Crimson Lace

4 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
9 18104

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence
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Please let me stay

Fiona ran as fast as she could to check on her younger brother who was coughing hard and even blood came out. "Alastor could you please call the doctor. He must be at the party too.", she begged him to call Dr. Stein. Who was also from Germany like her and the family's most trusted doctor. It didn't take long until Dr. Stein arrived to check on Erik, who was still coughing blood and having a fever. The doctor carried the boy into his room and said that no one was allowed to enter until he finished. Her mother did run the stairs up and wanted to know what happened with her son. Fiona stood there and didn't know what to do. Alastor gave her a bit of a company. He wasn't sure what to say so that Fiona felt better. They all waited in the hallway until the doctor came out. "Mame it's best if you all take this medicine for the next 3 months.", he was very serious and her mother got even more worried. "What? Why? I don't understand.", she said crying and Fiona tried to calm her down with Mary. "Your son has tuberculosis and I'm not sure if he will make it.", he had to tell her the bitter truth. Her mother cried and screamed but then she fainted and the Doctor had to take care of the Madam now too. Also, Fiona was shocked about this news and didn't understand how this is even possible. "Why does it have to happen when it's Christmas.", Fiona thought to herself and took care of her mother. Alastor was with her and helped her with her mother. "You don't have to do this.", she said to him. "It's ok for me. This is also a lot for one day.", he said and sit next to her. Her stepfather was angry that her brother's sickness did ruin the party. Everyone left earlier than they should. Now the reporters started to question him how he does feel about this situation and so on.

The doctor didn't allow them to look after Erik and that a nurse will now take care of him 24h each day. At that time Fiona was worrying about her brother. She was meeting Alastor many times the next weeks just to have some other thoughts. She didn't want to think of her brother maybe dying. It was not the right time and Erik was still so young with his 10 years. Fiona liked to have a talk with Alastor, it helped her a bit to cheer up and to know him even better than before. "Thank you for listening to my problems and so on. You're a true friend.", she said with a smile on her lips. She didn't want to smile but she couldn't stop her own habit. "I hope I don't bother you or so.", she was a bit worried that she makes him overbored or so. "No, it's ok. I like to talk with you because I have no one who would even listen.", he said while he also smiled. Fiona didn't understand but also didn't dare to ask him about it. "My mother died when I was still young and my father was a drunk head. So I didn't have any friends or so.", he told her and she was suddenly holding his hand. Both were sitting on a bench. The snow was laying on the ground it also was very cold outside. Fiona also had to go back to school. A lot of people did look at them with disbelieve and that a young unmarried lady shouldn't talk alone with a man. But the red-haired lady didn't care about it and was happy to find someone who does also understand her. But somehow she had the feeling that he doesn't trust her completely. It was like there is something that he doesn't want to tell her. She wasn't going to force him to tell her what is on his mind. It's his choice if he wants to talk about it or not. Before they could even continue to talk, one of Alastor's co-workers did call for him and that his break is now over. "Excuse me, dear but I have to go back to work.", he apologized to her. "It's ok. We will see each other another time if possible.", she said while waving their farewells. She looked after him and even he was already not anymore to be seen she was still looking at the direction he left. Then she had to head back to the Girls School before she gets in trouble. The girls there did somehow find out that her brother was sick and question her how he is and if he will survive. She tried her best to not scream at them and that this is not their business. Even the teachers in her school asked her about it but she wouldn't tell them a thing. The old women who were her teachers only wanted something to gossip about and the same goes for the girls in her class. Fiona had the urgent feeling to leave the school and go back home just be there for her mother and sister which also had a hard time. She felt so useless and that she failed to be a good sister.

Alastor was watching Fiona through the window and wanted to make sure that she is safe. If he could he would escort her back to her school which is not that far away from his workplace. "Alastor it's useless.", one of his female co-workers told him. "She is out of your reach and also her stepfather wouldn't even allow that you see her that often or be this close to her.", the woman had shoulder long waterfall cut brown hair and very dark brown eyes. Alastor knew that she has a crush on him but he still acts like he doesn't know it. "Why do you think that I want to date her? She is still a little girl and not a woman in my eyes.", he said smiling to Betty what cheers her up. Alastor wanted to believe his own words. That Fiona still was a young spoiled and naive child but he couldn't. In his eyes, she was more like a grown-up woman than a child. She did care so much for others than for herself. Even if she saw something which she really wanted. She would deny it and that she doesn't want it. Alastor was also 10 years older than her what made it difficult for him. He continued his work as a radio host played music and also talked about new events that did happen. As always does Betty ask him to go with her to have a drink in the bar. He didn't really like it and also sometimes did go with her out of politeness. "Sorry Betty but not today.", he only said before leaving to head back to his home. His small flat wasn't special. It had everything he needed. A bath, a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom. That was totally enough for him. It was quite and only the ticking of the clock in the living room could be heard. He was looking at some pictures of himself and his beloved mother. He missed her and wished she would be here with him. "Maybe she could help me...", he mutters to himself while he walked to the fridged and cooked something for himself.

Every day she walked into the church just to pray for her brother and that he will be healthy again. She did take a white candle and walked to the altar of the St. Louis Cathedral. She lit the candle and placed it to the other candles which were still burning. She wore a catholic white church veil over her red hair. Because it's said that God likes it if a woman covers her hair with lace. She wasn't sure if this was really true and also didn't really care about it. Erik's sickness didn't get any better and she was hoping that God maybe has mercy for her little brother and would save him. But even when she prayed to God he didn't listen or even care for it. When Fiona was in Class she got the message from one of her teachers that her brother died and wasn't strong enough to fight tuberculosis. After this day she didn't believe in God anymore and also stopped going to the church. On the Weekend she was walking around with a sad smile on her lips. She was thinking about her mother and sister which suffered like her. She wanted to go home and comfort both of them but the nuns of her school didn't allow it and also her stepfather didn't allow her to get back home. Fiona was wearing a black dress instead of her uniform or her white or colorful dresses.

Alastor was hoping to meet Fiona again but she didn't show up for days until he saw her walking down the street wearing all black. He was worried and wanted to know what was wrong and why she didn't come like always. "Fiona?", he spoke to her and Fiona looked at him with a sad smile on her lips. "Oh Alastor, I'm sorry that I did stop visiting you at your breaks.", she said while looking down on her feed but still smiling. "That's nothing to be sorry about. What happened my dear? Why are you wearing black? Did something happen to your brother?", he asked her many questions and then she suddenly hugged him while she started to cry. Alastor was holding her and allowed her to cry into his arms. It's the first time that she cried and let her sadness out. It was also the first time that she is crying in front of someone she doesn't know that much at all. She felt a lot better after she cried a lot. He gave her a tissue so she could wipe the last tears away. "Thank you.", she said and was thankful for his kindness which he shows her. "Could we maybe go somewhere else? I don't want to talk about it on the streets.", she said and was hoping he would agree. "It's ok. Let's go to Café du Monde and drink something warm. We still have Winter in February.", he was holding her and walked with her to the Café he was mentioning. He walked in with her and also does take a seat on a table for two people. He ordered a black coffee for himself and a hot chocolate for Fiona. She didn't want to say anything and was embarrassed that she cried into his arms. She was worried about what he now would think about her. That she was weak and a total failure. Then he suddenly did take her hand, so she had to look at him. "It's ok, take your time.", he was smiling what made her feel better. "My brother didn't make at and my stepfather doesn't allow me to go home. I really want to help them with the funeral. I feel very useless.", she said to him honestly. He still was holding her cold hands, which he does warm up with his hands. "When is the funeral?", he asked her then. "In two weeks on a Saturday.", she told him then. "I will go with you.", he does offer her what surprised her. He didn't know her and he also didn't know her brother. She wanted to ask him why but then his coffee and her hot chocolate did arrive. "You like your coffee black?", she just realized after she did take a look at his cup. "Yes, I do. Black coffee before going to work is the best. It helps you to stay awake if you have to work at night.", he just told her smiling. "Do you love your work?", she asked him. "To be honest yes. I really do love my work. It's so much fun, even if it is not always easy or messed up.", he told her. Then she started to smile softly. The conversation with him made her feel better. "Do you get along with your co-workers?", this question surprised him a bit and he wasn't sure about it. "With some, I get along very well but others are such a pain...", now he had to think about Betty which has a crush on him and she really is a big pain for him. "Is something wrong?" He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her. He realized that he was starring in his cup with a disgusted face. "I'm sorry. I just had to think about someone who really does bother me.", he was honest to her but didn't tell who it was. She was drinking her chocolate, then she looked at him. "Could I maybe stay longer with you?", she asked out of the blue and he chocks on his coffee. "Please, I really don't want to go back to the dorm or to that school. I feel a lot better if I'm with you.", she told him and was very honest. That really took him by surprise. His face turned slightly pink. He wanted to say it would be better that she goes back because he still had to work but he couldn't her innocent emerald green eyes made him melt like sugar. Her eyes made him somehow weak. "Do you like to see my workplace?", he asked her then. "Sure.", was her sudden answer. Both did finish their drinks in silence before they left.

Betty had a day off, so she enjoyed her time with her best friend Ruth and some shopping. The two both women laughed and enjoyed the time they had together until Ruth did see Alastor in the Café du Monde with a red-haired young girl. "Hey, Betty. Isn't that man Alastor? Looks like your crush is having a date with a young girl.", she told her friend, who moved her head fast to the direction she saw them. Betty was shocked when she saw Alastor with the stepdaughter of judge Blair. "Is that girl maybe... judge Blairs, stepdaughter?", Ruth was very curious about it and their current relationship. Betty wanted to walk between them and slap this girl, how she dares to be this bolt to flirt with her man. Then Alastor left the Café with the girl. "Calm down Betty, maybe it's harmless. I did hear that her brother died awhile ago and they seem like friends.", Ruth tried to calm her friend down and played with one of her own blonde locks. But Betty wouldn't calm down so easily. She had to find out how close she was to Alastor. Betty knew him much longer than her and was ever there for him if he was in trouble at work.