Crimson Lace

4 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
9 18104

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence
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Love Sick

The months passed like nothing and Fiona smiles like nothing ever happened in the last 8 months, where she lost her brother, her mother being in a Sanitarium and her sister at her Stepfathers' house. She sure looked strong but in her inside, she was crying scream and cursing about this life. She graduated from school and her mother was so proud of her. Fiona was very proud of herself and that she was now an official nurse trainee. in the Charity Hospital. She was sharing an apartment with two other nurses and with her best friend Dorothy. She hasn't seen Alastor for a longer time but to be honest she avoided him as much as she could. It wasn't like she didn't trust him. It was more like she felt bad that she maybe is annoying him. This week she had the night shift and was cheeking out if the patients are asleep or if someone needs some help or something else. The suddenly Marta the head nurse did walk over to her and told her that there is a new patient with glass and cuts in his hands. Fiona did understand and walked to the treatment room. She was surprised when she arrived there and the man sitting there waiting for his treatment was Alastor. He also looked surprised by seeing her face again after so many months did pass. It was already October in the year 1921. Fiona did calm herself down and prepared everything for the treatment. She did take the tweezers to pull the broken glass out of his hand. He was looking at her the whole time. "How did this happen?", she asked to break the silence between them. "How have you been?", he asked her instead while watching her. He missed her so madly that it turned him crazy. He was even killing more people than usual. Alastor was hoping to see her again but she was nowhere to be found until now. Then she did finish pulling out the pieces and was cleaning the wound. "There will be some scars may be but it's not necessary to be stitched.", she said and as getting a bit nervous. "Fiona please answer my question.", he was looking into her green eyes. "I'm fine.", she said but he knew she wasn't really fine. "Fiona please why did you avoid me? I was so worried that it kills me from the inside.", he said and she was getting a bit red in her face while bandaging his hand. "Let's not talk about it.", she only said and was going to leave but before she could open the door Alastor did slam the door closed with his good hand. "Fiona please I can't stop thinking of you. My heart aches when you ignore me or if I can't see you. I can't even sleep without thinking about you and how you are.", he told her and so she knew that he was lovesick because he has fallen for such a young and inexperienced girl. Fiona didn't understand this. She wasn't saying a word, then he removed his hand from the door and left the room without saying another word. She fell down on her knees and started to sob because now she knew she also felt the same way for him but denied it because so many bad things did happen and that she doesn't deserve any happiness. But then she did stand up and left the room and was running after Alastor who was close leave the hospital but then she hugged him from behind. "Please don't go. I'm sorry... I thought I will annoy you if I talk with you about it and then you are tired of me.", she said to him while she was crying. He did stand still and was listening then he turned around and holds her in his arms. "I will never be tired of you darling. You're the best what could have ever happened to me.", he said with a bright smile on his lips. He couldn't hold back himself and kissed Fiona softly on her lips what surprised her but she returns the kiss wrapping her arms around his neck. "Can I maybe love you?", she asks him calmly. "Yes, you can love me, darling... Can I love you?", he asks then and she smiles softly. "Sure you can.", she was so happy and he was picking her up. She laughed happily. But both of them didn't realize that someone was watching them and wasn't really happy about this sight she was seeing there.

Betty was shocked when Alastor suddenly did break a glass at her small birthday party. He said he will be fine and would go to the hospital. She acted as she did forget something and the other should still celebrate. She was secretly following Alastor at the hospital. Her heart warms up when she watches him in secret. He doesn't know that she was stalking him the whole time. But then she was him with Fiona and this confession shot her directly in her heart. She couldn't believe that Alastor was in love with such a young and inexperienced girl. She was grinding her teeth because of anger because she couldn't and also didn't want to accept that he loved a rich spoiled girl. "Maybe she used black magic to get him so that he has eyes only for her.", she was thinking for herself. "This damn witch must die so he can be free.", she said with such a crazy smile on her lips and giggling. She was waiting until Alastor left Fiona which had still to work her shift. After he left the Hospital she was following Fiona then and was looking if there were any possibilities to kill her while it looks more like an accident. Fiona was going down the stairs holding a tablet. Betty did take this chance and pushed her from behind. A loud scream could be heard from Fiona which was falling down and hitting her head against the wall. Betty saw nurses gather and looking for a doctor to help Fiona. She bit her lower lip and left the hospital before someone could see her. She went back to her apartment so that nobody does worry were she was. She had bottles of red wine in her hands. So it looked like that she was searching for it. She celebrated her day until her guests were all gone. Then she walked into her small hidden room behind her wardrobe where was a shrine of Alastor with many photographs of him and also things which belonged to him or what he had used. "My beloved one, soon you will be free from the spell of this evil witch. Then we will together forever.", she was laughing in a wicked crazy way and was dancing in her hidden room.

Fiona was waking up the next day. Her head was hurting and also spinning. She felt dizzy. She barely could remember what happened. The only thing she knew was that someone pushed her on the back. She fell and then everything went black. When she woke up someone was holding her hand and she wonders who it could be. When she opened her eyes it was still blurry and the lights were dim. It did take some time until she could see that she was in a single patient room and the person holding her hand is Alastor. His upper body was laying on the bed while he was sitting on the chair. She felt a stabbing pain in her head when she tries to sit up. Alastor woke up by her movement and he looked at her and was so happy that she was awake. "Fiona, finally you're awake. I was so worried that you never wake up my dear.", he said and it was the first time in his life that he felt so many things. He was angry, worried, sad and also scared. Fiona was such a kind and lovely person, who had so many problems in her life to master. "How long did I sleep?", she asked him a bit confused and also unsure. "A bit more than 5 days darling.", he told her. She was getting in a panic because she was so long unconscious. She was worried that Emma maybe was in trouble while she wasn't awake. Alastor holds her and does tell her that her sister is fine and that she stays at Dorothy's house for now on. Fiona felt now a little bit easier and didn't know what to say. Alastor was relieved that Fiona woke up and also did calm down. Dorothy was getting into the room and was also happy to see her best friend awake. She was so worried about Fiona and would punch the person in the face who did course her fall. Alastor was leaving the room for a while because now he had to find out who dared to hurt his beloved woman.

Husk was working at the bar and washing some glasses. He hasn't seen Alastor for a longer time. It still bothers him that he broke up with him like their relationship was nothing. He really enjoyed touching him everywhere he could but that changed suddenly. Alastor also once dated Mimzy when he was around 17 and broke up with her when he was 19 years. Husk was surprised that Alastor did come over to have a drink one day. He saw how angry he was. Alastor was also cursing and that he wanted to kill someone who pushed a woman. "Why do you care about a woman anyway?", Husk said calmly while giving him another drink. Alastor did give him such a deadly glare that he knew this woman was very important to him. "Who is she and how old is she? Does she know your little secret?", he asked him calm and Alastor looked at him very annoyed. "I won't tell you who she is. She is still 15 and no she doesn't. I met her December last year.", he said calmly and had the desire to help her so madly. "I think she is too young for you to understand you and also inexperienced. She sure wouldn't know where to touch you too...", before he could finish his sentence Alastor did hit the table. "Be quiet Husk! You don't know her! I love it that she is inexperienced, pure and innocent. She makes me such a warm feeling which I never had when I dated others...", he said and was drinking then. "Is she may be the reason you did break up with me?", Husk asks him and Alastor looks at him with wide eyes. "No, she isn't... Could it be are you jealous?", he asks him and was pulled by Husk and forced into a rough kiss. Alastor pushes away but Husk was taller and stronger than him, what he really hated. Then he was pulled over the bar and was being carried away by him. "Let go!", he screamed and didn't want this but Husk didn't care. He forced Alastor to some Sex in his bedroom and Alastor wished he was with Fiona, which doesn't want his body. The next day Alastor was happy that it was over. His body was covered in bites, bruises, scratches and love bites. He felt like a piece of shit and left as soon as he could. Husk also tied him up so he couldn't run away. Alastor was trying to hide the marks of the robes on his wrists so that no one finds out what happened to him. He was going to work as usual. He was not in a good mood because of Husk he was unable to kill someone but he did hide it behind his smile. After work, he was checking on Fiona and how she is doing. Fiona looked a lot better than yesterday and she also smiled again. But what he didn't realize that she saw the markings of the robes. "What happened?", she asked him worried and Alastor was acting like there was nothing. But then he moved his sleeves up and saw the scratched and bruises. He also flinched a bit because it still did hurt. "Alastor who did this to you?", she was curious. Then he was looking away because he was embarrassed about himself. Fiona was calming down. "Alastor you don't have to tell me. I'm there for you if you need me.", she said with a calm and sweet voice and he couldn't resist holding her. He was crying what he normally never does but with her, he could and he was happy that she is fine but still, he wanted to know who it was and punish this person for that what he or she did to his beloved girl. Fiona also told him that she inherited a mansion in the forest far away from other people. She wanted to live there with him together. She wanted to be close to him and also know him a bit better than she does right now. Fiona did take care of his wounds and she couldn't hide her worry and sadness. Alastor softly touches her face. "I'm fine darling.", he said with a smile but she didn't believe him because his eyes didn't smile. They showed pain and embarrassment. She was holding him and saying that everything is alright and that she will be always there for him. He was happy to have her. He wouldn't allow anyone to touch or hurt her. He was glad that he didn't tell Husk who she is or he maybe also does get the idea of hurting her. Alastor was taking Fiona out for a walk. The doctor said that it's better if she is not working for 2 weeks. That's why Alastor thought it was an opportunity for him to take care of her. It was the first time after his mother passed away that he did care for someone. He couldn't take his eyes off from her. He also wanted to move with her together in the Mansion she did get from her grandfather. That's why Fiona has the right to get her little sister and live with her together. But who would have known what the future brings them? Still, there were people who didn't grant them this happiness.