Syte Scraps (Unfinished WIPs)

2 months, 29 days ago
2 months, 29 days ago
13 6752 1

Entry 13
Published 2 months, 29 days ago

Things that I'm probably not going to finish but I don't want them to just rot forever... if I end up finishing any I'll remove them from here and make a new literature with them

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Nap (2/23/24)

“Your productivity is down 24%. At the moment, it's not a cause for concern- but I figured I would notify you.”

Miles’ voice, as calm as it was, made Pavlov's fur bristle.

The two were situated on a simple webpage- cozy, cramped, out of the way. Pavlov hadn't done much to decorate it, barring the necessities: a desk to work at, a couple of chairs, and the cot he was currently curled up on.

“...You don't need to notify me of anything, Miles,” Pavlov responded. He was careful not to snap- the last thing he wanted was to agitate somebody so perfectly built to kill him. “I'll get back to it in a moment.”

“Of course. I simply think that it's in your best interest to be reminded of the current trend. Your processing speed has dropped a significant amount in the past two days.”

“Leave me alone for a– just for a little bit,” Pavlov interrupted. After a moment of contemplation, he clarified. “Four to five hours, ideally.”

“That is four to five hours that Vulfhound could be spending to prepare himself for your arrival.”

“I– j– I just need a damn nap, okay??”

Pavlov winced as he said it- explaining things in human terms never went well with Miles. And this time was no exception. Miles’ antennae twitched slightly, one of the many tells Pavlov used to understand what was going on behind the Termyte's perpetually blank, smiling expression. Miles was confused- at the moment, he was looking up information on the subject through his antennae.

“A nap,” Miles eventually echoed. Pavlov reluctantly pulled himself into a sitting position- if he wanted Miles to leave him alone, he knew he'd have to explain.

“We've been active for a while. I haven't had time to cool down, and I need to recompile my code,” Pavlov said. “Hell, I'm sure you do, too. When's the last time you made sure your code was sorted out…?”

“Termytes do not have to worry about that sort of thing.”

Of course they didn't. Pavlov scoffed.

“Well, Virusytes do. I need to rest, I need to fix things up. And I need you to be quiet for a little bit.”