
4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Cuore has always woken up to watch the sun rise each morning.

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"We were on the sunrise patrol route."

It was Maji's answer to Cuore's question as to why she and Jiwe had been out in the territory when he had run into them. She had been incredibly friendly after giving him quite the beating, and Cuore had bee curious to know just why the two would be out so early.

"A patrol at sunrise?" He supposed it made sense; no doubt it was an established practice in their pride, and from what he understood of the other prides he had come in contact with, it was a pretty standard practice among lion prides.

"Yes, to look for intruders," her eyes twinkled, and he couldn't help but chuckle, “and other dangers.”

He playfully shot back, “How was I supposed to know I’d ventured into a pride’s territory, let alone a friendly pride’s territory?”

Before she could fire anything back, Mzatamo came walking in, scowling at Maji when he saw her. "Maji, what part of leave the patient alone did you not understand?"

Maji snorted, right ear flicking as she grinned at the Healer currently glaring at her. "Oh, you worry too much, Mzatamo. He's fine. I barely nicked him."

That got a snicker from Cuore, whose tail curled in amusement as he said, "Slightly nicked? I thought you were going to claw my ears off."

"Hey now, you were just as inten-"

Before Maji could finish trying to defend herself, Mzatamo butted in again with a huff. "I hate to interrupt the bonding, but may I please have a chance to look my patient over in peace?" This time, the lioness at least looked a little cowed, though she didn't seem too upset with getting scolded. Mzatamo, sensing he'd finally convinced her to let him do what he was required to do for his job in the pride, breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. Now shoo, Maji. If you're that concerned about the wounds you may have gotten when he fought with you, you can come back and have me look at your wounds later."

"Alright, alright," Maji made her way towards the exit before glancing back at Cuore to get one last comment in. "But we're going to spar at some point once you're cleared to be up and about! I want to learn some of those moves of yours."

"Likewise!" Cuore called after the Soldier as Mzatamo practically chased her out of the den.