Syte Scraps (Unfinished WIPs)

2 months, 29 days ago
2 months, 29 days ago
13 6752 1

Entry 5
Published 2 months, 29 days ago

Things that I'm probably not going to finish but I don't want them to just rot forever... if I end up finishing any I'll remove them from here and make a new literature with them

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Work Trip (12/21/23)

Xander didn't get out much, for a myriad of reasons.

The act of infection was messy- the idea of spreading to a web of disconnected devices had no appeal to her. Besides, that was dirty work, and she wasn't the type for it. He much preferred his human sensibilities- keeping his home tidy, organizing and decluttering, checking in on his remote job. It was relaxing, and it allowed him the means through which he could keep his network maintained and paid for. As an added bonus, it also allowed him to hire other Virusytes to do the hard work for him.

Even outside of Virusyte-typical work, he didn't have much of a reason to leave. The few people he wanted to talk to typically didn't mind showing up at his device to do so. Xander took care to make her device network appealing and comfortable to be in. If she was going to spend all of her time in it, after all, she might as well give it a warm, comforting atmosphere. He liked to think it made up for her own less-than-welcoming personality. Socialization was taken care of by the occasional get-together or event- never the houseguest, always the host.

It was simply a fact: Xander didn't like to be out and about. Which made Vulf's proposition all the more odd.

“...And I know it's not your thing, but my guy bailed on me. Please?”

“I don't do fieldwork.”

“I know, I know– I promise I wouldn't be asking if I had anybody else to go to.”

Xander found it hard to resist Vulf's pleading. And he supposed it was in his best interest to keep his little entrepreneur in business, anyway.

“Fine. Just this once.”


“Alex? You alright?”

Silence filled the air, broken up only by the nervous rustling of feathers. Xander took in a sharp breath, and Vulf could hear the digital buzz of her racing heart.

“...This may be a bad time to mention it. But I… do not take kindly to small spaces.”

It took a few moments for Vulf to figure out just what Xander was saying. When he did…

“Wh– and you didn't think to mention that??”

“I didn't expect it to come up!”

Vulf glanced back at Xander, his face a mask of irritation. But it was hard to stay upset; Xander's askew feathers and tense expression only made him feel bad for dragging her into this.