Syte Scraps (Unfinished WIPs)

2 months, 29 days ago
2 months, 29 days ago
13 6752 1

Entry 10
Published 2 months, 29 days ago

Things that I'm probably not going to finish but I don't want them to just rot forever... if I end up finishing any I'll remove them from here and make a new literature with them

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A Conversation (1/11/24)

Xander wasn't one to show up at Vulf's office. Everything he tended to ask of Vulf was completed after hours- Xander took priority over Vulf's other clients. Being a close associate (and nothing more, of course) had its perks. But Vulf was busy, and was supposed to be out hours ago, and Xander didn't want to wait much longer. Something had been bothering her terribly, and there wasn't anybody else she could think of to talk about it with.

The lobby was quiet- Vulf's work was (supposed to be) done for the day, and Vulf's few staff members had left for the night. Vulf had made some attempt to make the waiting room comfortable; chairside tables were adorned with miscellaneous web articles for casual reading, freshly downloaded images of potted plants and faux windows painted the illusion of a calming, everyday scene. Vulf had even taken the time to set up the occasional simulated breeze, the fake foliage rustling obediently in time with the wind. It was lovely, but Xander wanted nothing to do with it. They made no effort to wait- it had been long enough already- and quickly strode to the office door. She knocked once, twice, and was relieved to hear Vulf's muffled voice.

“We're closed! Book an appointment and scram!”

“Are you really so behind on work that you cannot meet your other commitments?”

Vulf went quiet, and Xander could hear scuffing as he got up. The door was opened a few moments later, and a confused Vulf looked up at his guest.

“...Did something happen?”

“No, nothing- I wanted to ask you the same! What's taking you so long?”

Xander's voice didn't feel like his own- he sounded petulant and childish. Like he missed Vulf, or something. He tried to remedy the situation.

“You're always hellbent on working yourself to death. I just had to make sure you hadn't kicked the bucket just yet. You're not getting out of the work I've given you that easily.”

“I'm n– I'm not dying, Alex. Calm down. It just slipped my mind, is all.”

“You're an artificial intelligence. It shouldn't do that.”

“Shut up.”

Vulf sighed exasperatedly and took a step back into the office, beckoning for Xander to do the same. The door was swiftly closed behind them, and the office was basked in a comforting warm light with a snap of Vulf's fingers.

“...Sorry I missed it,” Vulf mumbled, vaguely gesturing towards a chair. “I'm all ears, now. Sit down.” When Xander sat, Vulf clambered onto his desk, using the couple inches of height he gained from sitting on it to better meet Xander's eye. Nevermind that a few of the files piled on the desk were scattered in the process; Vulf would clean up eventually.

Xander felt horribly awkward at the thought of talking about it now. It took a few moments of silence for him to speak.

“...There's something I wanted to discuss. Just– just between us, and just this once. Not to be mentioned again.”

“Of course,” Vulf said, his tone absent of his typical snark. Xander was reluctant to continue, but it helped to know that Vulf was capable of being genuine, if rarely.

“...About our hosts,” Xander said.

“No. Nevermind.”

Just like that, Vulf's attempt at being gentle was gone. Xander scowled in response.

“You made me come all the way out here- the least you could do is humor me.”

“If you told me you wanted to talk about humans, I would've told you no ahead of time!”

“You don't have to– I have a single question, that's all!”

“There's no point in focusing on old humans, anyway.”

“One question. That's all.”

Vulf grumbled unintelligibly. No matter how much he complained, both of them knew that Vulf couldn't bring himself to kick Xander out.

“...No promises that I'll answer.”

Xander took a moment to figure out how to word it.

“...Can you feel your host, Vulf?”

Vulf's brow creased in confusion. “Feel my…?”

“Does he have an influence on your behavior, in any way?”

“...I mean, yeah, duh.”

Xander wasn't sure if Vulf understood, and decided to elaborate.

“It's- it's an odd thing. Some… I know that some are at odds with their host. Like they're still alive, fighting for control.”

Vulf's jaw tensed when Xander said that. Xander noticed, but didn't react, instead continuing:

“I was simply wondering if my inability to relate could be tied to my existence as an archaic model. But if you're just as tormented as the rest…”