Crimson Lace

4 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
9 18104

Chapter 5
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence
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A true Friend

Fiona did feel a lot better after the chat with Alastor. He did give her so much comfort and she felt safe. When Fiona did arrive at the house where her family lives she could hear screams and cries from the inside. She runs to the door and tries to open it with her house key but it didn't fit. "What's wrong why does my key not get in?", she asked her self and knocked on the door. "MOM! EMMA! MARY!!! HELLO SOMEONE PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR! HELLO?", she shouted and was knocking harder at the door. The screams made her go crazy, she wanted to break the door someone but then Mary did appear with 4 shopping bags. "Miss Fiona, what's wrong?", she asked her and walked to her. "I can't open the door, my key doesn't work.", she said furious and after Mary did hear the screams aswell. She fast opened the door and did almost drop the bags. Fiona and Mary went in carefully so that they didn't become victims. Then 4 men in white did drag her mother out of the office of her stepfather. Her mother was wearing a white straightjacket. "Mom. What are you doing? Where are you taking my mother?", she asked the men who did push her out of her way. "Fiona please help me.", her mother cried and begged and was dragged away. Fiona tried to get closer to her but was pulled away from her mother. Then she saw her stepfather which had some scratches in his face and arms. "You what have you done?", she asked him angered and pushed him away. "Your mother is a crazy bitch. She tried to kill me.", he said and looked angry back at her. Emma was running to her sister and does cling on her dress. Her brother was just buried today and now her mother was dragged into an asylum. The police did also get into the house and were asking Mr. Blair some questions. He told them that his wife attacked him and tried to kill him without any reason. "Maybe it's because of the money she would get after my death. This woman is such a gold digger." "Gold digger? Did you lose your mind?! My mother was never interested in money or anything else.", Fiona did her best to protect her mother. The police didn't really take her seriously and that she is too young to understand everything. Mary tried to calm the young Miss down but she was so mad at this man right now. "Your mother will stay in De Paul Sanitarium until her trial starts.", the policeman told her. "What is with my sister?", Fiona asked then. "She will stay with your stepfather." "What no. I will take her with me.", she tried to protest against this. "Your stepfather is her current Legal guardian. You can't take her away you're not even 18 years old.", he made fun of her and then left her alone. "I can't believe, why is this all happening?", she was thinking and was close to cry again but did hold the tears back. She couldn't allow herself to show her weak side to this monster in a human body. Mary tried to calm her down and that she will do her best to protect Emma from her stepfather. The girl was still clinging on Fiona's dress until another police officer did take her away. Her sister was shouting her name many times. "I will find a way to get you out. Wait for me Emma!", she shouted to her sister while Fiona was dragged out of the house. Once more did Fiona fell so weak and useless unable to save her mother and sister. She didn't know what to do. She could go to Alastor and ask him for advice but she didn't know where he lived. She thought that she did bother him enough with her problems and didn't want to push him into her family drama even more. She was unable to go back to school as if nothing happened. She couldn't just stand there and look away. She needed to do something to help her mother and sister. She went to one of the payphones near the Mansion to make a call.

Dorothy was in her room which she did share with Fiona. The two girls did become best friends and Fiona can trust her. The phone was ringing and Dorothy raised a brow and wonders who was calling. "Hello, who's there?", Dorothy answered the call. "Dorothy it's me, Fiona. Could you please come to my house. I need your help. Something terrible just did happen.", The blonde-haired girl was widening her crystal blue eyes and was wondering what could have happened. "Stay where you are. I'm coming.", said Dorothy before hanging up. The blonde girl got dressed and went outside to get to Fiona's house. Fiona did give her the address written on a piece of paper in case if she wanted to visit her. Now it was more like an emergency than a friendly visit. She did go directly to catch the next tram. Dorothy had to change trams once to get to Fiona's house. She felt like she will never get there and time. She was nervous and very worried because Fiona didn't tell her what's going on. She knew Fiona since primary school and was her best friend as well. First, the two did dislike each other but after time passed they grew to become best friends. Dorothy was happy to reach her final destination and was looking for Fiona. She found her after a while and it was the first time that Fiona was so worried and close to cry. "C'mon girl and tell Doro what happened.", she walked with her to a close bench to sit down where Fiona tells her what happened. Dorothy was totally shocked and doesn't believe that Mrs. Blair would do something like this. Dorothy was sure that he called the asylum to get rid of his broken current wife. "Mr. Blais is a dangerous man with whom you should never joke. A lot of people did borrow money from the judge and he wants 15 % extra for the money he did lend the people.", Fiona did hear about it also her mother was in deep depts and had no choice than to marry him. "You know what. Let's find out where the De Paul Sanitarium is. To make sure that your mother is alright." "But what is with Emma? I can't let her stay with this monster.", Fiona didn't want to leave her sister all alone. "You said Mary will keep her safe, right?", Dorothy looks at her best friend. "Yes, she did." "We can't do much. You have to be 18 and they want that you have also work. They won't give you Emma if you're unable to take care of her.", the blonde girl does her best to calm her friend down who was in such a big mess. "Also stop to give yourself the fault. How could you know that this all happens? Your mother could always leave him, so it is more her than your fault.", Fiona didn't want to listen but she was also right. Her mother was beaten and maybe also forced into sex and drinking. Her mother did swallow her pride down and did act as if nothing happened. "Dorothy please don't think this bad about my mother. She sure did take it to be sure that we have a good living even if she does suffer.", she said with a sad smile. She knew her mother would do everything for her children and protect them like a lioness. "But really too many bad things did happen at such a short time. Your brother died 2 weeks ago and today was his funeral and now your mother was taken to De Paul Sanitarium waiting for her process. How is this even possible. I'm sure there is something rotten.", Fiona had to chuckle because her friend sounded like a real detective. "You just sound like your father.", the green-eyed girl said. She knew that Dorothy's father is a famous private detective and Dorothy has also a big interest in it. "Of course my father is my idol. We should go and find out where the Sanitarium is to ask your mother what happened.", suggested Dorothy and both did check the address book to find where the Sanitarium stands and then get as soon as possible to it.

Fiona was nervous and didn't know if the male nurses and the doctors will let her go to her mother. Dorothy just used her detective skills and so the male nurses could stop them because she had enough proof that they did steal money from the cashbox in the Nurse office. The male nurse walked them to the room where her mother is. The door is big and heavy. Fiona had a really bad feeling after seeing this door. Her mother was sitting on a rickety bed which looked like that it was close to breaking the bed legs. The was a small table and a chair. Her mother looked so pale and tired. Fiona couldn't believe what her mother had to go through before she could visit her. Dorothy was shocked as well because the kind lovely woman she knew is no longer to be seen. The two girls walked in and got closer. Fiona's mother did move her head up just to see who was there. "Fiona.", she said with tears in her eyes. "Mother.", she couldn't hold herself and embraced her mother which started to cry. "Oh, my girl. I'm so happy that you're here.", Madlene was so happy that her daughter was here with her. She really did miss her oldest child. "Where is Emma?", her mother did suddenly start to panic and was looking for her youngest child. "Emma is still there but Mary will protect her.", Fiona told her and was also worried like her mother. "Thank goodness.", her mother started to calm down because she could trust Mary with her girl. "What happened?", Fiona asked her mother and Dorothy was standing behind her. Madlene didn't know if it was the right moment or the right time to tell her the truth. Then she shook her head and was sure that it wasn't the right time for this right now. She didn't want to destroy her daughter's future. "Please promise me that you will take care of your sister and get her as soon as possible out of the house.", was the only thing she said and before Fiona could even react she was dragged out of the room. She promised her mother that she will visit her again.

The girls left the asylum with more questions than before. Dorothy did hold her best friend close and walked with her to the next bus station. The red-haired girl didn't understand why her mother didn't answer her question and told her instead to take of Emma. "She has for sure her reasons for not telling us.", Dorothy tried to cheer her up. "You're right. Maybe it's not the right time that she does tell me.", Fiona tried to calm down but it wasn't easy for her. She was happy that her best friend was with her or she would be a grey nothing. "Your mom sure wants you to graduate and that you don't bother yourself thinking about it.", Dorothy was sure that Fiona's mom wants only the best for her daughter. The blonde girl wonders if the truth is this bad that it could destroy Fiona's future. That's what Dorothy doesn't want. They will graduate this summer and Madlene would be miserable if her daughter fails in school. "If you like you can stay at our house after graduation.", the blue-eyed girl suggests her friend and Fiona did feel a lot better now. "Thank you. You're the best.", Fiona said smiling a bit even if it was not a happy one at least she did smile again.

Many weeks passed away after her mother was taken into the Sanitarium. She did visit her mother as often as she could and also taken her little sister and Mary with her. She also calls Mary and her sister mostly every day just to make sure that everything is alright. Her mother is still not saying a word what did happen and Dorothy did go with her if she could. Her graduation was getting closer and Fiona felt a bit anxious. The blonde girl was still on her side and does cheer her up and that she doesn't think too much about it. Dorothy doesn't want that her friend does suffer from depression. That's why she always changes the topic so Fiona does feel better and doesn't think too much about the incident. Fiona did stop to see Alastor. She felt guilty if she thought to go see him and tell him what bothers her. She was sure he also has enough trouble in his life and that it would annoy him if a little girl does give him more trouble. She was thinking that he was maybe tired of her and didn't want to see her anyway.