Wicker's Crew

4 years, 4 months ago
4 years, 4 months ago
3 1663

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

Information on Klaus' illegal trade

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Ties to other worlds

The entire idea of the smuggling ring is to trade between realms. Because learning about a realm takes a lot of time and effort (and given the fact that all of that work is pawned on Fennel) the gang only sticks to a few realms. This is to ensure the safety of the gang, and to maximize profit.

All realms Klaus visits must have something to steal and sell. If he can't import and export to a realm, he considers it useless. While traveling, the gang will make a point to do both the collecting of items, as well as the selling of them. A trip is never made just to sell or just to collect.

Genetic Earth

Genetic Earth (or, just Earth) is a more advanced world than their own. Earth has so much water readily available that they're just giving it away! Plus, Earth's many plumbing systems makes collecting water a cakewalk. It's the main export.

As well as water, the gang also commonly takes mirrors, books, medicine, and plants. Earth does have many dream catchers, but dreamcatchers from Earth don't have the same magical properties as the ones from Mirror Domain, so the gang largely ignores them.

As for imports, the gang focuses on drugs and metals. Humans seem to love addictive substances, and Mirror Domain has a plethora of drugs that humans could only dream of! Desperate people will give away their life savings for such things, and the gang takes full advantage of this. Mirror Domain also has many precious metals and ores that, due to the era their society is in, are considered worthless. Earth values these metals greatly, so they're often sold as well.


Klaus: Tarantula

Dewey: Human

Fennel: Human

Spades: Human

Astra City

A very isolated realm, Astra City is a hard place to enter. Entry and exit is strictly regulated. Still, its an extremely profitable realm. The main imports are colourful fabrics and dyes (mostly shades of blue). Their realm has a distinct lack of colour, and the few vendors they sell too are always happy to get something pretty. Doesn’t even have to be quality fabric or dye, as long as its bright and colourful.

Because this realm also has demons, the gang’s forms do not change. That, paired with the fact that the city seems to hate demons, makes it hard to get around. The gang has taken a liking to one of the cities alleged “wizards”, due to her odd fascination with demons. So, for exports, they see her. She’ll provide them with magical/enchanted items that they can then take to Mirror Domain and sell. These items are highly profitable, because “real” magic doesn’t exist in Mirror Domain. Only demons have “real” magic. Citizens “magic” is actually just science and biology that they can’t explain yet.

Due to the small size of this realm, and the protector of Astra City, Dewey is not allowed in this realm. Hell, even Fennel rarely visits. It’s mostly Klaus and Spades.


Klaus: Demon

Dewey: Demon

Fennel: Demon

Spades: Demon

Idle Expanse

An odd realm, comprised entirely of what Klaus refers to as “walkity talkity animal things”. Still, it’s also a profitable realm, despite its complications. The main imports are demon materials and oil. The “Dark magic” users really seem to like things like demon blood and bone. It allegedly amplifies their magic, although this remains unproven. Speaking of Dark magic users, the gang (while in this realm) is actually able to use dark magic. Does this disprove the existence of the god Vex? Who knows.

Oil is a highly valued item in Idle Expanse, and it’s something Mirror Domain has an excess of. It’s cheap and profitable. The world of Idle Expanse is still pretty much in the dark ages still. They need oil to make oil lamps, and other fuels. Fire users like it because of how well it burns, and the pretty effects it can cause.

Export wise, it’s mostly more water and herbal medicine. The herbal medicine of this world is eons better than Mirror Domain’s. Some would argue it’s better than Genetic Earth’s, but that’s mainly due to it’s somewhat magical properties


Klaus: Tarantula

Dewey: Liger

Fennel: Lemur

Spades: Cockatoo