Midnight Meeting

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
2 1100

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

In spite of their back and forth, Cuore and Haraka keep coming back to each other.

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I Would Stay

It would be a mistake to go. It always was, every time.

That was, of course, why he went anyways.

He was a fool. A complete and utter fool who Haraka seemed to have wrapped around her paw. But he couldn't help it. Haraka had seemed so genuinely upset when she'd quietly approached him, slipping into the Healer's Den on one of the few occasions that all of the others - Mzatamo, Msaliti, and Ua - were all out and about. The pitiful look on her face as she begged him to meet her that night was one he simply could not deny.

Now, he was waiting for her when he was meant to be sleeping. Was this just going to be a waste of time? Was there any point waiting around? What if she didn't even show up?

"Thank you for coming," the words were barely audible, but Cuore managed to catch them.

He turned around to see Haraka staring at her paws. "Of course I came," was all he could think of to say. "I was starting to think you weren't coming, though."

The red and gray lioness shrugged. "I was having issues leaving camp. Maji was on guard duty, and she would have wanted to know where I was going if she'd seen me. I had to go the long way 'round to get by without her noticing."

"She does tend to get a bit nosy." Sure, Cuore considered Maji to be a close friend, but that didn't mean she couldn't be a pain in the rear sometimes.

After that, they both stood there for a few minutes in awkward silence, neither prepared to be the first one to speak. What were they even meant to say? Cuore certainly didn't know; he didn't even know why Haraka had wanted to meet with him again. It'd been at least a moon since she'd last asked.

Haraka suddenly sighed. "I hate you."

If Cuore could have raised an eyebrow, he would have. "You have me sneak out to meet with you just so you can tell me that?"

She scowled, but besides that, ignored his interruption. "You make things confusing. Things were so simple till you came and mucked everything up."

"What's that meant to mean?"

"No one is supposed to care about me and what I do. Even Nasaba, who invited me into the group, doesn't really care what happens to me." Cuore wasn't certain he agreed with her assessment, but let her continue, knowing there was no reason to get hung up on the small details. That wasn't why they were there. "But then you had to come around and suddenly someone is telling me off when I'm reckless. Calling me out on my crap. Suddenly, someone is actually...concerned about me."

Cuore's tail swished back and forth. "Well, it is my job to help take care of the pride. Your reckless behavior uses up valuable medical resources that we might need in an emergency but won't have because of your stupid decisions."

"Is that the only reason you're concerned?" Haraka's eyes were narrowed and her ears were pinned back against her head as she pawed at the ground in front of her.

"By the rose, you're infuriating," Cuore responded instead. "I never know what you want from me. You love me? You hate me? You don't care? I can't read your mind, Haraka. Yes, of course I care. I wouldn't scold you so much if I didn't."

He was surprised when she suddenly closed the distance between them, brushing up against him. The gentle smile on her face was so unlike her that he couldn't help smiling too. With his eyes closed, he was able to imagine for a moment that maybe, just maybe, things would stay like this.