Louwoda Pack

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
4 7332

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

stories with and about louwoda pack

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Author's Notes

1565 words

Valerian and Rakaela explore the eastern jungle and run into Tegan and Elijah. Despite their differences, the jill offers the stranger to stay and rest.


Lost And Found

Carefully Valerian set one paw in front of the other, trying not to make a noise and very attentive about his surroundings. He hadn't been in that area of Ibea before and wasn't sure what it had in store for him. The glowing, purple eyes of the Kumba hob scanned the area for a while until he saw something strange on the seemingly endless horizon of the desert. It was a forest, and a large one at that! The birdcatcher Saliko was moving in the middle of the night, as usual, so he wasn't looking for shade, but his pet thylacine Rakaela, which had been trotting besides him, was panting heavily, obviously thirsty. The chances to find water were a lot higher in the jungle, so Valerian decided it would be best to cross that stretch of desert and enter the jungle to find something to drink. Despite the area being visible to the naked eye, it took quite a while until the two reached the hard border between the biomes and the last third of the way, Valerian had just grabbed his companion and carefully carried her in his mouth, one the one hand to be faster, on the other not to exhaust her too much. As he entered the dark jungle, he sat her down again and looked around suspiciously. He'd been close to the jungle before, but he had never entered it and didn't know what fresh hell was awaiting him here.

The hob smelled the scent marks of other Salikos, which obviously had their territory here, but he didn't plan on lingering around for too long. He was looking for something. He didn't know what, only that he believed he'd know it when he'd find it and he hadn't been lucky yet, but his skin was prickling with excitement and he knew the gods were going to test his faith soon.

Finally the silver Kumba found a couple shallow puddles with relatively fresh water and waited for Rakaela to quench her thirst, while he was on the lookout for anything dangerous. After a short minute, he heard splashing and his attention went back to the sand colored creature and he noticed it was playing with something in the water. Curiously he stepped towards his pet and raised an eyebrow.

«Whatcha got there, Kaela?»

The canine turned its head towards him and, with its mouth wide agape in joy, looked at him. As the hob glanced past Rakaela, he noticed something moving in the water and cowered down to get a better look. Some small animals were living in the pools, unlike he had ever seen before. It was probably some kind of tiny fish, but it looked like it was armored and when one of them turned around, he saw like two dozen tiny legs per creature.

«What in Kydos' name is that?»

«Get away from there!»

The voice that suddenly arose behind him was that of a serious and strong female. It slowly walked up to him and Rakaela immediately started yipping, but Valerian didn't dare to turn around yet.

«I didn't do anything, no need to threaten me.»

Now he raised his head from the puddle and looked behind him, only to see a venomous looking Saliko, bright green with black and white splotches. He had heard that Mayurs were usually green as well, but that there didn't look like a Mayur to him, it seemed like an ordinary Kumba with a very unusual pelt. The jill stared at him with bright blue eyes, analyzing every move he did and ready to pounce if necessary.

He had now fully turned around, his muscles relaxed and ears pricked curiously, showing he didn't mean no harm. The stranger seemed to calm down a bit as well and her voice turned a bit softer.

«You're in my packs territory. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.»

Now that she didn't seem so eager for a fight anymore, his polite and quiet mask dropped and his cocky attitude came through once more.

«You're gonna have to ask me? Sorry girl, YOU don't tell me what to do. And anyway, where's that pack of yours? You're not scaring me like that.»

The pear colored female was taken a bit aback by his brash answer, but Tegan didn't plan on backing down that fast.

«Don't get on my nerves, youngster, I'm already raising two of your kind.»

«Sounds like fun.»

«It is most of the time.»

«So what's that in the puddle there? You seem to be very protective of it.»

Tegan wasn't sure whether to answer him or not, but didn't see a reason not to tell the dark adolescent.

«These are Triops, special small shrimp if you like. They are very rare and only live in certain areas of Ibea, so I'm taking care of them to make sure they'll be able to survive here.»

«You're whelpsitting some crabs? Didn't you say you have two whelps earlier?»

«One doesn't necessarily rule out the other, does it?»

«If you say so.»

«Are you all alone? I don't mean to interrogate you but isn't it too dangerous out here all by oneself?»

«You tell me, this is your territory after all.»


They stared at each other for a minute, until something rustled in the bushes and Tegan, smelling who was coming towards them, looked a bit more worried now.

A green Mayur, about the same age as Valerian found the two Kumbas and, with a confused frown, stepped closer to the pear jill.

«Who's that weird figure?»

«That's what I'm trying to figure out too.»

Valerian examined the newcomer from top to bottom, but unlike the jill, which was clearly a piebald, he didn't seem to have any black markings at all. Instead his mask was white and he had bright spots within his dark back marking. The newcomer and the silver hob himself seemed like two opposite forces, one light and one dark, but both remained totally calm, wondering what the other would do. After a long pause, the birdcatcher cleared his throat and called for his pet, which had lost interest a while ago and had disappeared into the bushes, with a quick whistle. Rakaela immediately showed up besides him and waited paitiently for another command.

Elijah was surprised by the strange creature, as he had never seen anything like that before, and his eyes widened in excitement.

«Whoa, what's that?! It looks really cool.»

«This is a thylacine, her name is Rakaela.»

Elijah walked towards her and wanted to take a closer look and sniff the unsual companion, but the striped canid growled quietly and Valerian stepped in between the two.

«She doesn't like strangers very much.»

«Aww, that's a pity.»

«Go back home, Eli, I'll take care of this rascal.»

«No way, foreigners hardly ever come by! I won't leave, no matter what happens.»

Tegan sighed, then gave up knowing the sunmask was old enough now to make his own decisions, and it wouldn't be too bad for the hob to experience contact with strangers anyway.

«So, what are you doing here? And who are you anyway?»

«Ladies first.»

Valerian gave an exaggerated bow and grinned at the jill, which rolled its eyes in reply.

«Tegan. And as you know already, I live here. Now it's your turn, or do I need to pull every bit of information out of your mouse brain myself?»

«My name is Valerian, I was just looking for water for Kaela, but I'm thinking I'll probably explore the jungle for a few days before going back to the desert. I'm looking for the gods, and I've got a good feeling I might find them here.»

«The gods?!? They live here?!»

Elijah was thrilled to bits at that revelation and his face was beaming with joy.

«They live everywhere and nowhere. But I believe I can talk to them here in this part of Ibea.»

«Have you talked to them before already?»

«One time, long story. But I only share it with those I deem worthy enough.»

«I'm worthy!»

«Eli, shush! Don't believe everything this stranger is saying.»

Tegan scolded her adoptive whelp, but the young hob was not getting distracted.

«Can you tell me about the gods? I wanna find out more!»

«Would if I could little buddy, but I gotta move on. It's getting light already and I'd like to find a shelter before dawn.»

Tegan frowned and studied the stranger with narrow eyes.

«You only out during the night?»

«Yes ma'am.»

He saluted.

«My fur is better hidden that way. Also, Ibea is so much more peaceful at night, when the beasts are sleeping. Salikos and other creatures alike. Only the spirits are awake and they have enough to tell anyway.»

«Tegan, pleeeease, can he stay for a while? Maybe Sal and I can practice hunting and fighting with him as well?»

The jill shook her head assertively.

«No way, too dangerous. You can practice with each other.»

She turned away from the green Mayur and towards the silver Kumba.

«But...I cannot turn down giving you shelter if you ask for it, Valerian.»

He thought about it for a moment, then looked at Rakaela, who seemed quite tired from the long walk already, and he gave Tegan a quick nod.

«I would gladly stay for a short rest if you allow it.»