
4 years, 3 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
6 6531

Chapter 5
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

Log entries from a hepian who was tossed into the Figment Dimension. Tweets come from a RP account on twitter under @ExuberantNoise

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ENTRY #6 FEB. 25




I asked Witch where she had acquired this "human food". Apparently one of her clients just gifts her a bunch of it.

I mentioned that I could not eat any of the other foods here, and that appeared to baffle her as much as it baffles me.

9:19 PM · Feb 23

Thoren Emit


Replying to @ExuberantNoise

You may want to find out who the client is, if legally possible.

Rather interesting that they are familiar with humans, out of all the different intelligent creatures out there.

1:13 AM · Feb 24



Replying to @EmitThoren

Yeah, I was thinking of asking, too. I will be sure to do that in the morning.

It never occurred to me they were that familiar with humans. Too much stress, perhaps. @__@

3:25 AM · Feb 24



I asked Witch who was this client she mentioned before and as I somewhat expected, she told me that she could not give that info out.

12:06 PM · Feb 24



Sorry for not updating much today. I have been recovering from near starvation.

5:56 PM · Feb 24



I have not done much of anything today. I have felt a little under the weather... well, more so than usual.

I also feel extremely affectionate. Apparently this area of the dimension just does that to folks.

10:42 PM · Feb 24



I asked Witch if there was any way I could get home, and she told me she knows someone who might be able to help me.

10:58 AM · Feb 25

Thoren Emit


Replying to @ExuberantNoise

Glad to hear. Remember to keep your guard up, you never know when you'll be surrounded by chairs and knives.

1:08 PM · Feb 25

Raziya Aviv, A Lion in Scarlet


Replying to @EmitThoren and @ExuberantNoise

I concur. Witch seems to be trustworthy, but don't let your guard down. In your state right now, it never hurts to be too careful. I'm a bit too trusting myself.

Just, y'know. Be safe? ._.

2:12 PM · Feb 25



Replying to @EmitThoren

Huh? Knives and chairs...?

2:43 PM · Feb 25

Thoren Emit


Replying to @ExuberantNoise

One of the locations that showed up while researching. I've read some troubling things about the Figment Dimension, including details about a tyrannical dictator.

3:47 PM · Feb 25



Replying to @EmitThoren

A dictator?! Oh no... this is bad. I am supposed to be taken to their leader later today!

3:56 PM · Feb 25



I am supposed to be taken to their leader, who I was told was a kind person who loved helping the people, and apparently they're actually a dictator?! 

I cannot go back on this now! I am going to die!!

4:02 PM · Feb 25



Witch keeps insisting that there is no dictator...

I guess we will see...

4:12 PM · Feb 25



mei has gone completely silent. has anyone heard from her??

8:50 PM · Feb 25


ENTRY #6 FEB. 25

     Okay… so this has been… wild. Let me take it from the top.

     I asked Witch if there was any way I could get home from here. “Like you said, I was a victim of a cruel prank… and my family is surely to be extremely worried about me. You guys have been nothing but kind to me, but it is time I head home.”

     She nodded. “I personally could not help with that, but, I do know someone who can.”


     Witch folded her hands in front of her and smiled. “So… How would you like to meet our leader?”

     That surprised me. Apparently she knew the leader well enough to just contact them. And so she did, she rang them up on the telephone. 

     I sat on the soft couch in Witch’s cozy living room, listening her talk on the phone for some time. It reminded me of when I was a child and would wait for one of my parents to get off the phone so I could tell them something. I laughed quietly at that thought.  

     All was going well, it seemed like. Witch finally hung up and told me that they would send a guard this way to come get me later today. She also handed me a business card with some contact info on it.

     “If you ever need anything or just want to talk, feel free to call the number here. I have considered us friends, so I wanted to keep in touch! My email is also on there, too.”

     I nodded happily and carefully put the card into a pocket in my bag. “Thank you for everything. You quite literally saved me.”

     “Hey, I love helping others. I am happy to have helped you.” Witch beamed. “Oh, and do not worry about repaying me. ...I know that is going to be your next thought.”

     Witch is really kind, but I swear, she could certainly see into my soul. I still do not know how to feel about that.

    After that, we just hung out for a little bit longer. I went to check my notifications, and saw some things from Raziya and Thoren. They were both telling me to be careful and to keep my guard up, and Thoren mentioned something about knives and chairs. Confused, I questioned them about it. 

     And that was when I found out that the leader of the Figment Dimension is a merciless dictator. 

     I was visibly panicking at this point, and Witch asked me what was wrong. I was blunt and asked her if the leader was a dictator. 

    “What? No, no, there is no dictator, my dear,” She attempted to reassure me. This only made me confused. 

     “It is… a long story. One I have trouble wrapping my mind around, if I am going to be honest. You can ask President Cy about it, they know it better than I do.”

     It is either a president or a dictator. I had no clue which. I just knew I was uneasy about all of this now.


     So the guard comes along. She is very tall and is somewhat looming, but she is polite. 

     “My name is Kari. I will be escorting you to the Mansion. You are Mei, correct?”

     I nod. “Yep, that would be me.”

    A cheery grin came upon Kari’s lips. “Excellent. Shall we head off?”

    “We shall.”

    “Alright. I will get you there as fast as possible. Bear with me here,” And with that, I was effortlessly slung over the guard’s shoulder. And before I could say anything, we were off.

     I never knew it was possible to move so fast. I felt like I was going to fall off, but I somehow stayed put, and we were there in what felt like a few minutes. Kari carefully took me off of her shoulder and placed me back on the ground. I must have been visibly disoriented, because she let out a small giggle.

    “You really are not from around here, huh?” She grinned. “No big deal, we will get you home.”

    I was too dizzy to nod my head. Once I regained stability, I turned to see that we were at the entrance of a dark and brooding mansion. This did not make me feel any better. 

    She brought me in, and I looked around. From the outside, it seemed scary. The inside, however, looked as if it were under renovation. 

    “Do not mind the mess, we are currently changing up some things around here.” Kari spoke as we approached a waiting area. There was some furniture that seemed out of place of the building’s theme, as they were a bunch of soft colors against the dark and gloomy wallpaper and flooring. 

     “Anyways, please wait here. I will bring President Cy out here shortly.” Kari spoke before hurrying off into the other direction. I carefully sat down on one of the pieces of pastel furniture and found it was very squishy. 

     And so, I waited. With each passing moment, it felt like I was getting more and more fearful. It seemed like I was going to meet a president, but what if they just call them that? Waiting felt like an eternity. 

     I was gazing out a window when they finally came along. A new and soft voice had called my name, and I turned to see that Kari had returned with the Figment Dimension’s leader.

    “Mei, meet Cy. This is our leader.”

     I paused for a moment before something came over me, and I slid out of my chair to bow before them. 

     “Hello, D-dictator and/or President of the Figment D-Dimension!” I stammered “My name is Mei, and I do not mean to cause any trouble, I-I was taken here by force by someone else and I have no business to attend here, all I wish is to go home and I-I will be out of your hair!” 

     There was a long pause before I heard Cy before me quietly whisper, “D-Dictator?”

     I slowly looked up at them to be greeted with a friendly face looking concerned. 

     They quickly looked up at Kari and mumbled a question (I am assuming it is a question) in that language to her, to which she shrugged, looking equally confused.

     “Ah… Th-there is no need for that. I am not a dictator, at least, I hope I am not...” The leader spoke to me, scratching the back of their head. 

     “Did you happen to read anything about the Dimension?” Kari asked me. 

     “I did not, but apparently, my friends did while trying to help me get home…” I slowly began to stand up, feeling a little embarrassed. 

     “Oh. Whatever they read, it must have been out of date.” Cy began. “It is… quite a story. Here, let us head to my office and talk.”

     So, we then headed to their office. It had stuff you would usually find in any old office— desk, desk chair, bookshelves, et cetra. Off to the side of the room, there were a couple of chairs and a coffee table. Cy sent Kari back to her usual duties, and I sat down at one of the chairs at the coffee table. 

    “Would you like some tea?” The Figment Leader asked me. “I heard that you have had trouble keeping the food down here in this dimension. But, not to worry, anything edible I have here should be… well, edible! I buy food for me usually from human populated dimensions. I also like sharing.” 

    I began to wonder for a moment if President Cy was the client Witch kept mentioning. I nodded and accepted some tea, and sure enough, it stayed put. 

    Cy sat down in a chair adjacent to mine, folding their hands in their lap and sitting up straight. “So, let’s talk. Tell me a little more about your situation here.”

    I then told them where I came from and how I ended up here, and that I needed a way back home as I knew for sure that everyone back home was worried out of their minds. 

    “Oh, dear…” Cy sighed. “I… I am so sorry this happened. Do you happen to remember what they looked like? We recently outlawed this kind of ‘prank’, and if we find them, we can put them to justice for you.”

     I did my best to describe Odd Hepian to them, and they told me that they would pass it on to the justice department. 

     “Anyways, thank you for explaining the situation to me. I am sure we can get you back home. Do you happen to know where your dimension is located?” 

     I thought hard for a moment. “I… do not. I am sorry.”

    “That is okay!” Cy reassured me. “Thankfully, I know a few folks who can hunt down your dimension’s location.” I perked up at that.

     “You do? That is great!” I found myself feeling hopeful.

    “Now, it may take a little while to find it.” Cy sipped their tea. “However in the mean time, you can stay here. I apologize in advance as there is not too much to do here, as I am currently renovating the place. This place previously belonged to the former leader of this dimension… Oh, I suppose I should explain this ‘dictator’ thing?”

     “If you would like, I am kind of confused.” I admitted.

     “Well… the former leader was a dictator.” The leader began to explain. “She was like any dictator, but arguably worse. This dimension was very unstable and hostile when I first came along, and it was thanks to her.

     “She wanted things that way, because… well, I could not really explain why. We were never really sure. But, I did know that no one was healthy or happy this way. So, we did something about it. And then I was appointed to be the leader afterwards.” Cy took another sip of their tea. “There is more to it, but I do not think I have much energy today to go into it.”

    “Oh, I am sorry,” I began to feel bad for using up the Figment Leader’s energy.

    “Oh, no! Not your fault at all, no...” They nervously chuckled. “I am overall just pretty low energy. Anyways, let us get started on getting you home. For the time being, feel free to wander anywhere you would like. That is what I do whenever I get some free time...” They then stood up and hurried off towards the door.

     “Wait!” I stopped them for a moment. “...Thank you so much. You all have been so kind to me. How can I repay you?”

    Cy had a brief look of surprise on their face. “Oh… there is no need! No need at all. Just try to relax a bit, alright? I am sure you have been very stressed out by this whole ordeal.”

   I paused before nodding. The leader flashed me a gentle smile before they headed off.

   And now I am sitting in the garden, writing this whole thing. It looks like I will be heading home soon! And there is no dictator. Not anymore, at least. I have lost service again unfortunately, and hopefully soon I can get this log out so everyone knows I am okay. I will be tinkering with Erii again to try to get a connection once more.

Author's Notes

[ Thoren belongs to @shinyjiggly and Raziya belongs to @RaziyaLionMonk, both on twitter! ]