Odd notes and a semi-Journal

6 years, 3 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
11 3579

Entry 10
Published 6 years, 3 months ago

This is my life. My real life. Just, it sounds all fantastical and a fantasy version of my real-world events. Sometimes, children can feel like that, though. More of a vent thing but feel free to read if you want to see some mystical magic fantasy stories made from life

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Endure it all for you


Edmond has fought with demons, outsmarted Demi-gods and conversed amongst giants, and yet this is the most frightened Edmond has ever been. He had asked Lucy, his next-door-neighbor, to journey with him on an adventure. Now, they had gone through many adventures together in the past, however, this particular venture was not the normal kind. Instead of playing life-size chess against life-sized chess pieces, or running through the netherworld in search of the bone king’s crown, Edmond had simply asked Lucy if she wanted to have a picnic in Edmonds front lawn. Lucy had told Edmond that she would need to ask permission from her parents before agreeing, and off she went. Edmond stood for hours, waiting for Lucy’s parent's affirmation or denial of his request. It was late that night when she finally emerged from her house, saying “Sorry... my dad is going to take me to piano lessons tomorrow so I can’t.”

Edmond plastered on a smile and responded with a vague statement about how ‘they could hang out some other time then,’ before walking back into his house, crawling up the stairs and into his room, and crying.

Now, Edmond does not ask for much. He believes that most thing in life can persevere. This is why Edmond does not ask to remove his curse on his house. A house that would keep him, prisoner, whilst giving him menial tasks that he had to endure to retain the good favor he had in the house with the other entities. He did not ask to finally be able to leave his house, to not have the looming possibility that if he did he would surely be beaten to death. He did not ask anyone to free him from the spiritual coils that make him less than human.

Edmond endures it all, for he wishes the burden on nobody else but him. Edmond knows he can endure it, so he does. This is why, when Edmond asks somebody to keep him company, something is upsetting him.

Edmond understands that it’s hard for somebody to completely know his predicament. When he asks for things, the butterflies in his stomach sprout knives for wings and cut the inside of his body. In Edmond poetic soul, that’s what happens, anyway.

Like all other things, Edmond persists though it.

Edmond cannot be found at dinner.

Not breakfast the following morning.

Edmond has retreated into his own solitary space, trying to let every last knife inside of him spew out of him. It doesn’t matter to Edmond how the knives remove themselves from his stomach, just that they do.

Sometimes in life, you can only endure so much.