
4 years, 4 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
6 6531

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

Log entries from a hepian who was tossed into the Figment Dimension. Tweets come from a RP account on twitter under @ExuberantNoise

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ENTRY #3/#4 FEB. 20/21



I tried speaking to the person at the desk today, same one who checked me in.

Unfortunately, there must be a different language they speak here.

They kept offering me various things, though. Soap, toothbrushes, what I believe to be coffee. This person is kind.

9:09 AM · Feb 20


...Well! Their language sounds pretty unique! 

They tried speaking to me just now. I have no idea what they said.

I do not think I could even replicate those sounds.

9:16 AM · Feb 20


So the inhabitants of this dimension come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. None of them stick to a particular theme, either.

They all look pretty cool.

10:34 AM · Feb 20


All of them super tall, too!

10:37 AM · Feb 20


Oh no I think someone saw me

11:02 AM · Feb 20


Judging by all of the giggling from this person, I think they think I am funny looking.

There is another one looking at me with an odd look of suspicion.

Well, this is not too bad.

11:21 AM · Feb 20


Now they are talking to each other. I wonder what they are discussing?

11:23 AM · Feb 20


They gave me a bunch of junk food and went on their way. Huh.

It is a shame I cannot eat any of it, though. :(

12:02 PM · Feb 20


ENTRY #3 FEB. 20

   Could it be that Odd Hepian came from this place…?

   The inhabitants of this place have been very kind to me so far (they sure do love gift-giving!). And rather curious. Maybe they think I am cute? However, I am sure they know that I am not one of them. 

   Unfortunately, I cannot seem to talk to any of them. Their language… I have never heard anything like it before! It is fascinating, but I do not think my mouth and vocal cords could make the same sounds. Which is saying something, because for Hepians, those parts are built to mimic all sorts of sounds! If only I had an alternate way to communicate...

   ...It just dawned onto me, I could maybe draw pictures for them? I am no artist like my sister, but I can get a point across. I will have to try that next time I see the fellow that runs the hotel.

   Anyways… to think that Odd Hepian might of came from here… It sounds impossible given the fact that they were a complete asshat, and everyone here is nice. ...But, how else would they know of this place? And another thing… How did they look like a Hepian, when everyone else here mostly resemble humans…?

   I have more questions to answer with each passing day, it seems.




So... uhh... for some reason, I suddenly cannot keep food down.

It tastes fine, and I feel fine. This is happening with everything I try to eat here. I do not like this.

11:37 PM · Feb 19


Maybe I have to go someplace else…

11:38 PM · Feb 19


I cannot eat anything here…

11:42 PM · Feb 19


I guess I will just head back to my room.

11:51 PM · Feb 19

Thoren Emit
Replying to @ExuberantNoise

Hmm... Between this and your sudden loss of sibling connection, it is possible you are in a different dimension. Substances in an unknown place are not necessarily guaranteed to behave as expected at a molecular level.

Wait, does this happen with homebrought food too?

12:59 AM · Feb 20

Replying to @EmitThoren

A different dimension..? Oh dear... That is a bit terrifying.

Also, no, the food I had in my bag went down just fine. The food here looks a lot like Earth food, but it does not behave like that... It is pretty baffling.

4:53 AM · Feb 20

Raziya Aviv, A Lion in Scarlet
Replying to @ExuberantNoise and @EmitThoren

Doesn't behave like Earth food...? Bizarre indeed. I'm sorry I only just got to this. Even if the food from Dana's Earth was different from what I've seen, it's still very much like food from my realm. So that's... unnerving that it doesn't act like normal.

6:37 AM · Feb 21

Replying to @RaziyaLionMonk and @EmitThoren

It is quite unnerving indeed... a lot of things in this dimension is.

I am going to spend some time examining the food I was gifted yesterday with the limited tools I have, to see if I can get any answers.

9:08 AM · Feb 21


Well, I went and examined the junk food I was gifted for any information about why I cannot eat the food here.

Still no clue.

3:47 PM · Feb 21


ENTRY #4 FEB. 21

     To be fair, I do only have a very limited range of tools I could use to examine this food. But it still makes me mad.

     I spent all day trying to find any differences in the food here, and trying to find out why I cannot eat it. I even used notes I took while examining Earth food as an aid! I found nothing out of the ordinary. I tried eating it again with the same results.

     Although, I can lick it, and taste it. Having it on my tongue does not trigger anything (other than making me hungrier, it tastes so good right now). 

     Other than that, that is about it for my findings. Frustrating.

Author's Notes

[ Once again, Thoren and Raziya make an appearance. Thoren belongs to @shinyjiggly, and Raziya belongs to @RaziyaLionMonk ]