VoK Prompts

4 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
7 3209

Entry 6
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

Prompts for VoK exp

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The flickering light (IC- Nebt)

The day was a calm and quite one, still as if waiting for something. The seasons shifting just out of the chilled and unforgiving harshness of the winter wind into the more bearable yet untamed spring storms. Nebt lay upon a large flat stone near the end of the river, where it vanished into the shadowed crevices of the mountainside. Although at the edges of the Oasis Basin Atons sun shown brightly still. Warming the stone and the lioness that rested there. This was her favorite place in the basin. After her fellow gods follwed the path of parenthood there realm had grown rather loud for her. Preferring the soothing lulling of the water, and ocational call of a bird or frog. It wasn't as if she despised them. Quite the opposite in fact, she commonly wondered what it would be like to raise a cub of her own, the idea but a fantasy. Being the guidance she only ever interacted with souls when it was time for them to leave this realm. Only able to protect those who still live when they seeked safe travle. It was not her place to choose ones path for them, and thus had never pursued a mate. Shaking her head to ride herself of the wishes that clung to her like thorns she streached and once agin made herself comfortable. The warmth taking her quickly under. Soon a nap turned to a deep sleep and with the fading light of day the goddess would be far too close to the shadows that these deities could not control.

Nebt awoke with a start, her chest beating wildly in dear she yet did not know of. Eyes scanning the shadowed land before her she cautiously rose to her feet. No storm was present and there seemed to be no immediate attack, yet every bone in her body urged her to run. The grasses stood still, and only now did she realize that the space around her was completely silent. As if everything alive was frozen in silent terror. Something here was unnatural, wrong, and with a clack of claws the goddess realized she was not alone. Turning on a dime she was faced with a horrible beast, one from the mountains, and one her mind refused to fill in. As if the creature had no true form to be seen by the eye. Even as a deity she had no way to fight these things without Aton's flame. Choosing instead to turn and run to the darkness of the cave that welcomed her river. Fear fueling her limbs as she raced through the darkness, hot breath on her heels. It felt as if she would have no choice, the gate to far to reach in time to make it safely back to her realm. Just as she nearly slipped upon a wet stone she seen it. A flickering light in the darkness, the magic radiating from it strage and just as mysterious as the beast behind her. Yet, as she panted for breath she knew it would be her only chance. With a snap of jaws and crackle of energy the goddess flung herself into the light and into the realm of the stars. Her pridemates gathering in worry as she collapsed upon the cool ground. The mysterious energy radiating around her, sinking in, and merging with the lioness. Yet, invisible to all but her. Although she would not realize it now. Her soul no longer felt so alone. Only the future would know if this was a blessing, or a curse.
