Fighting for who you love

4 months, 6 days ago
2 months, 28 days ago
5 3946

Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 6 days ago

Explicit Violence

S comes home, and discovers a cryptic note. Where is Asmi...

Canon characters featured: J, V Swapping perspective between Asmi, S, and once J CW: CHILD BEING KIDNAPPED/HURT/THREATENED, VIOLENCE

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[1] - Asmi

Snow fell softly around Copper-9 as Asmi skipped home. She had a wild smile on her face, excited to tell her Mas about her day. He tail wagged happily behind her, sloshing around the liquid inside the canister. She had made a few new friends today, and she couldn't wait to tell them about it. However, she found it slightly odd that nobody had come to pick her up today, V didn't even ask J to pick her up. That was fine though! They must be busy picking up new oil containers or something. As she skipped closer to the building her family called home, she paused. The door was open a bit, and Asmi could see some snow trailing into the house. That was... strange.. She hesitantly took a few more steps forward, pausing at the bottom of the stairs. Her dual colored green eyes squinted, tilting her head to peer inside. Nobody leaves the door open normally, what was happening today? She walked up the stairs slowly, reaching out her hand to push open the wooden door. She glanced to the doorframe, it looked as if it had been opened pretty harshly. Asmi gave a worried glance around her home, slipping off her backpack and tapping the snow off her boots. Asmi walked further into her home, opening her mouth to call for her family.

"Ma? Mapa?" Asmi called, only for no response to return. As she walked closer to the living room, she heard the sound of taps on the wooden floor. Before she could turn to look, Asmi's world went dark as she felt blades digging into her silver arms and something covering her eyes. She let out a weak cry, yet it didn't last long as a hand clasped over her mouth and shut her up. She attempted to stab whoever this was with her glowing green tail, but she hissed in pain as it was slammed to the ground.

"Step one complete."