
4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 6 months ago
6 6531

Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

Log entries from a hepian who was tossed into the Figment Dimension. Tweets come from a RP account on twitter under @ExuberantNoise

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ENTRY #2 FEB. 19




6:37 PM - 18 Feb


Anyone out there? I am... lost.

6:39 PM - 18 Feb

President Katyleen Kitten
Replying to @ExuberantNoise

Mei! Thank Helix you're alive! Mai and I have been worried sick!! What happened to you!?

7:10 PM - 18 Feb

Replying to @DesertianP

Oh, it is so good to read your messages again...

I was abducted and thrown into this weird city.... at least, I think it is a city. I know I am no longer on Hepi now. I got service to work on Erii so now I can communicate again.

7:18 PM - 18 Feb 

Thoren Emit
Replying to @ExuberantNoise


We lost contact with you for several days! Are you safe? Do you have any injuries? Is there anything I can do for you???

7:48 PM - 18 Feb 

Replying to @EmitThoren

Oh gosh, I am sorry for worrying you...

I had to do some fiddling around with Erii in order to contact you all again. To be honest, I am unsure if I am safe. I am in pain and scraped up, but still kicking. Unfortunately, I am unsure of what can be done. I am kind of dazed...

7:54 PM - 18 Feb 

Raziya Aviv
Replying to @ExuberantNoise and @EmitThoren

That's... concerning. What kind of locale are you in? If it looks natural, I can give you pointers on herbal remedies and salves. If there's anywhere to buy herbal remedies, I can still help you if you can buy or barter for the goods.

7:57 PM - 18 Feb 


It seems to all look like a city from what I can tell. I am thinking of entering one of these strange buildings to see what is inside, hopefully some shops are around or something. I will keep you posted.

8:03 PM - 18 Feb


Okay. I am going to enter this building. What is the worst that could happen?

8:22 PM - 18 Feb


So I... I just met one of the people here.

They were super tall, and looked similar to a human. I say similar because they also had horns and one eye. And proportions that were not like a human's.

In other news, I seemed to have entered a hotel.

8:32 PM - 18 Feb


I attempted to speak to them, in English, but they sort of stared at me for a good long while.

Then they wandered off. Now I am just standing here.

8:32 PM - 18 Feb


Okay, so they eventually came back and handed me a key. It was labeled with a strange symbol on it, but I figured I would just have to find the corresponding room. I thanked them and navigated these strange hallways to my room.

Now that I am here, I am going to get some rest.

8:44 PM - 18 Feb


ENTRY #2 FEB. 19

     I was talking to my sister this morning. The poor thing, she was absolutely beside herself. 

     She brought something to my attention, something that I cannot believe I failed to notice this whole time. Our sort of mental connection with each other is completely gone. 

     Now that it is brought to my attention, I cannot help but to pay attention to the emptiness I feel within me. It feels so wrong. Me and my sister have always had a connection to each other, for our whole lives. This is painful.

     Seeing my sister’s face on the screen helped a little, though. She was crying, but I could not feel what she felt. I now know that I must be very far from Hepi. 

     We talked all morning. Eventually she had to sign off, which left me sorrowful. Then I pretty much spent the whole day in my room. I had some snacks in my bag that I munched on while I sat away, pondering a solution to this predicament I found myself in. 

     The person I met at the desk last night was kind to me. I decided that I would go out at some point and ask them some questions. I need to come on out soon, anyways, I ate the remainder of the snacks in my bag, and I am starting to get hungry again.

Author's Notes

[ Hello again! More of other people's ocs have arrive! We have Thoren again, who belongs to @shinyjiggly. We also have Katie, who belongs to @wertercatt2. Then we have Raziya, who belongs to @RaziyaLionMonk. All of these users can be found on Twitter! ]