Odd notes and a semi-Journal

6 years, 16 hours ago
4 years, 2 months ago
11 3579

Entry 5
Published 6 years, 16 hours ago

This is my life. My real life. Just, it sounds all fantastical and a fantasy version of my real-world events. Sometimes, children can feel like that, though. More of a vent thing but feel free to read if you want to see some mystical magic fantasy stories made from life

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Edmond has found that many of the entities he has to deal with enjoy tormenting and pestering him. One such entity decided that it would be humorous to tell Edmond hat he has a disease and would kill anyone whom he touched. Of course, Edmond knew this was a lie. Oftentimes, however, it is difficult to separate paranoia from life's lies. It can be hard to determine how safe one can be in an environment such as this. Edmond does not consider himself to be a particularly paranoid sort of person, but he refuses to take chances on a possible life or death situation. Deciding to test his newfound possible death hands, Edmond reached out to touch the spirit who had spawned this lie into Edmond's head. The spirit retracted, but Edmond managed to tap it lightly on its nose.

Unsurprisingly, there was no death of anyone to be found. Just a smug looking Edmond and an embarrassed spirit. Many things can be proven or disproven when tested in the real world.