Meeting of the Memes

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👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

A notice was sent out by word of mouth to all SC employees about a meeting tonight to unify the information known to them. After the events of interrogation, Haskell and Carlos need to confirm where they're at and catch everyone up to speed. They've borrowed a meeting room in the palace to talk. 

Carlos paces in the room, biting his nails as he tries to keep his thoughts clear.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia wasn't expecting a meeting to suddenly happen for work. Guess being chill in fairy land made her forget for a second that they're here for work not just play. But she's here! And she's just casually standing around.

Ivy is going to wait somewhere in a back corner before finding a spot to stand with everyone in one room. She wants to have her space after all.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀

Ryder is stressed™️. She got to the meeting early and has been nervously shuffling in a lil spot since.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Haskell is leaning against a wall to wait, watching Carlos pace. They seem tired, but as usual much calmer, all things considered.

Wisty is here! She thinks knowing what's going on would probably be a good thing.

Thistle is also sitting in a corner. Not likely going to be talking much, but listening.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠 

Auran is here, very much invested in knowing more about everything that's going on, arms crossed and looking really focused for once.

Leslie's here, but looks very lost. What's going on, again? Is this about their current job?

Jess is picking her nose.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Meeting time? Ash is glad to get some info!!! Get the tea!!! They enter the meeting room and sit down, looking expectantly at the meeting hosts-

Lethe finds a place in the back to sit and waits.

Iseul decided to come for the tea-

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is here, very concerned and gently confused since he was out of the loop a bit before being told about the meeting.

Frank's here. Mostly cause he assumed he had to be.

Camis still annoyed from the other day and is gearing up to slap their boss depending on how this goes.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

Esme is sitting with their notebook in hand, full of information they've been trying to categorize for months now. Just in case it's needed. It may be needed,

Sushi is purely here because he saw coworkers going to a secondary location and it seemed like a good way to waste an hour or something.

Bones sits in the back, mildly interested in what this could possibly be about.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Romeo followed Wisty in, eyes narrowing a bit before he takes a seat.

Natsumi followed Auran here, leaving the ghosts in the forest.

Mirror is taking a seat. She might as well know what's up.

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹

Caitlyn’s worried about the sudden notice on this meeting. She spots Leslie and goes to sit with them.

Lana’s been anxious since the interrogation, she’s hoping the bosses start giving everyone answers…

Jack is confused why they’re here and just happy to be sitting with his boyfriend. No thoughts, head empty™️

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾

David takes a seat, he's been out of the loop so he's hoping to learn whats up!

Jedediah happened to be walking by when he saw his coworkers gathering.  Might as well pop in for whatever this is!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Carlos turns to everyone and forces his arms down, taking a breath. "Thank you all for coming. We've been given new information from the interrogation the other night and... we felt it was best to make sure everyone was up to speed on what's happening, as well as consolidate all the info we have." he nods and looks at Haskell.

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾

Oh! Yeah they were here for a job, huh.  Jedediah slowly takes a seat in the back now that he remembers he's here for a job aha whoops.  He's just been vibing in the woods...

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Haskell sighs. "Right. Some of this may be information some of you already know, the goal is just to take the information that's been scattered around and bring it all to one place. It's also meant to be a group discussion, so if you have more to add, or have questions as we go...let us know." They look around. "...I can just start with a summary, if no one has any immediate questions."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 

"Um,,, not to derail immediatly but. Is she still alive?" Ryder still hasn't gotten the blood out of that dress.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"A summary would be great because I don't know about everyone else... but I've been kinda chillin." Mia admitted with a small laugh.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Yes, she's alive, and in very high spirits, actually."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash blanks. Wait. Still Alive? UHHH OKAY - Yeah in tHAT case- information would be great!

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠 

Auran's attention is laser focused on the leaders. Sponge mode. Give him the info. Nodding along like they're even looking at him-- gives Ryder a stare. "... Who's alive??"

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾

David raises an eyebrow.  "...Who almost wasn't alive?"

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹 

Lana sighs, somewhat relieved. “Is she able to talk?”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Fiona. There was a dangerous incident during our interrogation of her, that I'll explain shortly."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀

Ryder shrinks down specially at Auran's look. oh no. "I'm ,, I. glad she's okay,," Esme hide him.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"She is, although there's a bit of a rasp and she probably shouldn't quite yet."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash looks to Haskell, looks to Ryder, crosses their arms and waits.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Camis tapping his foot waiting for the important stuff to start

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

Esme glances sideways at Ryder at the mention of the interrogation actually yielding information. They were fully under the impression that it had been a complete disaster honestly,,

Sushi is bored. Who the fuck is Fiona. Isn't that from Shrek.

"Tough interrogation." Bones comments.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Please just wait and we'll lay out everything." Carlos sighs.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀

Esme gets a shrug. Ryder had also been under the impression the interrogation was a complete disaster.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Alright." Haskell sighs and puts their hands in their pockets. "Most of you all were here the day Michael first arrived, due to my previous deal with Rumpelstiltskin breaking - returning my memories, but freeing Beelzebub. At the time, we were not sure how or why, or by whom the deal was broken. On the same day, Esme and Ryder were returned from Hell, where they had accidentally transported themselves with a magical amulet, which ended up lost while they were there. Since then, we've obviously been focused on dealing with the demons."

"After Quinglong brought us here, our main objectives have been tracking down the thieves, and working out how they got here. A group investigating in the marketplace found the same amulet Esme and Ryder had previously used, and got ahold of it; we deduced that the thieves likely used it to come to Elfame, then lost it, where it was then found by a Fae who didn't realize what it was and brought it to the market. We followed the trail to find the thieves- as far as we know, there are two. One is Prim, a cryptid some of you may have met at our training camp a year or two ago; the other, who we took into custody, is a bounty hunter named Fiona. Who also happens to be my older sister, although we've been willingly separated for decades. We're genuinely not sure how relevant that connection is."

"A couple of days ago, a team interrogated Fiona to try to find information on where the Life Dew is. During that talk..." they sigh. "I don't believe we learned much about the Life Dew itself, but she did say that she got here by borrowing the amulet from a previous client of hers- not the one who wants the Life Dew, but one she worked for recently on another job. This previous client had given her the amulet the first time- to go to Rumpelstiltskin's home dimension and steal his wheel from him, so they could break a deal stored in it." They shake their head. "Based on the timing, we have reason to believe the deal was the one trapping Beelzebub, and Fiona's previous client wanted him freed. But before she could give more details..." They look to Carlos. "I wasn't present at the time, but one of the team's knives they had on their person floated up of its own volition, and stabbed Fiona in the throat. She received help and survived, barely, but we assume that the goal was to silence her, and that whoever her client was was able to sense what was happening and influence the knife from across dimensions. Who it is, we can only speculate for now, all we know is that Fiona referred to her as a 'she', and that the energy used was white." 

"And that's what we know for now. Questions or comments? One at a time, if you all don't mind."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia listened, her expressions changing from amusement to confusion and to a hint of horror. So much information in so little time and yet she was just nonethewiser of everything going on. Man, she really needs to interact more with everyone instead of relying on bed root and calm walks to get her day going..."Dios mio..." she said quietly. "Whoever this client is, they must be so powerful... kind of feel like the whole Beelzebub thing is basically a distraction at this point if this being can just control a knife across dimensions like that..."

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠 

Auran's eyes widen at the last parts with the information he didn't know yet. He raised his hand, looking slightly alarmed. "Wait wait-- if it was across dimensions, it'd need to be someone who can both do dimension stuff and move things without being in direct contact with them, right?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

Esme checks the information against their notes as Haskell talks, nodding along until the part about Rumplestiltskin's deal came up, the expression on their face sinking into sadness. "...Fuck. We cause both this and the stuff back home, didn't we- I was praying it had been one or the other..."

Sushi zones out a little. "...I mean, how do you know the clienty person wasn't just, like, spying on you guys from outside or something."

Bones listens. This is... a lot, huh.

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹 

Lana pipes up “From the way she was talking Fiona made it sound like her original client knew about your deal Haskell.. is it possible Beelzebub has an ally on his side who’s that powerful? Someone who would’ve known about how he was sealed in the first place.”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash has to take a moment to process- Wait- So that's how the deal was broken? They were just talking to Judas about the current working theories today! And- Yikes ok a y- So Fiona is related to Haskell, stole the life dew, also stole the wheel from Rumpelstiltskin so Beezelbitch could be free, and before she could talk about her employer, her presumed employer made to silence her.... presumably from across dimensions.  That's the part that gets them. And there's something from Halloween that rings in their head, a warning given about something or someone in particular..... But they have no idea if that really has any relevance...............

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi's eyebrows pinch together. "Dimensions and energy manipulation?" they scratch at their chin. "But that- would take so much energy if it were a psychic. What if it were some god-like being?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell looks to Auran. "That's the theory, yes."  To Sushi, "As far as I know, Fiona made it sound like the client didn't come along to this dimension. They gave the amulet, and sent Prim with her as supervision to make sure it didn't get lost. If they were in Elfame themselves, there'd be no need for Prim."  They look to Lana next, shaking their head. "It's possible. We don't know enough about them or their motivations to say for sure."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 

" just... sounds like too many coincidences? It being your.. sister, beezlebub who you had helped seal away... prim constantly showing up in places we've been to and being involved with this 'client'. What we faced in hell. I,, It has to be someone you've dealt with? someone.. I don't know. It's all theories at that point.." Ryder has a headache.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

"Maybe they hired the sister just to make it more drama. For the funny." Sushi comments idly.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Carlos just glances away, tugging at his shirt hem.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀

"Are there more things you aren't telling us?"

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠 

Auran rubs his temples, staring at the floor like he's trying to connect dots. "I feel like this is familiar, but I can't fuckin' tell why it would be... and it's making me lose my mind..."

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹

“Would it be possible to research the origins of this amulet? The way she worded it… sounded like her client has a special connection to it.” Lana stares directly at Carlos “…you have an idea of who it is, don’t you? Fiona was taunting you the whole time, like she knew there was some connection between you.”

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

"Isn't the amulet a key?" Auran looks at Esme with Lana's question.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Wait - does Prim have a contract of some sort with them? With a cryptid? But that doesn't..."If it was a god-like being... It would explain how they could even do that. And maybe freeing Beelzebub was a distraction, like Mia said. If we're preoccupied with the demon problem, it would definitely give the person in the background a lot of time to amass power and put plans upon plans together.... But what would you need a demon distraction for if you could manipulate knives across dimensions......... Or someone to steal the Life Dew......... Unless- they can't leave a place themselves....?""Do we have any suspicions about who Fiona could've been talking about?"

Lethe clears her throat. "Some of us may remember that a knife coming out of nowhere to stab a certain someone has happened before. Namely, to a contact of Jiemba's, who mentioned a powerful psychic?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

He glances up then back down. "There's any number of enemies it could be, its not a short list when it comes to me and Haskell." he swallows, then bites inside his cheek at Lethe's comment.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

"Amazing." Jess comments.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia was going through the summary still in her head when she realized something sounded oddly familiar. When Lethe mentioned it, she snapped her figures as if to say 'yes!'"Wait- yeah I remember!" Mia spoke up. "As soon as the contact tried to talk, the knife on Jiemba went for them. Jiemba saved them but it was close. That has to be the same person, right?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"It's possible it's someone we've dealt with before, yes- as Carlos said, we have a lot of enemies. But here's the problem- we also don't want to speculate too much on theories that aren't solid yet, when this individual is clearly dangerous enough to assassinate someone just through being talked about." They shake their head. "I understand the frustration, believe me, and that incomplete information presents its own risks, but in return can you understand why we'd find that unsafe until we know more ourselves?"

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹 

Lana huffs, completely unsatisfied with that answer. “Is there anyone on that list who would’ve been around and known about Beelzebub the last time around? There has to be some link there, even if your list of enemies is…extensive.”

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

Leslie's blinking at all of this looking so lost. Man. Maybe one day they'll understand psychic stuff. This is a lot of big words for elmo.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

Esme raises a hand "If it... helps clear anything up, the Amulet wasn't just lost, it was stolen by, uh, a supporter of Beezlebub, who said they gave it to a 'void person', likely Prim, who was going to take it to him. So the freeing may not be a distraction as such, and just... this is an item that, uh, changed hands several times, amd was used for several goals." They pause and look away. "...And I'm sorry for sitting on that information for so long, we... didn't know how relevant it was. It feels stupid in hindsight."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi sighs, leaning back. "It's still important, or at least has something relevant to do in the future too..."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀

"We tried to research the amulet and only found out in hell it was of demonic origin. Nothing on earth- in the Spectre Corps library or further had anything. If I even wanted to know anything about dimensions I think the closest I can get is maybe some distant coven leader, let alone an amulet that affects that." Waves a hand at that last part. "Jiemba also said it was someone who parted ways with the company and... as much as there is on the internet there really isn't much on Spectre Corps history or..... anyone having strong grievances with the company. Which says something in our age." yes she recognized maybe that's on purpose.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash's eyes light up in recognition, before they shrink a bit into their seat at Haskell's warning. They think over the information in their head, adding in Esme's idea as well and Ryder's information. Prim seems to be the common denominator here, and it seems like they're serving someone in particular - which is odd, but maybe that would be what would give them the power to make deals that would actually mean something, remembering how stubborn they were about it in the sleepytime cave.... "I wonder if gathering the items might also serve another purpose, aside from just the chaos they sow....." They murmur in a whisper.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠 

Auran snaps his fingers in a "a-HAH" gesture when Jiemba's contact is mentioned. "Oh god that's why that felt familiar--" He put a hand on Esme's shoulder as if to comfort them. "Hey-- it's ok-- what matters is that we need to share all the information we have now, right?" He raises a hand at Haskell again. "Is it worth mentioning the other stuff we know about? Like the static shit following us? We still don't know if there's any connection at all, but..."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi sighs and sinks back in their chair.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Haskell tilts their head at Auran. "If you think it's relevant and important to share, sure. I'll leave that up to you all, since some of it's rather...personal, in nature."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

"No- It's not of demonic origin." Esme corrects Ryder. "The queen said it couldn't be, right? I'm fairly sure it originates outside of all of that, possibly outside of this world- but, ah, this is getting off topic." Esme gives Auran a small, thankful smile, before turning back to the conversation. "...I'm not sure if I want to concern people more with all of that-"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Carlos blinks at Haskell "Static?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Static shit? Wait- Haskell said it was a personal nature- They're curious but that's up to the people it's personal to, then- Wait- Carlos didn't even know? D a m n-

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

Oh. Carlos doesn't know. Auran suddenly feels like he committed a big boo-boo. He slowly lowers his hand.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀

....Ryder pulls out her notebook and starts flipping esme please. "I thought it was because you found that photo in the library- ah gosh I'm sorry..." the mun is the stupid one here bye

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi crosses their arms. "Tell them if you want to."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"If even the boss doesnt know I think that means we need more information." Mia speaks up. She doesn't know what personal stuff is happening but she thinks feelings can be put to the side for the greater good for the one time.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠 

Auran turns around to give Natsumi a concerned look. ",, Are you sure,,"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell sighs, glancing to Carlos. "...Some visions, a few of the psychics have been experiencing. It's rather personally sensitive, and we're not sure of the relevance of them, so it's been kept private for the most part."

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

"'Cus I was just... thinking about the amulet's connection part,, not,, y'know,,"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi shrugs. "It'll come out one way or another."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

Esme glances over at Natsumi sinking in their chair. "...Let's just say, uh... there have been hints of this same amulet that, uh, may have freed Beelzebub and gotten the Life Dew stolen, being involved in some really vague future events. We don't... know what it's adding up to yet though."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror leans on her hand. "What events?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash gives a polite silence, choosing not to influence things one way or another.

Iseul hums. "So this amulet is quite a core item. It seems we should keep a good grasp on it, then. If you wouldn't mind telling us more, we're all ears, but it's truly up to the people in question."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty glances at Natsumi, recalling something from the group therapy about visions and potentially dying. Wuh oh.

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾 

David looks nervously to Natsumi, waiting to see what they or Auran say.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

"Yeah, keep a good grasp on it..." Esme coughs quietly.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

"What you read about in hell-- with the amulet, and the monster thingy?" Auran's sweating. Trying so hard not to spill too many beans that aren't about the amulet specifically.

Leslie's suddenly feeling like this is taking a shift in a bad direction.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi rolls their eyes and sits forward. "Auran and Esme have had similar visions about some big disaster involving a dimension bending static demon and that amulet."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 

Ryder is regretting carrying the amulet anywhere ever now. Crosses arms and sinks.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

"-- Yeah-- that." Ooohhh he feels so bad for bringing this up now.

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾 

David stares wide-eyed.  "oh.  oh boy."  He's not sure how to process that,,,

Jedediah is still watching from a seat towards the back.  A dimension bending static demon doesn't seem any weirder than all of this has already been, so he nods along, sounds about right.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"A dimension bending static demon?" Ash repeats in surprise. Out of everything they could've expected to hear, for some reason, the sequence of words together was not one of them-

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"And this information wasn't passed on in the slightest?" Mia asked with a raised eyebrow. She isn't annoyed but with the way Natsumi worded that, that wasn't personal at all.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle speaks up quietly from the corner. "Different than cryptid static?" 

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹 

“Static demon…” Lana looks a bit lost in thought “maybe Prim has a bigger  role in this than we thought-“

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"It wasn't brought up before because the visions also involve me jumping into the portal with the amulet. Oh, and I've seen the demon kill me in my dreams for months now." they pointedly look at Mia.  Then glance at Thistle. "No. Its different from you guys." they sit back.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

She just nods and goes quiet again.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

Esme turns over a few pages in their notebook. "There was scripture in Hell about a creature called the Corrup.. Corruptelam? Gosh, Sorry, I don't have access to my phone- It lives in it's own distorted dimension, and there's a "key" to it's world that looks like the amulet, but missing a part. The visions seem to resemble that creature- and, uh, me and Auran saw a glimpse of it between worlds."  They pause and sweat. "But again, again- we don't know if this is guarenteed to happen, or when it'll happen, or how it ties to current events- it's so hard to focus on all of the current appocalyptic possibilities when you're aware of the looming future ones-"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Carlos is blinking then looks at Haskell again.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"But see, that part didn't need to be said." Mia responded back. "Now we're finding out a lot of information that might have been viable earlier on." she crossed her arms and shifted to lean on one leg. "Even if it's information overload like, having a chance to connect the dots is better than connecting them when it's too late." She isn't going to let people's personal lives and thoughts get in the way of the job right now, sorry.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠

Auran winces at Natsumi's words and just curls in quietly.

... Ok, this is. A considerably bigger picture than they imagined when Natsumi told them stuff. Oh god.

Jess raises an eyebrow. "Oh what the fuck."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi sighs and leans back again. "Oh, it didn't? Good to know, I won't say again when my life is taunted infront of me like a carrot on a stick thanks to something that can or cannot happen."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Haskell speaks up again. "It hasn't been brought up to the group at large because psychic visions can be difficult to interpret without context, and are subject to change, on top of the importance to Natsumi, yes." they cross their arms, sighing. "Visions give a possibility of what might be to come, but without knowing how it reaches that point, all you can do is watch for the pieces, and trying to avoid it may just make it more likely to come to pass."

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹 

Cat looks over to Natsumi and then to Leslie.. she’ll check in with her friend later.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

Esme sinks into their chair a little. "...When I originally found out about this, it was just a note in a library. There was no reason to believe it would ever become relevant... but... well... at this point..."

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾

David nods along with what Mia says, wrapping his arms around himself a bit.  He's still processing all that info and trying to connect it to the new info they've gotten.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash winces at Natsumi just dropping that. Yikes- Okay that's a lot to process- The static demon could kill Natsumi, if that certain event happens, and both Auran and Esme have been having visions about it for a while. There's a creature in hell that has its own dimension and the key resembles the amulet, but it's missing something. Adding that to the list of stuff they just learned also...  Okay things are getting a bit- "Guys, please, lets not fight. Thank you for sharing the information, Esme, Auran, Natsumi. That's all really good to know, and we appreciate you willing to share with us.""Now- Esme, you said something about the... C... Corruptelam? And the key is the amulet but missing a part? Can you describe the part that's missing?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia did her darndest not to roll her eyes at Natsumi's response, knowing damn well it's because it's touchy for them. But she also knew everyone has dreams, intrusive thoughts, and on occasion visions of death... it's almost never a coincidence."You knew damn well I meant you don't gotta share the personal parts in order to share important information, but I digress." and she waved away the conversation. 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

"I'm sorry, I don't have the images with me- I think the long and short of it is just we need to... really make sure that thing never gets lost, and keep an eye out for, uh, any interdimensional static... stuff." Esme sighs. It feels weird talking openly about these things.

Sushi pipes up "Hey what the fuck does any of this have to do with saving fairly world. Did we figure that part out yet."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Carlos sighs and rubs his face.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Ah- that's okay!! You're okay! Thank you! Yes, good to keep an eye for that stuff!" Ash hums and turns to Sushi. "I'm not sure- But I'm wondering if maybe someone is collecting these powerful items for some sort of purpose. A wheel belonging to a Weaver, the Life Dew for the Fae.... Those seem to be pretty important to just collect."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell glances at Sushi. "Yes, we're still working on Elfame's issue. We're going to continue searching for Prim and wherever they may have hidden the Life Dew, and potentially try and get more information out of Fiona. We're holding this meeting because the demon problem will still be there when we get back to Earth, and we've gotten new information that's relevant to it and connects to what's happened here."  Then they look to Ash. "No, she did specify that the client who asked for the wheel is different than the one looking for the Life Dew. Unrelated jobs."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Ah- Okay! Ignore me then! It's just a lot of important things being thrown around, and they feel weirdly important to not be connected."

Goose | C📚 L🌻✨ J🛹

Lana looks over to Sushi “We didn’t get much info from the interrogation before the uhm.. stabbing. Fiona implied Prim wouldn’t hesitate to leave her behind if they had the Life Dew but as for where either are… still no leads.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Thistle feels being watched. Listened in on.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

Esme brightnes up a little "Oh, good news, at least- if the amulet never left Elfame, there's good reason to believe the life dew never left either, right? So, uh- it's something--" They're really trying here.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle looks up. "....Prim is watching and listening right now."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe turns sharply to Thistle. Oh. Great.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia blinked at Thistle."Well. Good timing."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

Bones perks up and looks around, as if it's trying to also gleam signs of Prim's presence.

🌌 Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess🛠 

Auran's staring at the floor in silence, arms wrapped tightly.

Well, there is certainly a meeting still happening, but Leslie's kinda mentally checked out right now. Are they even listening anymore? They're here in body, but eeehhhhh debatable if in spirit.

"Ask the bitch if they wanna add in any more details, join the sharing table" Jess is using the rude deadpan humor to cope. Don't @ her.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash hums. "Perhaps they thought we'd know something they didn't. Or maybe just spying to see how far behind we are compared to them."

Iseul huffs. "Is there no way to guess where they might be right now, then?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"There is a spell I used to find them before, that allows you to watch and listen to a target from a distance. They were able to sense that I was using it to see them, I expect that is what they are doing now." She looks in the direction she's feeling watched from, and in Archaic Speech says "We are not discussing anything useful to you, anyway. Please leave us alone."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"If you want this stupid life doop, I want that amulet back. That's my offer."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

Esme's brows furrow. "How long have they been listening for-"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"...I will relay it." Thistle's eyes go staticky again as she casts scrying to see where Prim is. "...Not long, just for a moment," she says to Esme. "I can see them now, and the Life Dew - it is a glowing orb, floating above the ground, but I cannot see any distinctive features of where they are. They are offering the Life Dew in exchange for the amulet."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Terrible timing, considering..." They were just talking about not letting it escape their grasp. Lethe huffs. "Presumably, they can hear us now, if they're listening in on you?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

"No- good lord no. We can surely find it another way, without taking a terrible bargain-" Esme starts looking more stressed by the second.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror hums "But if we don't, Prim could destroy the dew and these fae and their world are dead."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Yes, they can hear you through the spell, but I will have to relay anything they say to you all."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Lethe hums. "Thank you, Thistle. That's fine.""What do you want the amulet for, Prim?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"None of your business. I just need it."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"They say none of your business, they just need it." She hums. "Is it because without it, you cannot leave?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Maybe. Doesn't matter. Cause without the dew all these fairies die, right? I could swallow it right now if I wanted to."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

Bones joins in. "If you wanted to. Do you want to?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"You would also lose your bargaining chip for the amulet." She tilts her head. "May we have time to think?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Maybe I do. Bet it would be powerful. But I know what I want right now, so I'm bargaining. Annoying there's another one of you."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"We do not want you to be here either."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"You got some time. But I want an answer quick."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Okay. I will contact you again when we have made a decision."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Fine." and then the feeling being watched ends.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle looks up. "They are no longer watching. I asked for some time, and they said that they will give us some time, but they want an answer before long, or they will eat the Life Dew. I told them I will reach out them again when we have decided."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Carlos sighs and starts chewing a nail again. "Dammit Prim..."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"We could try and set a trap for them." Lethe answers immediately.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Mierda..." Mia sighed.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle nods slightly. "...We could attack them when we meet to make the exchange. But our kind are not easy to fight." she looks over to Carlos, watching him quietly.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

Bones makes it's usual static hum noise "I believe we hold the better bargaining chip. It may be bluffing. But I would not test that too much."

Esme is shinji-posed in their chair.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"...Is there anything you can offer, Carlos?"

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾 

Jedediah speaks up.  "Ya'll said it'd be trapped without the amulet, right?  If it knows we ain't handin' it over if it eats the life dew, I think Bones is right, we've got the better bargaining chip."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Carlos blinks, moving his hand. "...Prim... doesn't bluff, in that way. He's selfish and if he thinks it'll aid him, he'll do what he has to do to get his way."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

She quietly says "But he still owes you a favor, does he not?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Carlos blinks and puts a hand to his chin. "....he does.... whether or not he'd honor it is another thing."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Would it be worth the attempt?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"But he's very much about deals, right? I remember he was very keen on getting one during that one Halloween camp thing-" Ash pipes up!

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴

Sushi raises his hand for once "How the fuck did you get a favor out of a bitch like that."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Because he likes having the advantage, not because he's honorable." Carlos crosses his arms, then looks at Sushi. "I got him out of a situation."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

"Kay. Can you get him back in a situation."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Yes, I suppose the way in which those deals are honored may not be quite equal between both parties..." Thistle's tail twitches a bit. "It is just difficult when he has all of Elfame essentially hostage. I still think it would be easiest to play along and then try and keep both items away from him."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash hums! "We could try to take the Life Dew, when we go to 'make the trade'? We could also make a duplicate item maybe, or try to give them an alternate solution, if we know what they want the amulet for. ... big if, though!"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"They would not tell me. It may be because they cannot leave without it, or if they were meant to keep it safe while they were here, they may be afraid of what the person they are working with will do to them."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 

"Do you think anyone here is good enough at crafting to make a duplicate amulet that would fool him?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

"I'm good at carving wood, but the amulet is... not wood." Esme mutters.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"It is difficult to say. We have a certain sense for magic, so if he could not detect the magic in it..."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Carlos mutters "Or if she can tell its not right..."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Well, how do we stick magic to an item? Can we like - embue a fake amulet with a sort of spell? It doesn't sound impossible...." Ash is in scheme mode.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"We also do not have to make a decision immediately. Perhaps we can think on it?"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 

"You can curse an item- on a quick glance they can seem magical then if you don't focus to tell what kind of magic."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"But can we take the chance that they will not think to check...?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

"Only gotta trick them long enough to run off with the dew or whatever." Sushi comments.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi sighs and gets up, leaving.

Carlos sighs "Thistle is right. Let's all... think on it and if you've got a suggestion, you can bring it to me or Haskell."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell nods. "Yes, if there are no other pressing questions, you all are free to go."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"I don't think it's impossible... might be a little tricky, but I believe it could be pulled off!" Ash chirps. "But yeah we can think on it!! That's fine!!!" As long as they don't wait too long to make a solution...

Iseul stands up. "Well, we should choose wisely. There's no guarantee that if they get the amulet, they won't just teleport with the Life Dew, so it's good to have multiple back up plans.""But that's all from me. This was a very informative meeting."

Lethe is in deep thought, but she nods to Carlos and Haskell.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

Esme brings their head up from their knees. "...I need a drink..."

"...I could make the necklace explode in their face. That'd be funny." Sushi stands up and stretches "Kay. Good meeting. If anyone wants to do anything to pass the free time, find me at the river."

Bones nods and leaves, on a quest to just. Walk around the forest in search for Prim.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"There's usually plenty of mead to be found around the marketplace if need be."

Wisty sighs and looks to Romeo before getting up to go.

Thistle also just slips out through the wall to go patrol around the forest.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Romeo follows Wisty out with a sigh.

Mirror sighs bored, and gets up and leaves.

Beesh | David 🌻 Jedediah 🌾

David looks unsure, but heads out.  Guess vacation is over.

Jedediah seems a bit nervous but overall not too worried.  This seems like the normal schtick for this job.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🍣 Bones 🦴 

"...Marketplace it is- uh, if anyone wants further information on the future stuff, or. the past. You can... yeah. I'm around." Esme leaves!