goofy cookie run ICQs

4 months, 25 days ago
4 months, 25 days ago
1 326

Entry 1
Published 4 months, 25 days ago

icqs of my cookie run ocs and the characters theyre associated with :D separated by year

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dragonfruit, flying in the air: makin my way downtown, walkin fast

fire spirit, charging at him at full speed: RED DRAGONFRUIT COOKIE

dragonfruit, picking up speed: wALKING FASTER-

de: how did you find me?

rice: you left a trail of clues that you didn't even notice. it wasn't at all difficult tracking y-


lic: haha! fools! i can summon spells and powerful units! and what can you two do??? curse me???

pome and rice: [looks at each other]

pome: should we?

rice: i have not done it in ages. i don't know if i even can anymore.

pome: oh, brother. the darkness will always be within you-

rice: quit that. i'll do it just this once.

lic: do what.

pome and rice: [turns to him and their eyes start GLOWING FUCKING RED]


lic: mom help

rice and pome fix their broken bond over bullying lic asmr

rice: when was the last time you showered

lic: the last time i what

rice: oh, sorry. you're usually a cookie.

lic: and????

rice: ...but even if you were a human, i bet that you don't shower.

rice: what do you think jawbreaker will do as a distraction?

bitt: he will probably throw a rock or cause a distraction, maybe get into a fistfight at most.

[building explodes and screams ensue]


bitt: or... he can do that

misu: scariest horror movie?

rice: It

bitt: annabelle

hoji: saw

pop rock: high school musical. after watching it i spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and i’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics

someone: are you a boy or a girl?

bitt: not to my knowledge

rice: im atheist

bitt: ? whats that

rice: i dont believe in gods

bitt: ????????? gods are literally right here???

rice: yeah but i dont like them so i dont believe in them