
4 years, 4 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
6 6531

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

Log entries from a hepian who was tossed into the Figment Dimension. Tweets come from a RP account on twitter under @ExuberantNoise

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7:57 PM · Mar 2

I sincerely apologize for scaring you guys!! Something about being in this building us making Erii freak out a bit, and thus, making me lose a connection for a while.
8:06 PM · Mar 2

Anyways, it looks like they are still on the search for my dimension. For now, I will just be here.
8:25 PM · Mar 2

Thoren Emit
Replying to @ExuberantNoise
I still have the coordinates to paradox space if they have a way to use them, which I can narrow down to a known location of your choice.
8:33 PM · Mar 2

Replying to@EmitThoren
:o That may be information they need. Go ahead and send it over, and I will give it to them.
8:35 PM · Mar 2

Thoren Emit
Replying to @ExuberantNoise
Considering that if the point of exit is near your village, your sister and an entire angry mob will attack any of them, I will fine-tune the coordinates to lead to starter planet, specifically a field a few miles away from Charcherry.
[ Attached file: startercoords.txt ]
8:40 PM · Mar 2

Replying to @EmitThoren
That sounds like a plan. I will get this over to President Cy right now!

...Here is hoping I do not get lost again.
8:46 PM · Mar 2

It looks like the coordinates that Thoren gave me was exactly what they needed. Once they retrieve their people from dimension hopping, it seems like I will be heading home!
2:59 PM · Mar 3

Alright, we are heading off! I will update once I get home.
4:41 PM · Mar 4

Oh my gods

I am home! I am actually home!!
12:42 AM · Mar 5

And I am going straight to bed.

12:43 AM · Mar 5



    Probably my final log I make public, but I just wanted to leave an update.

     I am safe at home, at last! The coordinates that Thoren had given me were exactly what the folks back in the Figment Dimension needed to get me moving along. I was escorted by both Kari and President Cy through the... void? I suppose it was a void. It did not quite feel like one, however? I do not know, I cannot explain it. Anyways, both of them took me to a field on a place called Starter Planet, right where the coordinates lead to (apparently Mai had organized a whole angry mob? And would attack Kari and Cy if I were to go directly back to Kanjaweii?).

     When we arrived, I hopped out onto the field, and we exchanged goodbyes and contact info. I will say, I am going to miss these people back in the Figment Dimension. Perhaps I will return on my own terms sometime? 

    Then Thoren and I had a wonderful reunion in the field. They looked happier and healthier (if that makes sense?), and it made me happy. Plus, I got to see one of my friends after a whole escapade in a foreign dimension all alone! Of course I would be happy. As much as I do not want to admit it, I was crying because I was so happy. 

     Unfortunately it was a short reunion, as I had to get home ASAP. At least it was a great one. And, I had several other reunions back at home. I reunited with my sister, my parents, my friends in Kanjaweii, the village in general. I never knew they all cared about me so much. I suppose we all have to look after each other, right?

    I went straight to bed last night, but today I spent time with my sister. We mostly just hung out around the village and talked. It feels like a weight has been lifted off of me, having the ability to feel connected with Mai once again. I was under a great amount of stress, not sensing her. I suppose this is why you do not separate Hepian twins that far. 

    Anyways, I am home safe now. And apparently, there is a warrant for Odd Hepian's arrest... both here in my village and back in the Figment Dimension. ...Call me mean, but I do not feel bad in the slightest.

    I am going to relax for the night and forget about Odd Hepian's existence. Goodnight!

Author's Notes

[ yay we made it to the end! Thank you @shinyjiggly (creator of Thoren), @RaziyaLionMonk (creator of Raziya), and @wertercatt2 (creator of Katie) for making this possible! And thanks to the psychotic episode that spawned this idea And thank you for reading! ]