Odd notes and a semi-Journal

6 years, 13 hours ago
4 years, 2 months ago
11 3579

Entry 3
Published 6 years, 13 hours ago

This is my life. My real life. Just, it sounds all fantastical and a fantasy version of my real-world events. Sometimes, children can feel like that, though. More of a vent thing but feel free to read if you want to see some mystical magic fantasy stories made from life

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Edmond cannot bare the unrepressed feeling of illness within himself. He had had no idea that his attempts to trick the Hungry Hippopotamus would end this terribly. It was going swimmingly until Edmond found himself stuck in quicksand. However, this gave him ample time to reflect on however he had come to such a conclusion. It all began when he made friends with Lucy...

Lucille Emily Pendragon is a very British sounding name, or so Edmond thinks. This is how Edmond initially realized that his house had centered himself in London. Now, this on its own requires an explanation, which will be provided, but not in Lucy's chapter. 

Lucy is incredible at 'going with the flow', as she calls it. She is very open to new adventures and enjoys accompanying Edmond on them regularly. Edmond believes that something in Lucy's nature draws her to danger, and the unknown. Thankfully, Lucy is highly optimistic, and cam wrangles her way out of tough situations with her charisma and charm. Lucy isn't perfect though, and Edmond has made a list of the things which he dislikes about her.

♦ Unable to process and show sad emotions

♦ Never wants to stop moving

♦ Doesn't want to be seen as weak

Now, Edmond has spent an ample amount of time with Lucy, enough to know the reasoning behind these three things. Edmond is empathic, and his life isn't perfect in the least. Whenever Edmond brings this up, Lucy gets caught off-guard and doesn't know how to handle the emotions coming at her, so she deflects them in order to detach herself from having to feel them.

Regardless, Edmond appreciates Lucy for her presence in his life.