VoK Prompts

4 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
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Entry 4
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

Prompts for VoK exp

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IC Suen x Aton

A spark, a whisper, or a bang. The gods had never been sure on how they came to be they just had. The birth of Oasis Basin one with the moon gods own. Time and forms growing around the god as he quite literally grew with the land. Soon Suen had found himself joined by two others. Each bringing a piece, a purpose to the world before them. Where light grew darkness formed and yet the sun clawed mountains to keep the basin below safe. Casting the shadows into the darkness beyond their control. The days grew short. Years passing in a breath to the trio who lived within these lifeless fields. It was all they had ever known it too be, the lands beyond always so full of life compaired to the basin. One god finally grew restless and changed the land once more. Perhaps this time for the better of all involved.

Suen watched from the god's plane as Soma and the others went off to hunt once more. The recently joined cubs following the founder excitedly at the prospect of the hunt. So enthralled at the show before him Suen had failed to notice his mates approach.

Aton had always been drawn to the small lion before him. At first it had started small enough he ignored it without even realizing. More focused on his duty to keep the beasts back in those beginning centuries. Decades passing after the peace before a deadpanned comment from Nebt brought him to his realization of those hovering emotions. If it hadn't been for her push who would have known how long it would have taken. Lost in his thoughts Aton rested near Suen without a word, an ear lick in greeting being his only action beyond.

Suen leaned closer to the warmth Aton was always enveloped in. His own thoughts racing as the pride below left his view. "The new cubs seem to be doing well. It took Vira some time but I believe she's accepted her new role as mother." Eyes finally glancing over to the sun god beside him. "I've been thinking. When we first appeared here we shaped the land did we not? Filling the basin with enough to truly call it an oasis for those who would live there..."

Aton watched as his mate uncharacteristically grew tense the longer he spoke of their creation. Flames flickering down as he leaned closer in case the small lion needed comfort. At this Suen jumped up. Stance showing his will to get through this topic but eye and other body languages telling otherwise. "Do you think we could create life itself?" Suen finally blurted out. "It could be futile thinking I know but watching those below grow and form families I..." eyes growing watery "I want that. I want a child Aton and I don't know if it would even be possible. We're gods but our power is not infinite. We have limits and I'm terrified this is one of them."

Suen could tell his words shocked Aton. The gods mane going out completely yet before he could brush off his plan Suen was embraced by the other god, a paw wrapped over him too keep him close. "If that is what you wish I will do all in my power to help you achieve it. Your purpose ties in with children, and perhaps Nebt may have an idea to help. She tends to souls after they have passed so surely she must know how to find one that has yet been given the chance to live." A smile pulling across Aton's muzzle as he reassured his moon. If they had been more focused on the sky around them they would have seen the star that had seemed to fall just a little too close to not have landed in their plane. Often the will of a god is all they need.