VoK Prompts

4 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
7 3209

Entry 3
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

Prompts for VoK exp

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The land of Oasis Basin had always been the same. No change, no weather, no life not born in this realm. That was before the deities who created this world grew tired and bored of the silence. Soma knew this world from the moment he could walk, his mother praying to the spirits to protect her son as tragedy befell his birth pride. The lion only ever knowing this land as his home grew and thrived under the watchful eyes of the heavens. Vira, Yami, and Mios arriving soon after. The pride may be small but as a family they feel blessed just to have this.

"Tonight will be the second mission in Oasis history of those who wish to become hunters and protectors of this pride." Soma announced to his pride members "Mios, may your claws be sharp and ears listen well. You will visit the mountains that surround our land. The beasts are not something to ignore and as a future protector of this pride you will stand vigil amongst its peaks for one night. May the sun give you guidance in where you choose to stay." Bowing to the young maned lion Soma held his worry for the one he calls son. Sure in the sun gods promise to protect those who follow the vigil. Turning to Yami he could already see her muscles rippling, as if she were unable to sit for a moment longer. "Yami, may your teeth find their mark and your nose lead you well. You will hunt alone tonight so you may have the skills to provide in rough times. This prey will be something unique and chosen by the sun's will. May his choice be challenging as to test all the skills you have learned." With the finale bow Soma and Vira watch as Mios and Yami traveled off to their chosen locations within the Basin. The sun casting the land in a golden hue as its rays fall with sunset. As both king and queen waited for the return of their pride they sat unaware of the new members to join. Some arriving much sooner than others.... unaware of a certain deities stress above.

"My sun, my ray, my star of fire?" A bright lion addressed his mate who was busy watching the lions in his tests.

"Yes moon?"

"Where perhaps is our son?!" Unfazed on the outside. The sun without lifting his gaze moved a paw, swaying it to the peaks below. "Do not worry. I have not left him alone."