Odd notes and a semi-Journal

6 years, 18 hours ago
4 years, 2 months ago
11 3579

Entry 2
Published 6 years, 18 hours ago

This is my life. My real life. Just, it sounds all fantastical and a fantasy version of my real-world events. Sometimes, children can feel like that, though. More of a vent thing but feel free to read if you want to see some mystical magic fantasy stories made from life

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Boating Accident


Isn't it strange that there is a tonic which removes most inhibitions from the human body? To think, without a crucial component of chemicals in our bodies we would be completely different people! Some will become more aggressive, some will become outwardly lustful; it ranges in emotions, but it seems to be out a sleepy, yet inward appearance. It shows others around somewhat of the true nature of one hidden down beneath. Losing one's inhibitions and becoming slightly loopy helps nobody in the scenario Edmond is presented with. It would appear to be quite difficult to be drunk while trying to keep the house from sinking in the murky waters of the sea. So, playing ships captain was a bust, but who knew that so much alcohol would be on one measly pirate ship? Regardless, one has to keep one's head afloat in a situation such as this.

All jokes aside, Edmond was having issues. Well... Edmond is currently having issues. I'm Edmond. I'm writing this whole thing. 

It sounds dumb, but one day I might forget that all of these things happened. These are all really important, and if I forget, I'd be losing a piece of myself. I've been referring to myself in the third person, and yes I know it seems very narcissistic and egotistical but I've only done it so I can find some way to distance myself. I've decided preemptively that if something were to occur, something... less than pleasant... I could write in the third person to make sure it's there, but not feel too uncomfortable about it. 

Why am I even explaining this? It's MY journal, there's no reason for me to explain it to myself. I'm sure I'd understand.