onto the ground**


kimberly: now it’s below us


kimberly: that means i get to roundhouse kick you

kyle: oH GOD OH FU-

kimberly: **inside some sort of house, i haven’t decided whose yet**

**the door starts to open**

kimberly: oh god oh fuck what do i do i-

kimberly: **uses a morph marble and turns into a fucking plant**

person: **walks into house** ahh, rest after a long day!

person: **walks past kimberly** hey did i have this plant before?

plant kimberly:


plant kimberly:


plant kimberly: **turns back into herself in front of him**



**sexual scene comes on**

kyle: **is laughing his ass off and making jokes**

kimberly: ***uncomfortable silence***