Halloween Movie Night

EVENT RP log (October 2018)

A factory movie night is interrupted by a wave of 24-hour crystal shards, reversing or souring several of the attendants! This results in soured Kim and Xavier on the loose, and everyone else ends up having to find ways to restrain them without getting too hurt.

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Evening has set. The employees of Dulcet Laeta arrive for the Horror Night’s movie session, and the factory is decorated to match. Between creepily dressed dolls and mannequins and posters on the walls, everything's ready for tonight! Have fun, and don't let yourself get too spooked!

I don't think anybody really expected Xavier to actually attend the movie night, considering his track record with other employee-oriented occasions. What they didn't realize was that he actually enjoyed horror as a film genre, and admired the visual effects when they were done well. He was also notoriously terrible to watch those movies with, as he had a habit of tearing apart the villain's logic, the costumes, the plot conveniences and other scary movie clichés, making them ultimately not very scary. He arrived early on purpose, just so he could secure a spot for himself and have it not be contaminated by someone else's crummy hands. He was dressed as Joker for the occasion just to keep in the Halloween spirit, and had painted a way too wide of a smiling face on his medical mask. Fits the atmosphere.

It was finally the Factory's Horror Movie Night and Cheri was both excited and nervous. Each year there's a Halloween event and each year it seemed as if something bad had happened. But considering this was a small Movie Night at the factory, Cheri was sure everything would be fine!

She walked in dressed as Dorothy (Wizard of Oz), though she was missing Cookie to complete the look.

"The factory looks quite spooky this little get together, doesn't it?"

Kisami was SO!! EXCITED!! She is a wuss with horror movies but she loves to dress up and loves halloween things (even though last years was a total disaster).

"Are you guys excited??" she asked Opal & Max, her quick turn making the mini halo headband on her head shift a bit. "Oops-"

River walked in with the crowd dressed as a princess. A cute little bunny princess, complete with bunny ears on her little crown! She also doesn't know anyone that well so someone pls talk to her she's being a shy wallflower.

Her fixed the hat on his costume. He was rather proud of it. He helped him mom make it. It had a few messy stitches and it was a bit snug around his stomach, but he loved it. He was really excited to spend some time with friends and really enjoy this holiday. 

Anya had finally picked a costume and was quite proud of it. She was very excited to join a factory activity she was actually interested in. She was actually excited to talk to others about their favorite horror movies. She knew a lot about them, and could maybe actually hold a conversation with one of her coworkers. Upon arriving, she waiting quietly by the door, hoping some of the other horror movie junks she knew I the factory would come. 

A work event! Perfect! Kellen was quite excited at the idea of interacting with their coworkers. They aren’t much for movies, but they still didn’t have any friends at the factory and this seems like a good chance to make some

Bibi and Rose came in, dressed as a fairy and (to the surprise of nobody) a witch and now are too busy marveling at the decorations to take their seats.

"Super excited!!" Opal said, bouncing on her tiptoes and looking around the spooked-up factory. It'd been so long since she was out after curfew! "I think Lilith is here somewhere, I'm going to go find her, you two have fun, 'kay?" She gave Kisa and Max a bright smile and bounced away in search of a cake pop. 

Sicily strolled in with her hands in her pockets, humming to herself. Lucie was around her somewhere, probably, but she'd fine her laterrrr, in the meantime they were probably supposed to find the movie location, yeah??

Seb didn't have much of a chance to join in to the other events at the factory (not to mention his gross social anxiety) but he was glad at least that the one event he'd get to go to was to watch horror films. Going anywhere without his hat on defiantly added a bit to his flustered tension, but damn it he needed to at least try and be an adult for once.

Pip tugged at her long yellow gloves as she walked with Kim into the room. She adjusts the straw hat and sighs a bit. "Thankfully this is inside cause this outfit is super impractical..." 

Piper scratched at the silver paint on his cheek, glancing around. "Its sort of weird how fitting the creepy atmosphere is here..." he grinned down at Cheri, then adjusts the silver cap on his head.

Max sighed a bit, shrugging his shoulders as he looked around. "I guess..." not really, honestly, but its better than staying at home binging youtube. 

Ami bounced into the factory, googling eyes bopping above her head. "THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN, TIGER-SAAAAN!!" she shouted as she tugged on the taller man's hand. 

Kei waltzes into the factory with Leaf, adorning a normal outfit with an acquired wings and magic wand he made at home. "Well, this'll be an interesting evening I hope." 

Lilith strolled around quietly, playing with the flower details of her outfit. She didn't quite expect herself to come, but curiosity ended up getting the best of her.  Dressed up as Snow White from Magical Girl Raising Project, Lilith turned as she heard her name being mentioned by a familiar voice. Oh- there was Opal. Quietly, she gave a small smile and a wave. 

This was the first factory get-together Harvey could confidently say he ever got to attend. And damn was it happenin'! The decorations were so swag, he could practically live in it. Bounding in as the legendary monster hunter Van Helsing, he was excited to get spoopt along with fellow factory workers in their movie line up.

Mikky walked into the factory still looking a little tired, the eye bags haven't gone away yet, but he felt a bit better now that he had a night of sleep. He seemed to still be constantly licking over or picking at these stupid glue in fangs though, so don't mind him if he's slightly out of it or distracted. 

Jules was dressed as salt for Halloween- I mean a witch. They came in with Alexis, come talk to them if you dare.

Leaf came in with her disgusting glittery fairy outfit and seemed really excited!! "Yeah-! I can't really say I'm excited by the movie's themselves but- I'm glad that the factories doing it." She wasn't excited at all, complete opposite, visibly stressed under her excitement. 

After spending hours before the movie night getting his outfit together, Davie has gained a strange appreciation for the lolita fashion crowd and the amount of bullshit that goes into these get-ups. He walked up alone, looking around to see if he actually liked any people in the crowd.

Cameron shivered a little as she hopped off her motorcycle. In hindsight, rolling up for a night-time event in fishnet thigh-highs wasn't the best idea. And the skirt kept getting caught on things... oh well. She ignored the fact she didn't even like horror movies, it was all worth it to make some friends! (hopefully..)

Riley arrived, and sat in a corner, playing on their phone. They just want to watch a movie, honestly…

Cheri laughed lightly at the small silver cap on Piper's head before adjusting a piece of her dress.

"Do you want to try finding someone we know or just sit down and wait for the movies to begin?"

Kisami nodded and waved happily at Opal before lightly pouting at Max.

"Come on, Maxy! Let's try and have some fun here, yeah?" she said hopefully.

River is still being a lowkey wallflower but she's going to grab a drink yay

Opal skipped over to Lilith, giving her a happy smile. "Hi hi, Lilith! Oh you look so cute!!" She twirled to a stop and waved. "Are you excited? Do you like horror movies?? I can't remember if I've ever asked you before!" 

Walking into the factory in his furry Sully onesie and a notable backpack strapped to him, Tiger smiled brightly as the googly eyed little monster walked next to him and shouted out her excitement. The giant man laughed heartily before flexing his free arm "YES! I LOOK FORWARD TO THE SPOOKY FILMS AND FUN TIMES!"  Once inside, Tiger took a moment to remove the backpack and pull out a few bags of snacks. "HELLO, MI AMIGOS. I BROUGHT ADDITIONAL SNACKS FOR OUR ENJOYMENT! SOME ARE VERY SPICY THOUGH." 

Lilith's smile grew a small inch as Opal came over. "Good evening Opal, and thank you. You look nice as well." She greeted back, cupping her hands in front of her. "Mm... I don't know if I would say I'm excited. I'm not exactly too much of a fan of horror, unfortunately. But i thought this would be something interesting and new to try." She confessed sheepishly. "How about yourself? Do you like horror movies? You seem pretty excited." 

Cameron perked up at the enthusiastic shouts of spicy snacks, hopping over to the source of the sound. "More snacks are always welcome, friend! Hit me with your spiciest?"

Yelling indicated the one person he'd probably know was here. Awkwardly, he scuttled the giants way then noticing that he was with someone and prepared himself to bail from the situation if needed. To be honest- they looked kinda cute- "Hey.." 

"Aw, yeah, that's okay! Horror movies aren't for everyone, but I'll be there with you during, 'kay?" She reached out and gave Lilith's hand a quick reassuring squeeze before retracting her hand again. "I'm glad you came anyway! I don't actually like horror movies all that much, last - um - last Halloween gave me enough of a taste of that, but I wanted to come spend time with people!" She looked around. "And there sure are a lot of people, huh?"

Piper shrugged a bit. "I'm fine with either. I can't off the top of my head recognize many... but..." he turned a bit to scan the room, his height being an advantage.

Max huffed. "I know I'm just... ykno... it'll get better, probably.." he rolled his shoulders a little and watched Opal walk away. "...Is lillith like, her girlfriend or something?"

Ami couldn't help but bounce around as Tiger presented his bounty. "SNAAAACKS!!!!" she shouted, eyes sparkling. 

Kei looked around the room to find a seat for him and Leaf. "Do you wanna get a drink or talk? Or just find a seat?" he looked to her. 

"Hey, hey, chill, it'll be fun, you'll see!" Kim had her arm around Pip's shoulders as they walked into the break room, her usual cocky grin making itself apparent on her face. "Oh are we late? Lame."

Darilyn walks in still kinda adjusting her armor..... and trying to get used to having all her hair to one side. It felt weird and unnatural, but hey, she didn't really dislike the look? Standing a little farther to the wall, she looked over the forming crowd to see who was there.

Alexis was also dressed as a witch!! They adjusted their hat and clothes for the millionth time, and upon laying eyes on the crowd... immediately retracted back to hiding behind Jules. "Oh... that's a lot of people... fuck."

Jer ran over to tiger. “Hi tiger! You look really cute!” He beamed up as his friend. So glad he was here and in the spirit. He looked over to ami. “You too, Ami-Chan!” 

Anya walked up behind Davie almost silently. “Your outfit is cute.” She wasn’t sure who Davie was meant to be, but she liked his little crown. 

Kellen has found a spot and sat in about the center of the room. They didn’t know what was best for watching movies. So they guess the middle was good.

At the bellowing mention of snacks, Harvey whipped his head around to the sound of the announcement and he saw the literal embodiment of Fun. "Can't say no to snack!" he yelled as he bounded over to Tiger and his shy looking companion. "I don't think we've met yet, name's Harvey, you guys are?" 

Davie jumped at the near-silent approach of Anya. "Sweet fucking crepes-- oh, shit. It's you. Thanks? Not bad yourself." He looked out across the steadily increasing crowd of people. "You know when this shit starts proper?" 

Cheri nodded and watched Piper look around before looking to the drinks/snack table.

"Well even if we don't find anyone we know, at least we should grab something to chow on during the movie." she said pointing to the table before hearing Tiger's announcement. "It seems others have brought some snacks as well!"

"Honestly Max, I have no clue." Kisami said with a shrug but laughed lightly. "But they're cute together so we'll see!" 

Xavier looked around at the people gathering into the party space, and spotted many familiar faces, as well as a few interesting new ones. He smiled behind his mask and made his way towards a pair of sisters, making sure he left a a pile of stuff on a seat so he could return to his claimed space later. He purposefully approached them from behind and once he was close enough he greeted them in a pleasant tone. 

"Good evening, Miss Meadows and Miss Meadows."

Mikky looked around a bit and walked towards his boss, smiling at the dark lady. "Hello ma'am, good to see you here!" He tried being a bit more cheery, this woman has seen him too grumpy as of late. 

Jules seemed to look pretty dead faces but shrugged at their sibling. "You good? I'm down to try setting the apartment on fire again tonight if your not?" They said, glancing over at them. 

Leaf nodded, a few of the flowers on her hair falling out already because she was dumb and didn't pin them down. "Yeah, I think this is the first time they've ever done like something in the factory. It's kinda scary? Maybe that's just,, just a me thing." 

Lilith seemed a small bit surprised at the sudden hand holding, but didn't seem entirely against it before Opal drew her hand back. "A... Alright, thank you." She responded, before humming. "Ah, we're in the same boat then, hm? And- last Halloween?" Her head tilted a small bit. "And I see- well, it's nice to spend some time with people you know." She admitted as she looked to the pink haired girl, before looking around them. "Yes, there certainly is a fair amount of people. It might get a bit crowded." 

“No. Do you know the movie they plan to show?” Anya scanned the room. She saw two others she had spoken with and her manager. “Can I sit with you?” 

"Last Halloween was - um." Opal's hand reached up to fiddle with her hair. "It got out of hand, I guess you could say? People got hurt, nobody's quite sure what really happened to cause it - BUT I think it will be more okay this year!! Hopefully!! It's fine!" She tilted her head. "If you're getting uncomfortable, with the crowding, we can move somewhere a little quieter? It's okay either way!" 

Rose jumped, whether taken by surprise, or because the voice sounded familiar, Bibi was unaffected...The girls turned around.

"Oh, hello!" Bibi greeted him with a wide smile. "How are you? Haven't seen you in ages."

Rose preferred to stay silent and glare daggers at the unwanted company.

"SNAAAAACKS" Tiger repeated after Ami before turning his attention to Cameron, giving her a thumbs up as he rummaged through his bag. "YOU GOT IT!" Tiger exclaimed as he pelted a bag of really spicy Romancian styled cheddar snacks towards her, though surprisingly it should land safely in her hands once it reaches her. Looking back into his bag, suddenly a couple of other voices approached him, and Tiger quickly beamed at both Jer and Seb before pulling them both into squeezy headlocks between his arms but of course making sure not to hurt them. "AAAAA HELLO, MI AMIGO AND MI PRIMO! IT'S REALLY NICE TO SEE ALL MY FRIENDS HAPPY TODAY!!!" Once another new person came up to him, Tiger gently put down the two guys before placing a heavy pat on Harvey's back and handing over a pack of chips his direction. "OH- HELLO, NEW FRIEND, HARVEY!! ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE MYSELF. I AM-" Quickly the giant man posed. "TANIM'S-" He quickly changed his pose. "TENACIOUS-" Finally flexing a final time, it seemed as though lights radiated from his energy. "TAMALE TIGER!!!! THOUGH YOU CAN JUST CALL ME TIGER. AND THESE ARE MI AMIGOS AND MI PRIMO- AMI, JER AND SEB. IT'S VERY NICE TO MEET A NEW AMIGO!!" 

"Alright listen, no, I want free food and also movies" Alexis huffed, trying to play strong. They then pulled Jules by the arm to sit down.... somewhere near the tv.

Lilith's eyebrows raised a bit in shock as she was briefly told the events of the previous Halloween. "That- yes, it definitely sounds like it got out of hand... Hopefully no one was too injured? Anyways, yes, hopefully this year will be better." She let out a small sigh, before trying to brighten up a small bit. "Ah, I'm not getting too affected currently, but it wouldn't hurt to move a bit farther away from the crowd." 

"Not late, just slow." Pip nodded, crossing her arms. "These gloves are kind of itchy. What are they playing tonight anyway??" 

Piper followed her line of site and nodded. "True. I can grab us something if you want to sit down?" 

"Yeah." he then looks to the group gathering around what looks like a blue fuzzy dinosaur. "Guess people are grabbing snacks. You want punch?" 

Ami beamed at Jeremy. "ARIGATOOO!!!" she shouted, twirling a bit. She then noticed the crowd gathering thanks to Tiger's snacks and looked up to him. As he began to pose, she posed along with, the fake sparkles practically exhuming off her. 

Kei gave a soft and reassuring grin to Leaf, adjusting his wings a little. "Ah don't worry, its a public event, it can't be that scary! They're just movies after all." 

Jer watched Tiger with stars in his eyes as he delivered his introduction. He gave a little wave to his book buddy, than another to Harvey. 

"Well - a couple of people were hospitalized, I think, and a lot more had a really bad scare, but it's fine, everyone's okay now!" Opal linked her arm with Lilith's and gave her a smile, tugging her a bit closer to the edge of the room, where the crowd of people was a bit thinner. "Here, this seems like a good spot! Do you want to sit down??" She indicated some nearby beanbag chairs with a nod and looked back at Lilith curiously. 

Harvey could practically feed off of this energy, he felt all fired up at that introduction. Now that's one way to get to know someone. He couldn't help but applaud Tamale Tiger, "Wohohoho!!! Nice to meet you Tiger." and he turned to the other two he introduced as he opened a bag of chips, "You too Jer, Seb~!" he greeted with a beaming smile as he offered the open bag of chips Tiger had given him, "Chips! For om noms?" 

"Oh I've been absolutely splendid, thank you for asking. It's nice to see you can face me after what happened between us last time, seeing as it escalated out of hands very quickly," Xavier recalled the moment Bibi had thrown a reverse crystal at him, and repressed a shudder. All in good time. He turned his attention briefly to Rose.

"Though I see one of you is in a sour mood. Not even a hello for me? After all that ice cream I've made for you..." He pretended to look a little hurt, but he was mostly amused. 

Davie shrugged. "I don't care what's on, I've probably seen it by now. Events like this always have old shit, right?" He tried to look out across the room, but... yeah, no, he can't see shit over all those heads. Should've worn platforms. "I guess? Sure. Dunno what I'm doing yet. I was gonna try and catch some other people I know but I'm not gonna find them in this crowd. I'll just stick with you if you wanna find a space, I guess..." 

Cameron caught the snacks, clearly enjoying this guy's attitude. And the posing. She clapped as he announced his name to the others in the crowd. "BRAVO, I LOVE YOUR GUSTO, FRIEND!" She shouted, as this seemed to be what they were doing now. Shouting all around! 

Cheri smiled and nodded.

"Please, love? I'll find us good seats." she said simply before patting him on the arm and making her way to the... bean bags.

Kisami nodded happily.

"Yes please! Looks like it might be spicy too, yumm!!" she said knowing damn well she cant handle spicy food yet still eats it all the damn time.

Seb growled a bit after being lifted by macho man and fixed his clothes before staring at the other man. "Uh, hi Jer. And hi nice to meet you i guess." 

"Bunch'a horror movies, according to the poster." Kim pointed at the poster on the wall, giving it a squinty glare afterwards. "OY! WHAT ARE WE STARTIN' WITH?" She screamed at everyone in the room, walking towards the tv.

A strange buzz is starting to be heard… It seems to be coming from the vents?

Leaf still didn't seem to be reassured but she still mustered up a smile, looping her arm around kei's and marching to go to...something?? She's trying. " it just reminds me of all those haunted houses you see- like where you have the people who chase you with knives n stuff. I just really don't want that to be like this." 

"I'm so down for free food, literally the only reason existing with other people is worth it." Jules said before staring at the posters and then over at Alexis. "I really don't like horror movies, but I guess can appreciate the common titles."

"That's good to hear, I'm glad!" Bibi's smile quickly turned into a look of confusion. "Escalated?.. What... do you mean?" 

Rose rolled her eyes. "LISTEN. I'm not obliged to talk to you. Nor am I willing to. Wtf did you need?"

". o h." The brown haired girl cleared her throat. "I. See. Well, it's good that everyone's better now, definitely." Lilith slowly linked her arm with Opal's as well and let herself be led away from the crowd, to the beanbag chairs. "Yes, here will do nicely. And I think I will." And with that, she followed up her words by actually sitting down on the beanbag, gesturing to the one next to her, if Opal wanted to sit down herself. Hmm....? What was that buzz? Her eyebrows creased a bit and she looked to the vents with confusion. 

“What do they....” Anya began to offer her friend some assistance as Kim’s voice cut her off. She glanced over to the loud rainbow candy. “Do we get to choose?” She looked towards the vents. She wasnt afraid of bugs but it wasnt a bad sound if they were attempting a horror movie vibe. 

Jer looked towards Kim as she yelled. He jumped at the noise. Grabbing tiger’s costume and gripping it tight. “W-what’s that?” His voice shook, couldn’t they have one event without disaster. 

Kellen stood up and look towards the open vent above them. “What in the world?”

Davie whipped around at the sound of Kim's shouting. "SHUT YOUR ASS, IT'S LOUD ENOUGH IN HERE." And went back to facing Anya, mildly irritated. "I dunno, you'd think a manager or whoever organised this shit would put one on." 

Harvey was about to invite his new found bromodachis to a seat when he jumped at the suddenly yelling, the action making a few chips fly out of the bag he was holding, "Holy shalom!" he muttered as he dared to answer, raising his hand, "I don't know but I think we're starting with a horror movie?" he yelled back to whoever asked. Though his short attention span was taken by the buzzing noise he was hearing.... he frowned, "If it's the buzzing then I'm not sure but I'm glad it's not just me, I though I was hearing things." he answered Jer. 

"AH, THANK YOU, AMIGA! TIGER APPRECIATES YOUR COMPLIMENT!" Tiger says to Cameron before realizing he hadn't picked up her name yet, so she's more or less just Amigo for now. At Kim's question though, Tiger excitedly suggested from his corner. "OH- HOW ABOUT A CLASSIC ROMANCIAN HORROR FILM? I HAVE A COPY OF "LA CHUPA-CHUPCABRA" ON ME AT THE MOMENT." Just then, with the buzzing sound from the vents, Tiger's head ears twitched before he began looking around, gently patting Jer on the back when he started clinging to him in fear. "DID SOMEONE FORGET TO FIX THE VENTS AGAIN?" 

Pip winced a bit and glared. "Yeah, I didn't need my hearing.." she rubbed at her ear, following Kim along. 

Piper went over to the table and got 2 small plates together of food and then 2 cups of punch. The liberty of being able to carry so many things on his own is so amazing. 

"Kisa, you can't handle spicey... you NEVER can." but he still grinned and made his way to the table. 

Ami blinked and looked around. "Oh yeah, what is that? It sounds like a bee all stuck in the vents!" she pointed upward, then looked to the boys. 

Kei chuckled. "Surely not, I mean like, weapons aren't even allowed in the building right? What would the point of the security team be? " 

Xavier passed Rose's hostile attitude with a handwave.

"Please, I'm just trying to be polite. And Miss, as I recall, I was trying to get an interview with you and you proceeded to deny my requests with a crystal to the face. That wasn't very nice." He looked down at Bibi, a flash of contemn in his eyes. He noticed the buzzing noise but passed it as a fog mashine or something and ignored it, this was more important for now. 

Opal plopped down on the beanbag next to Lilith's, brushing a bit of hair back from her face and looking at the vents curiously, but didn't worry about it too much for now. She had a bit of an odd feeling about that, but - well, that was - she just wanted a normal Halloween so hopefully it was nothing haha! She sat back and pretty much just waited for someone else to tell Kim what to pick because she didn't want to call out the wrong thing? It's fine. "I don't actually know what the options are orrr I'd say something," she said to Lilith, crossing her legs. 

Buzzing? Weird. "Its just buzzing-... maybe a fly is echoing or somethin'.." He wasn't too fazed initially by the reverberating noise but the others obviously were. "Do you think it's bad?" 

Cheri walked over to the seats before noticing that a movie hadn't been chosen yet. Though there was a bit of discussion about it, Cheri went ahead and picked one of the first movies she saw and popped it in. Snatchers 3.

"There. Movies in! Everyone take a seat!" she said in a sweet tone despite being louder than usual. She sat down, not minding the vent sound.

"I so can handle the spicy!! Just you see!" Kisami said triumphantly while following Max. She watched as the movie started to be put in and along with it the lights dimming down.

Cameron laughed loudly, finding tiger's vibe infectious. "My good amigo, why are you bringing movies with you? They should already have some here!" Her ears twitched as she glanced up at the vents, taking a handful of the snacks she'd been tossed. "Is that unusual?" ovo ?? 

"Not subtle enough to be a fly..." he thought aloud. Then he smacked his fist against his palm, "It must be a bee then! For it to be this loud!" he exclaimed in his brief 'AHA' moment.  At the announcement of the movie finally about to begin he excitedly made his way to a seat, patting the spaces next to him for Seb and the others. "This is gonna be great!" he whispered excitedly practically fidgeting in his seat. 

"I don't really know the options either, it's alright." Lilith assured, stretching a bit, her legs stretched in front of her. "It looks like they picked one just now, then, so that's good? I suppose?" Coming from the person who didn't even actually like horror movies. Oh well, at least things were finally going to get started? 

Dari gave Mikky a smile and a thumbs up! ""Hello. How're you... doing?"

And then just stared at Tiger mildly confused and nodded. "Fine by... me"


"Oh there we go, fine" She pulled Pip to sit down next to her.

"Well, I mean, it literally said they were horror movies. What did you expect?" Alexis glanced at Jules

"A bee?... I guess thats a bit scary if you're afraid of bees." Looking around as the ovie was announced he nodded a bit to Harvey and turned to the others. "Should we sit-"

Rose instinctively stepped in front of Bibi, stifling laughter upon hearing what happened.

"Ah!" Bibi recalled an unpleasant incident. "I didn't mean to! It was an accident! I was going to use it on myself! I'm so sorry! ...wait a second, didn't you apologize  for that?"

"AHAHA, apologized? So that's what you're like crystalled? I need to remember that..."

"Yep!! At least not being huge horror movie fans means we don't actually, you know, care about what movie specifically gets picked, right?" She settled a little more into her bean bag and looked at her hands as the lights went down - oh she was glowing a little bit whOOPS - she pulled a granola bar out of her pocket and consciously pushed the excited glow down because goodness knew that would be annoying during a movie. "Don't feel bad if you have to just stop paying attention," she whispered to Lilith, "That's what I usually do during scary movies." 

"IT'S ALWAYS NICE TO HAVE A BACK UP IN CASE?" Tiger shrugged in response to Cameron, again turning his attention to the movie choice before back to the vents. "WELL, HOPEFULLY THE BUZZING IS JUST THE VENTS BEING VENTS. FOR NOW IT IS TIME FOR MOVIES! COME, LET US SIT TOGETHER, FRIENDS!" 

Mikky glanced up at the vents. "Well I must say these vents rumble like a dog sometimes.." he said before shaking his head and shrugging lightly. "I'm hangin' in there,, mama has Callisto right now so I have a Lil weight off my shoulder. How about you an brown?" 

Pip plopped down with Kim, huffing and taking off the hat. "Ykno what was the point in dying my hair if this hat just hides it all??" 

Piper found Cheri's placement and handed her the refreshment because sitting down on the low beanbags with his gangly long legs would be even more of a chore with the food and drinks. 

Max rolled his eyes. "Mhmm, alright, tell me that the next time you start burping up fire." he poured himself some punch, glancing at the TV. 

Ami nodded with Tiger's conjecture. "Its probably nothing! But LOOK! A movie is starting so we gotta go sit sit sit!!!!" 

Jer continued to hold on to Tiger as they headed towards the seats. He was have a hand time thinking straight at the moment. He was thinking about last years Halloween. He was both relieved and anxious that Lucie was not here too.

“Do you want to sit?” Anya looked at Davie, gesturing to the seating. 

"Well nobody told you to fuckin' bring it" Kim grinned at Pip, and then focused on the screen.

Dari looked up at the vents upon Mikky's comment, nodding in agreement. "Been good. He's growing. Big. Very energetic. A handful. Is Calisto... better?"

Alexis is focused on the movie

Cheri grabbed onto the refreshments and waited for Piper to sit down before handing him his drink back and then they probably sat there like normal candies to watch a movie.

Kisami gasped and pouted before smiling and grabbing a drink. She then also looked at the TV and smiled brightly.

"Ooooh this movie! The CGI is super good!! The snatchers almost look like they're real!"

River sat down in the wayyy back to watch the movie because the farther she is from the screen the less of a scare it'll give her.

"Oh, you know, I really wasn't myself then." His voice had a slight unpleasant tone. that disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"I'm accepting the apology because I trust you word of it being an accident. You would have been a much stronger character reversed and would have been able to tell me a firm no instead of running away and avoiding. I'm glad you're able to face me now." 

Then he turned his gaze back to Rose and his eyes went cold, despite his tone staying fairly pleasant.

"And please don't think about it too hard. This time it may have been an honest accident, but the first time was a full on assault. If I find out the culprit, they are not going to make it.... With just and apology." He noted the movie had started and turned on his heels.

"Now please excuse me, ladies, the film is starting and I wouldn't like to miss anything." 

"True, very true." Lilith brings her legs closer to her, before looking over to Opal's slightly glowing hands. Oh- she was glowing for a small bit. "Ah, rest assured, i won't. I'll probably end up averting my gaze more than enough times." Already, she was scooting a bit closer to Opal, slightly anxious as to what they'd be witnessing as the movie started. 

He couldn't really tell if his ignorance to the possible problem was blissful or foreboding. He hadn't been to events like this often so he couldn't tell it weird occurrences were a theme, but Jer sure seemed to be shook up by it. Maybe he was just afraid of the movies? It's probably fine. He followed the pack of people to find seats wandering how this was gonna go. 

Opal ate her granola bar in the back, replenishing the calories the accidental glowing had burned, and scooted a bit closer to Lilith herself because ah,, that CGI was too realistic for comfort and last Halloween was also too close for comfort but it was fine it was fiiine. Being in the back helped a little bit. She kept quiet for the moment, so as to not bother people who were actually trying to watch the movie.

Suddenly the air has gotten colder, and the vents have become noisier…

Harvey could sense the anxiousness from two of his new friends, but whether it was because of the Halloween decor or something else, he wasn't quite sure. 'Is the Halloween vibe always this intense in the factory' he wondered and gave Seb a reassuring heavy-handed pat on the back, "Don'tchu worry, bud! If any bee comes at you they'll have to go through me first, besides, it's probably lost looking for a nice jazz club, right Tiger?" he joked to help ease up Seb's anxious mood. Only it seems he spoke too soon as the noise got louder and the temperature seems to have dropped if only a little. 

Cameron realized she'd been ignoring the rest of the group, grinning at the rest of this little group of friends the energetic man had amassed. "Yes, let's watch! I hope the sounds of our snacks will not be a problem!" She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hopefully being surrounded by this many people would distract from the usual fear she feels when watching these movies...

Davie nodded. "Yeah, looks like we're startin'." He looked across the crowds now that people were settling, noticing a pair of faces he actually knew. "Hey, you work with them, right? Wanna sit over there?" He jabbed a thumb in the direction of Dari and Mikky, making his way to the seating near them, hoping Anya would follow. 

Riley put down their phone and turned their attention to the screen. Finally! A movie!

"Alright what the fuck? Wasn't that shit fixed?" Kim gave the vents a glare. "Wait nobody's been cleaning that since the A/C incident, have we?"

"I thought my "no" back then was firm enough?.. It's all good, though! I'm glad we've sorted it out!" Bibi cheerfully clapped her hands.

Rose squinted. "Are you threatening me?

"Yea, good riddance. Rose turned to Bibi. "Come on, we need to take a seat, too."

"Not that I know of," Opal called across to Kim, scooting a little closer yet to Lilith. "I haven't been up there, and not a lot of us are small enough to fit up there, so?? I don't know." 

River turned to Kim and Opal who were  probably nearby and realized that she was right.

"We were all told not to by Mr. Follin and Mr. Jones." she responded from the sidelines. "Would you like to go check and see if maybe you can turn it off?"

"I'll go. Gimme a sec." Kim got up and left the room, going to investigate the thing.

Pip blinked and stood up. "I'll go with you. Last time you broke it."

Jeremy inhaled sharply and gripped tigers costume with both hands. Not again, not again. He hated his, he knew he was in for some spooks, but not this kind. He looked around himself, taking stock of the people near him. Most of them he trusted, which was a small comfort. 

Anya nodded. She didn’t speak to her coworkers much, but this would be a good chance. She looked towards the vents as they walked towards the others. They were really trying to make a haunted house huh. Bring it on. 

Kellen raise an eyebrow. This was kind of over kill for just a movie party didn’t they think?

"Hey, hey, you fuckin' stay and watch the movie." Kim pointed at the floor in a "stay" motion. "Sit."

And then left.

"Uh, right-?" Almost on cue with the new friends joke, the buzzing noise ramped up. "Why-" He wasn't afraid of bugs, but he was a little anxious about it probably not being a bee.  "At least they're going up to fix it-" 

"Don't worry dear Rose, I don't give threats. I make promises," Xavier quipped to the girl as he started his way to walk over to his seat, still occupied by his bag and seat cover. Perfect. He seated himself and started to follow the movie, and chuckle whenever someone got mauled. Xavier hardly noticed the chill himself, as he was wearing several layers as a part of his costume with his face also covered. If anything, it was slightly more comfortable. 

Lilith blinks and frowns, side-eyeing the vents. The buzzing was getting louder... And- did someone turn down the temperature? She shivered briefly, contemplating putting her sweater on as she also scooted a bit closer to Opal. The vents hadn't been cleaned recently? Ah, well, there went someone to go check it out. In the meantime, she looked to her sweater, before offering it to Opal. She could handle the cold for a while herself. And hopefully, it wouldn't stay cold.

Piper saw Kim walking off and sighed, getting up. "Kim, maybe you shouldn't-" aaaand she was gone. He sighed very loudly. "None of these kids listen..." 

Pip blinked and glared. "M'not a fucking dog.." and yet she sat obediently. 

Ami shuttered and blinked. "oooh! Its chilly!! Perfect mood setter~!!" she bounced on her toes. 

Cameron shouted at the girl leaving the room to fix the vents. "GOOD LUCK, YOUNG FRIEND!" Thank sweet that'll be over soon, her legs were cold enough... 

Cheri pat Piper's arm.

"You know how the younger workers are, dear. She'll be fine, I'm sure of it." she said before watching the movie again.

"I'm sure Miss Kim can handle it." River said with a sweet smile at Pip. She talking was honestly just a way to distract herself from the scary movie

Opal gratefully accepted Lilith's sweater but scooted over to join her on the beanbag and draped the sweater over both of them, sitting shoulder to shoulder, because she felt bad leaving Lilith without it. "We can share, it's okay!" she chirped, pulling her legs up to stay under the sweater. She had a bad feeling bad feeling baaad feeling but hopefully Kim would be okay, at least. 

The girls went and sat down.

"The nerve of this guy, am I right? It sure as heck was a threat!" Rose huffed.

"I don't know. He seemed nice..." Bibi frowned.

"I don't even know whether to say "never change", sis. It's great that you see the good in everyone, but it might get you hurt. Never mind that for now. It's pretty chilly..."

"AHA! RIGHT YOU ARE, HARVEY!" Tiger said in agreement to him while opening himself a bag of tortilla chips and pulled out a jar of dip from his bag afterwards. When the air notably became colder while the vents sounded as though it was beginning to rattle, Tiger focused his attention to it before looking over to Jer, realizing that he was starting to panic. Tiger gently placed a hand on his shoulder before speaking to him. "NO WORRIES NOW, JER. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE VENTS." As much as Tiger would mostly be oblivious to changes to his surroundings, the fact that one friend could be panicked this much by a simple change could only worry him so much.

"Ah- not really sadly. Shucks it's a big ol thing, no reason to really concern over it now." He said before looking over at what was going down with a certain pink haired girl. He remembered glancing at her file at some point, in the process he noticed Davie, lighting up a small bit and waving towards his direction. 

Jules popped their hat off and just fiddled with it in their lap. They couldn't hear the rumbling so it wasn't a huge deal to them. Or anything some girl did.

Leaf seemed to be unnerved by the whole AC thing but nodded and sat down. "I'm not sure. I just hope none of this goes sour, getting out of the house for once was my chance to try to,, talk to people. Guess I'm not doing a great job at that." She said as she looked at her feet, before noticing a little string on Kei's wings and picking at it. 

O h- Lilith blinked as Opal scooted closer and draped the sweater over them both. This was new. But this was also the warmer method, yes? She'd probably get adjusted after a bit of time. "Ah- alright. I. If you're certain." She mumbled back, not wanting to speak too loud for the people who were actually watching the movie. 

"Yeah!! It's warmer for both of us this way, as long as you don't mind it!" She glanced back at the vents - it...didn't seem to be getting much warmer, so hopefully Kim was okay. Bad feelinggg. "If something does happen, by the way," she whispered, "let's make sure to stick together, 'kay?"  

Davie waved back as he and Anya approached, plopping down right next to Mikky and nodding in Dari's direction. "Aye, assholes." He turned back towards the film, finally settling down and getting a lil quieter for the movie. "Sweet fuck, one day I don't have a sweater and the AC goes fucky." 

Riley looked up at the vents, still noticeably cold. "My, my, what's is taking them so long?" they asked to nobody in particular, buttoning up their jacket.

What was that? With one last crack a bunch of tiny crystal shards fall from the vents, hitting nearby people!

Max has been Reversed!

Bibi has been Reversed!

Erica has been Reversed!

Harvey has been Reversed and Soured!

Xavier has been Soured!

Lilith has been Soured!

Leaf has been Soured!

These crystals will last for 24 hours!

"Oh," Opal said, shooting up into a straighter sitting position. Noooonono not crystals on people she cares about again - her head snapped over to Lilith, eyeing her worriedly. "You...still with me, Lilith?" 

Max blinked as a puff of blue smoke surrounded him. He stared for a moment then looked around. "My oh my! What was that, Kisami? I feel so strange, its unnerving! I swear to Sweet, bless they name, that something just bopped my noggin!" 

Cheri looked up at the vents as she heard a commotion and saw many small puffs of smoke. She left out a breath and whispered an 'oh no' as she saw it happen.


Kisami watched as a puff of smoke formed right beside her. She let out a small yelp before looking and seeing that Max was caught in it.

"Ah- Max! Are you okay??" she asked concerned, before Max opened his mouth.

"I- M... Max... I..." she was speechless.

River jumped at all the sudden puffs of smoke and watched as it seemed that everyone... changed? 

"Oh dear! Oh no- what's going on!"

"OH WHAT THE FUCK" Alexis screamed and jumped up and off the beanbag. "THE FUCK'S THIS?? FUCK, JULES, WHAT'S THIS-- WHAT IS THIS???" Alexis is yelling at everyone right now

Darilyn jumped straight to her feet upon hearing the noise, only to... see a bunch of clouds of smoke. Oh no. Ooooooooh no....... Oooooooohhhhhh fuck....

Anya nodded to her manager and coworker. She sat on the far side of Davie at the end of the row. “Do you want my coat?” She offered at her friends comment. Looking up as the cracking sound rang out. 

Jer shrieked a bit as the vent exploded, burrowing his face into Tiger’s side. 

Kellen looks around at the sudden change in the people around them. What just happened?

What the actual fuck was that?! Was this a prank? It's not exactly funny- What even was it that fell?- Looking around he could notice that some people had gotten nailed by whatever it was, but couldn't tell the effects. 

"Oh snap, please, don't let me be reversed, please." Rose thought upon seeing the clouds of smoke.

As everything seemed to have ended, she turned to Bibi, only to notice her sister changed colors. And those weren't the same colors as when she was soured... Oooh my Sweet.

"What'cha lookin' at, b*tch?" Bibi asked angrily.

Lilith opened her mouth to respond, but- huh? She looks up just as the crystals from the vents. Ah no not those- She winced as one hit her head, and soon in a green puff of smoke, she was different. Her somewhat neutra epression changed to a bitter looking one. "What does it look like?" She growled out, scooting out of the sweater, arms and legs crossed. 

Pip leapt to her feet and ran over to the opening of the vent. "Kim?! Kim!!" she squinted to see if she could see anything in the darkness.

Piper got up with Cheri and groaned. "Dammit... Why were there crystals in there?" 

Max giggled- giggled - and nodded brightly. "I feel perfectly fine! Elated actually! Oh but goodness me, I can't say I'm that jovial about watching a horror film of all things- quite the scare you know? Really ruffles my feathers." 

Ami stared at the people freaking out, then looked up at the vent. "What made it break though? Whatever those things were too tiny! They couldn't have done that!!" 

Kei blinked. "Jeez, I thought the factory was in better shape than that- Leaf? Are you okay??" he stared at her as the green smoke evaporated. 

A hurt expression crossed Opal's face for a moment before she closed her eyes and took a fortifying breath. Okay okay alright that looked like a sour crystal, just like when Kisa and Max got soured, Lilith didn't mean anything she said right now. "Looks like you are, just a bit differently!" she said brightly, opening her eyes and holding out the sweater with a smile. "Here, you can have this back, wouldn't want you to lose it in the excitement, right?" 

Xavier felt something small hit his ear, and as he annoyedly turned to look he was overcome by green puff of smoke. It quickly disappeared into nothingness, but revealed that his green haircolor had changed to black. He had seen this before, yes, this was crystals. Were they coming from the vents? No matter, he was suddenly feeling very interested at the other partygoers. He quickly stood up and surveyed the chaos, smiling widely under his medical mask. This was perfect! He couldn't have asked a more fun little evening, this was certainly more interesting than the movies!

Immediately when the vents cracked open, it was almost instinctual for Tiger to grab as much people as he could around him and pull them away from the source of the sound. "IS EVERYONE OKAY?" Tiger asked to those surrounding him and the others by his arms, only to notice he wasn't able to pull out one person in time and watched as what appeared to be a puff of smoke surround them. "HARVEY, AMIGO!!!" 

"Ow!" Harvey softly sputtered both surprised at the sudden vents exploding and getting hit by something, his vision obstructed by clouds of smoke. And suddenly he just didn't give two shits. Life sucked. "Screw this shit!" He said utterly annoyed as he aggressively waved away the smoke. "Ugh I should have stayed at home, this blows." he groaned, completely drained as well as irritated. "Can't ANYONE FIX THE DAMN VENTS RIGHT?!" He roared from his sit as he stood up.  

"Nah, I'm used to the cold--" Davie was interrupted by the sound of cracks and puffs of smoke. Oh, shit. This is gonna be interesting. 

Cameron jumped to her feet. What in sweet's name-- oh jeez, was one of the people nearby hit? And.. huh, he was irritated. "Calm down, friend! Someone is fixing it!" 

Riley saw something falling from the ceiling, and was already out of their chair, bolting out the door. Nope. They're not sticking around for whatever that is. Riley has left the building.

Cheri sighed deeply before standing as well.

"Possibly left there? Who knows but right now the concern is keeping control. Crystals can change these employees to be the worst..." she said bitterly.

Kisami was in shock at the fact that Max was acting the way he was. He was smiling and being so... proper??

"Ruffles my... feathers... Oh my Sweet, Max you're definitly out of it-" she said as she held her head.

River heard the shouting near her and looked at Pip.

"Miss, she's likely not that far from here. I'm sure we can find her if we both look. I'll definitly help."

Lilith snatched it back quickly with an aggravated huff, wrapping it around herself. "Thanks, I guess." She replied with a sharp edge to her tone. Why did she even come here again? It was just a waste of her time. Just like a lot of things had been. 

CRASH! What was that? It seemed to come from the mess hall kitchens…

"You're welcomeee," Opal sang, before her head snapped up at the sound of the crash from the kitchens. "Lilith," she said, tone gaining a slight frantic edge, "I think we should go. Like, soon. This feels too familiar." 

Piper nodded. "Right... okay so..." He jumped and looked in the direction of the noise. "Lets head that way. Or I can, you can stay here and make sure the people in here don't...mess up too much." and with that he was headed to the mess hall. 

Pip was about to reply to River before she heard the noise and took off towards it. 

Max simply smiled wide. "I think I'm quite fine actually! My mood is certainly brighter. Oh my!" he twirled as he heard the crash. "My I do say, why don't we go check that out? Must be a thrilling experience, being all detective like." he grinned and began walking.

Ami turned to the noise and tugged on Tiger's arm. "Did ya hear that? Something broke! Should we go look?" 

Leaf made a screeching noise as her face blew up in a cloud of smoke, rubbing at her face to try to get it out before instead smeared her make up apart. It was made even worse by the tears that streamed down her face and streaked it more. Bright green, emotions bubbled and she opened her mouth to scream but couldn't get the noise out right. Instead choosing to try to rip at Kei's hair clips. "Stop being so good" 

Harvey looked over to Cameron, another soul he had yet to meet but he wasn't feeling all enthusiastic about getting to know anyone right now. That was for sure, "Well obviously they're not doing a great job, are they!" he snapped before looking over to the sound from the hall kitchens. "Oh what now? More shit to deal with." he stood up and looked at Ami, a small looking candy and he scoffed. "Fine. If you want something done right, do it yourself. Let's go. Keep up, I'm not waiting for you, shortstack." he said before walking over to the kitchen halls. 

Kei yelped and stumbled back. "Woah woah!! What are you doing?! Leaf, cut it out!!" he held up his arm as a sort of shield. 

"Oh fuck I don't like this-- Jules, c'mon, let's bolt--" Alexis is looking around and stepping back, pulling their sibling by their sleeve.

Ok no alright this was awful-- Dari quickly surveilled her surroundings to see who had been crystalled, when she heard another noise. "Dammit." She took off towards the Mess Hall, shouting at the rest of security in the room. "RESTRAIN ANYONE... WHO NEEDS IT! KEEP AN EYE... ON CRYSTALLED!"

The loud sound distracted Rose from preventing Bibi to beat her... or somebody else up. "What the- I think we'd better go home..."

"Don't tell me what to do, you ain't my mother!"

"Aand guess we're staying." Rose sighs loudly. She can't leave her sister, can she. Especially not when she isn't herself.

Lilith's head snapped into the direction of the crashing. "Who the hell's making so much noise....?" She grumbled, before turning to Opal, raising an eyebrow. "May as well, I guess? I still can't place why i even decided to come. There wasn't anything nice that was going to come out of this." 

Cheri gasped as she heard a crash and immediately sensed things weren't going to be easy.

"Oh dear, oh no- Yes Piper, go ahead just please be careful!" as she said that she quickly followed what Darilyn said and went towards the middle to keep a better eye on everyone.

Kisami just had her jaw dropped while listening to Max before realizing he wanted to be an investigator.

"Whoa Max, hold on- wait wait!" she said as she followed along, not having time to convince him not to go.

River gasped at the noise and watched Pip bolt away.

"Oh no- Miss wait it's not safe to go alone!" she said as she hurried to catch up

Anya stood up. “Stay here.” She headed towards the kitchen. This was getting weird. She wasn’t waiting for another explosion poison to act. She growled under her breath as Dari gave her order, turning to comply. 

Jer was clinging to Tiger shaking. “Crystals.....” he hated those things. He didn’t know Harvey very well but he knew that’s not how he was meant to act. Was this like the sweet heart carnival, just a prank or something worse? 

SLAM!! Was that the factory front doors closing shut and locking?!

Mikky nodded, looking towards the crowd and at the first person he saw a crystal pushed to. He moved towards X in attempts to try to deal with someone. 

This chaos was only escalating- Harvey was acting weird- People were zooming towards the next noise like that was a good idea. Make a mental note to never consider security as a job-- Now the doors slammed shut damn it what was with this haunted house bull?! His anxiety was unsettling, and he wasn't sure what to be afraid of if at all- "Uh.. what do we do-" 

Tiger could only stare at the now angry Harvey once the smoke seemed to disappear. He frowned and blinked, understanding pretty quickly the guy was acting starkly different from when he did moments before. "...Crystals." He mentioned to himself, starting to increasingly dislike the fact those things exist. Once Harvey started to bad mouth Ami though, Tiger quickly stood protective next to her, though not without keeping Jer close to him as well since by now he'd be increasingly panicked. Once Dari gave the security orders, Tiger nodded to her with a serious look on his face. "YOU GOT IT, BOSS. AND AMI, I'M NOT SURE IF WE SHOULD-" Before he could say more, the sound the doors slamming shut and locking themselves echoed through the halls, and even more Tiger had to get into protective mode. "...Stand close to me, Amigos. This is different." 

Leaf seemed to constantly be rubbing at her face because god she hates crying. She stepped on the clips she already got out of his hair, breaking them as she moved towards him. Instead of trying to push his arms apart she pushed back, trying to shove him down. 

"Yep, it's time to just -" Opal started towards the factory exit, lightly tugging Lilith along by her arm, only to freeze when the front doors slammed shut. No. Nononono not again. "Okay," she said, keeping her breathing even and carefully keeping hold of Lilith, "Let's go somewhere else, then." She turned and steered them back slightly towards the group, because as chaotic as it was, safety in numbers. 

Cameron made a nervous noise. "Woah there, hey, don't go running off!" She shouted, tagging along after Harvey. "Or at least, do not go alone! 

Davie completely ignored the command to stay put, noticing Mikky heading off in some direction, following after him. "Hey, wait up, the fuck's going on?" 

Riley can be heard cursing loudly, something they rarely do. Seems like the doors closed in their face, and they whacked their nose in the process. Riley is beginning to panic…

Xavier noticed something on his arm. It was a black hair, at the length of his own... He investigated by bunching up his gloved hand into his hair and ruthlessly pulled a good fistful of hairs from his scalp. Indeed, it was black. What an interesting change. He pocketed the strands for later as he heard a loud crash. Then, a slam. He smiled almost as widely as the mouth on his mask. That means nobody can escape.

He saw Mikky approaching him, and decided to meet him halfway. Oh, he had not forgotten the time he had given him a bloody nose, oh no. That required some resolving. He picked up a chair along his way and braced it like a weapon. 

Aaaand there was the first sign of chaos! Quickly as Cheri saw Xavier lifting a chair up to throw it, she bolted over to him and moved to grab it. Standing before him, between he and Mikky, she let out a small breath.

"Control yourself!" she tried, using as much strength as needed to hold Xavier back.

Lilith pulls her arm back roughly, crossing her arms and simply just following the girl with an impatient  glance. Oh, great, the doors were shut? "Great, we're locked in." She muttered bitterly. How were they supposed to get out of this creepy hell hole now? Sighing, she followed back to the group, staying by Opal, only because she was the only person she knew. It wasn't like they were friends or anything.

Piper jolted as the doors shut when he reached the hallway. A cold sweat was starting on his neck. This couldn't like, mean anything good now could it? He looked around to see if any of the other exits were being affected instead of going to the mess hall.

Pip continued to the mess hall, ignoring the doors. She did take note of them but she needed to find Kim first. "Kim?! Kim fucking answer me!!" 

Max gathered up Kisa's hands and started walking. "Adventure, darling, it'll be splendid! Like a jolly good rousing haunted adventure! Was it ghosts? Was it a murderer? Who knows! Ahaha!" 

Ami frowned then looked up at Tiger as he blocked her from Harvey's harshness. She looked around when the doors shut. "Uh... Are we stuck in? Who did that?" she began to frown, wondering if this was planned or not... 

Kei grabbed at Leaf's shoulders, finally holding her at arm's length. His hair was a mess at this point, scalp pulsing in pain from it being tugged on so much. "Leaf, stop! What's gotten into you?!" 

“Boring… No, no, not sharp enough… Ugh, why are all of these so used up?”

River jumped as the doors shut, knowing very well what that noise was.

"Oh no Oh no Oh NO" she said panicking, now just running to stay by someone even though she didn't know Pip at all.

Kisami's eyes widened lightly at what Max said.

"I- I dont think I want to come across a murderer!" She said almost panicky.

"Max the doors are closed I'm scared now-"

Mikky seemed to have a scarily serious face, and for once used his size to be,, terrifyingly intimidating. He watched Cheri stand in front of him. "I'm gonna kindly ask you to not do that mister." 

"I assure you, I am completely in control. Now, please step aside, I have a dog to skin with this good fellow. Or if the fine lady wants to offer herself as a sacrifice for science, that's fine by me too. Although your new husband would definitely be heartbroken." His voice was a little shrill, and he did not let go of the chair. He knew he couldn't take on two Security members unarmed. 

Anya went to the door of the room. Looking down the hall for anyone who might have slammed the doors. Seeing Riley she approached, doubtfully the skinny one could shut the doors without help. “Did you see something?” 

Jer was holding on tightly to Tiger, trying not to weigh him down as he moved but not willing to let go of the large man.

"Stick together. If anyone gets left behind, leave them. They're dead weight." he answered Seb with a certain severity he wouldn't be able to pull off on a normal day. Harvey noticed Tiger took a stance protectively over Ami and he couldn't help but roll his eyes, and he was about to roast Kellogs Tiger with a new one but he was interrupted by the sound of doors slamming shut. "Well, no shit, Sherlock." he muttered to Tiger begrudgingly. 

Looking over to Cameron, "I don't have plans saving your ass if someone does try to kill us, so if you stick with me that's your problem." he said rather harshly to Cameron but otherwise made no move to get rid of her, he could use a meat-shield if anything did come at them at any point. 

"Okay," Opal said, letting out a breath and trying to push out the thoughts of snakes and wolves and green eyes and shadows and nope nope nope - "We should stay away from the mess hall, that's where a lot of things are happening. How are you feeling, Lilith?" Clearly Lilith was,, mean right now, but she was still trying to feel out exactly how the crystal had changed her. 

Dari bolted after Pip, looking around to try to locate the source of the sound. "Where's she?! Doors locked!"

Alexis saw what was going on with Xavier, Mikky and Cheri and stepped all the way back, then grabbing Jules by their sleeves and running the fuck away as fast as they could.

"Your threats don't frighten me Dear and I will not allow you to proceed with this. Stand down or be taken down. It's your choice, Dear." Cheri said without hesitation. She was very confident, what with having Mikky behind her and other security nearby

CRASH!! Sounded like plates breaking…

Leaf paused for a second before trying to wiggle out of what Kei was holding her at. "Let me gO" she screeched, reaching up to try to claw at his arms.

"Dead weight-... Im not sure-" Was he supposed to be keeping up with Harvey's sudden way of thinking? "Uh, maybe you should calm down a little so we can all figure things out-" Too much pressure. Why was he trying to consult this guy? He had an iffy feeling here-

Lilith crossed her arms. "What does it matter?" She hissed. "I just want to get home and stop wasting my time here. There's nothing good here. And now the doors are locked? I'm livid, honestly. I just want to get out and be by myself. And who the hell's making so much noise?"

Pip skidded to a halt and looked around. "The kitchen... concoctionist lab!" she bolted off in that direction, shouting at whoever could hear.

Piper hurried to the security room and flicked on the power and cameras. Dari will have to forgive him. He dialed up Cheri on his phone.

"Oh my a truly locked door mystery!! Lets go Kisa!!" he tugged her along, seeming practically ELATED with all this.

Ami huffed and stepped out from behind Tiger. She looked up at him and pointed. "TIGER SAN!! They need you to do your job and be a hero!! We'll be okaY!! Right everyone?!"

"Why are you acting like this?! What's going on?! Why are you so upset! Just talk to me, Leaf-" he tried to hold her steady while avoiding her the best he can.

Davie bumped up behind Mikky, staring over at X and Cheri. "Fuckin' hell..." He took a slight step back, letting security do their thing. What's scarier, the guy with the chair or Mikky using a stern voice? Tough choice.

Cameron nodded, sticking close to their little group. "Do not fear, friends! We can stick together, and nothing will go wrong, right?"

Riley glanced up. "No, no. I just--" the panic was slowly setting in. "I want to get out. How do we get out. Please."

Rose finally gave up trying to restrain Bibi and had the bright idea to ask the security for help. "Hey, guys, can somebody tie up her arms?!"

Dari braked and pulled Pip by her collar, listening to the sound. "Mess hall." And bolted that way, pulling Pip along

"Don't mind him, Seb. He's been crystalled." Tiger mentioned to him before he heard a commotion happening in the room. As much as Tiger was protective of his friends, someone was clearly getting violent, and Tiger knew he had to do his job for a moment. "Watch yourselves, friends! Seb, take care of the others for me!" He yelled to them before bolting straight for Leaf, taking a spot behind her before quickly putting her into a grip to restrain her for a moment, locking her arms in his before lifting her off the ground.

Mikky frowned. "If you have a problem with me then you face that problem with me instead of hiding behind a chair." He said, glancing around. As much as he knows it's a terrible idea to push Cheri off to deal with everyone else he knows that the beef X has is with him.

"We'll get you out as soon as we can," Opal said patiently, "but for now it's safer to go hide until this blows over and we can find a way out. Then you can be by yourself! But for now that's not safe. I'm sorry you're upset." She looked around and took another breath - okay, people still heading for the mess hall, still shouldn't go there. The numbers didn't seem to be making things any safer, but she knew plenty of places too... "How about we go somewhere where there won't be so much noise, at least? I know some good places."

Harvey didn't really have time for this disgustingly warm feeling of camaraderie, his attention wandered over to Pip who bolted for the kitchen. Finally, some action, maybe he could murder whatever asshole ruined his night. "Wait up!" he yelled over to Pip before dashing over in the same direction. "Cameron, with me or without me?" he called over, not that he really cared if she tagged along.

Cheri heard her phone ringing in her pocket and groaned lightly. She'll have to ignore it until this is taken care of. But as she did so she heard Mikky's comment and immediately realized he was blinded by his anger

"Mikky, baring! Keep it professional!" she said sternly, still holding X back and even pushing him away to keep Mikky from getting close.

Kisami can't even respond to this anymore, since it seemed like all her comments were going over his head. And so she just followed along. At least she wasn't alone!

River just kept following but really really didn't want to go near the kitchen now

"Oh, pardon me if I don't exactly trust the Security people. You just like the power, don't you. Let people get brutally assaulted, several times, and not even awknowledge the constant threat of violence around the factory-" He paused as he heard somebody yell something about the Concoctionist lab. A lightbulb turned on insife his head.

"IF SOMEBODY DARES TOUCHING MY DESK THERE WILL BE A LIVE DISSECTION ON IT!" he roared with a shrill voice, threw the chair without looking or caring who it might hit. It flew in the direction of Alexis...

Pip gagged as she was dragged by the cave woman. "Easy dammit, you wanna be a murderer too?!"

Ami huffed and turned to whoever was left. "Lets go find a place to hide until everything is over! Okay?? We can hide in the concoctionist lab."

Kei sighed in relief and looked up to Tiger. "Thank you, sir uh- just be careful with her."

What. Why was he put in charge of protecting-? I hope he didn't think Seb had actually gained some kind of muscle from their work outs- "Uhhh..." Then Harvey took off. "Well, there he goes-... " Listening to the shrimp sounded like the best idea. Turning to Ami, he nodded silently appreciating that he didn't have to take the lead.

Cameron tried her best to keep up, nodding. "With you!" She looked up, noticing Dari in the distance. "IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?" She yelled in their direction.

Jers hands were ripped from Tigers clothes. The breath leaves him as he tries take in everything. He looks around frantically for someone else to gain security with. He catches Ami’s words and nods, following her.

Anya pulls her mask off her mouth and tries to keep a calm face and tone. “We’re locked in. Come with me, we’ll find somewhere safe.” She could still hear the madness in the other room. This one was obviously scared and going back inside wasn’t smart.

Lilith nods simply. "Alright, let's hurry it up then. If we're lucky, this whole thing will be done before anything stupid happens." Were they lucky though? She let out a scoff. She was never lucky. Never. "Let's hurry up, then."

“Hah! Now we can have fun!”

And out comes crashing a… blue-haired and green-eyed Kim??

Kim has been Soured!

Leaf screamed before biting down onto whatever was closest, which turned out to be tiger's arm. Her fingers dug into whatever she could grab onto, continueing to thrash around.

Piper cursed as it went to voicemail and tried again. "C'mon Cher..."

Ami nodded to Seb and Jer and took their hands with a strong look of determination. "Lets go! I'll lead the way! It'll be okay!!"

Pip slid to a stop with Dari as they reached the mess hall and her eyes widened. She stared for a moment before simply stating "Fuck." 

Kei gasped. "Leaf No!!" he reached in and grabbed carefully at Leaf's jaw, trying to get her to loosen up. "Leaf, honey, stop!!"

Opal froze at the sound of a voice from the direction of the mess hall, eyes going wide. "Time to go," she said quickly, grabbing Lilith's hand (to heck with the sour crystal) and taking off from a side door out of the break room. She pulled out her phone and dialed Kisa's contact, putting the phone up to her ear.

As soon as X threw the chair, Cheri had no choice but to let go. She gasped as she saw it fling to another employee, but she had no choice but to ignore it. Quickly, Cheri checked her phone and called Piper back.

"Hello?? Yes sorry it has gotten a bit chaotic-" she said, keeping a close eye on X and what his move would be

River finally caught up and watched as there was a blue haired Kim inside the kitchen. She gasped, putting her hands over her mouth and started to step back, wanting to run but being too afraid to move and be separated from the others.

Kisami felt her phone buzz and quickly anwsered it with her free hand.

"Hello?? Opal?? "

Kellen stood near a wall, watching everything unfold. When the door on the same wall burst open. What the hell was going on?! Did that girl have knives?! What kind of Halloween party was this?!

Jer followed Ami, holding her hand tightly. Doing everything he could to keep his feet moving.

Lilith turned and swore she saw a green and blue head. What- Oh great and now she was being dragged again. She sped alongside Opal, keeping up with her easily and muttering negative things to herself as Opal took her call.

Seeing Cheri distracted and not react to his chair throw in any meaningful way, he decided that it was time to bolt. He made a mad dash to the corridor and headed straith to the concoctionist wing, hell bent on destroying anybody he found in close proximity to his work desk.

Tiger wasn't sure how she was able to reach his arm the way she did, but before anything else could register in his head she bit terribly hard against his arm, causing blood to actually draw from him. Tiger winced and yelled in pain while Leaf thrashed aroud, and by instinct he would have smacked her head to get her to let go, but he resisted the thought in order to keep Leaf unharmed by his actions. Instead he too tries to help Kei pry her mouth open, though immediately he had to let go of her arms in order to conscentrate on her head.

"Kisa," Opal said quickly, "I'm taking Lilith and hiding somewhere - she's Soured but it's okay. Are you still with Max? You two should really get somewhere safe, this is giving me a really bad feeling." She glanced back at Lilith. "We might be safest in the sub-level," she said, talking to both her and Kisa. "I'm gonna hang up, Kisa, stay safe, okay? Call me if you need help, I'll do my best, love you."

"Oh, fun~! Hello sweetheart~" Kim sing-sang and pulled out two knives, immediately lunging for Darilyn and swerving around Pip.

And Darilyn had to dodge as quickly as she could! "RUN! RUN, RUN, RUN!" She shouted at Cameron, who was right on her tail.

As Alexis was running, pulling Jules... A goddamn chair flew into their direction and hit them r i g h t in the head, knocking them down with a scream. Ah... ow...


They fell square on the floor

Seb also followed along, finding the hand holding a bit weird but whatever. It wasn't the worst thing that'd happened tonight. "Is it really ok to go off on our own tho-..." He mumbled in thought more to himself.

Another loud noise, and the lights go out, revealing... the walls completely painted in neon spray paint. Oh also, good luck seeing in the dark now.

Pip jumped back then lunged for Kim immediately. "Kim, fuck, no! Don't do this!"

Piper sighed. "I'm in the security room, I have the camera's booted up. I can try to keep you guys updated on anything from here-"

Ami strided into the concoctionist lab and smiled brightly at the boys. "Look! We can hide in here and we'll be fine!!" she smiled and wondered over to her station. "The cabinets are really big!"

Kei muttered apologies as he continued to force Leaf's mouth open.

Jules screamed, looking at where Alexis fell on the ground and ran forward. "What the FUCK" they yelled before grabbing at alexis's face gentle, picking them up and pulling them somewhat away from where the chaos was happening. "Someone HE LP PLEASE."

Cheri saw X bolt and immediately bolted behind him. Jokes on you X, she can run and be on the phone.

"In pursuit of a crystal victim- tell me what you have to say whenever you see something!" she said to Piper via the phone.

Kisami was breathing semi heavily what with Max dragging her along to see what was going on.

"Okay okay yeah I'm with Max but things aren't that bad just kinda trying to deal with stuff you be safe too meet up when we can, Love you too-" she said in one breath before hanging up and struggling to catch up.

"Max pls wait- What if its danger... ous...?" she paused as everything went dark. "Ah-!"

River watched as the chaos ensued and wanted to help but suddenly it became dark. What was going on? Whats all this paint?

"Ahh..!" she yelped lightly, backing up onto a wall in the mess hall.

Lilith let out a frustrated, loud groan. "JUST GREAT!" She screeched as the lights went out, revealling the spray paint. Letting out a long sigh, looking up at Opal. "Alright, what are we going to do- how are we even going to see where we're going?!? Why the hell did this happen- why does everything always go to hell?!"

Cameron doesn't seem to have picked up on the danger, running to come up next to Dari and Pip. "This is not time for fun and games!" She yelled over at the newcomer. She paused in confusion as Dari shouted. "R-run? What's-- oh crepes." She readied for a fight, not planning on leaving.

Riley slumped down by the door. "No, no. Not moving. Staying by doors. They'll open soon." Their breathes were coming out shallow, trying to ignore the distant crashes. "They'll open soon???"

"Well, GREAT." Rose let go of her sister. The darkness was an inconvenience, but at least Bibi couldn't see whom to attack, either. Rose could finally look around, if that term can be applied now.

"What the f--- is that?!" he yelled as he spotted someone who looked like the same candy who went to check the vents, only more insane. "YOU HEARD HER, RUN!" Harvey put a firm grip around Cameron's wrist before bolting away. It went dark and all he knew was that crazy bitch with knives was after Cameron. Why should he give two shit?! He'll think about that later, in the grand scheme of things, this could prove to be a good thing for him. "We need to find the breaker, try to reset the lights-- do you know where those are by any chance?!" he asked as he ran, hopefully away from the crazy bitch.

Jer shrieked as the lights went out, curling into a ball. He needed to stop coming to events, it was going to get him killed one day.

Kellen jumped when the lights went out. There was a girl....with knives.....in the dark. This was an actual nightmare.

Anya put a hand on Riley’s shoulder. “It’s safe in the security wing. We might find a way to open the doors.”

"Okay," Opal said, hanging up the phone and flinching at the lights going out and at Lilith's shriek. "It's okay, hold on -" she took several breaths and turned up her glow, hair and skin casting light around the hallway they were in. "I know this place inside and out," she said with a brightness she wasn't exactly feeling right now, "I could get through it in the dark, but we don't have to!"

"There's some new person- dammit the lights! The cameras have to switch to black light mode but it'll take a moment."

Max looked around hallway and blinked. "What lovely graffiti work! Someone is a real novice! Don't you think?"

Ami tugged on Seb and Jeremy to get down behind her station. "Just stay right here! I have marshmallows under there if you want some! Okay? We'll be okie dokie!!"

Thankfully, Xavier was very familiar with the route to the Concoctionist Lab, so he didn't really need the light. Despite all this havoc, he could tell that somebody was after him. He let out a tsk and grabbed his glasses off his nose, holding them like a brass knuckle. He zipped past a corner and paused to wait ready to punch whoever was going to pass him.

They were gonna hide... Better idea then most he guessed. "Ok lets-?..." With the going out, he could only just notice Jer curling up before getting pulled over to hide. "Uhh, no thanks-... I think we should focus more on being quiet then eating marshmallows right now-"

Cameron was pulled a few steps, before sharply pulling her wrist back. "We cannot just leave them! Or, I cannot! You go!" She barked at Harvey, before turning back towards the scene by the mess hall.

Riley shook their head, slumping into a ball. "No, nope. nada. Nein. I am sitting here."

"Hey, hey, I'm just getting started! This is no fun, Pip!" Kim swiftly pulled herself off of Pip's grasp with a playful wink, immediately whipping around and slashing Darilyn's arm while she was busy trying to tell others to leave.

"Hahaha! I got one, I got one!" And then she bolted in Cameron's direction.

Leaf continued to kick around, only letting go when the lights when out and she paused, before just kicking and crying into whatever arms were prying at her. She was finally able to kick away and fall onto the floor, looking wildly around and only seeing blurs of neons. She clasped her hands over her eyes, sobbing because it was all too much to deal with. She sprinted wildly into some direction, looking for a brighter lit area.

Pip cursed vividly under her breath and leapt after her again, tackling Kim into the wall with a tumble. She looked to the others and shouted. "FUCKING GET AWAY FROM HER!! STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!"

Kei blinked and sighed shakily, pushing back his hair. "Leaf, please, wait!!" he ran after her, avoiding people in the chaos.

Well thank Sweet that she had even at least a little shred of luck. Right- Opal could glow. However if it weren't for the fact it was so dark.... Lilith would call the glowing annoying. ".... Alright. Thanks, i guess. You said something about the sublevel. We're heading there, I'm guessing? That is, if something doesn't change that..." If they didn't meet trouble. Which they probably would.

"A new person- Ah..!" As soon as the lights shut off, Cheri started to struggle with keeping up with Xavier. Luckily the slight glow from the neon spray paint helped light up the path... wait spray paint?? Cheri watched where Xavier turned before making a wider turn into the same hallway. As soon as she saw X she gasped and leaned back, feeling the glasses brush past her cheek and cutting it. Letting out a small yelp she immediately went for Xavier's wrists to gain control. She dropped her phone in the process...

"Uh-- yeah yeah real nice uhm but why is it in the factory??" Kisami responded getting more and more frantic, her nerves causing her to lightly glow

River watched as Kim slashed at Dari, immediately going to see if she was okay.

"Miss! Miss! Are you- all... right.." she looked at Dari's wound and watched as it instantly healed. Though she was grossed out and shivered after the sight, she went back to looking at Dari.

Mikky watched things shift into a blur, before the best thing he can think of is sprint to the security wing and noticing one of the doors open when he reached it. Sliding into it he was able to see piper, staring at all of the screens with some degree of confused expression, but then grew more focused on the supplies sitting in the corner.

"Yep!" Opal said, turning a corner. "It's okay, we'll get there - but where -" her eyes flicked back and forth. "I've never been in the security room before, since I'm not allowed, but it might be a safe place if we can get in?" She opened a door to the stairwell and held it open for Lilith, keeping her glow on high - this and the running was draining her fast, probably dangerously fast, but they were so close,, "We're almost there!"

SLAM!! Kim was tackled to the wall! "Ow, ow, hahaha! This isn't the place, sweetheart~" And with a devilish smirk to Pip, without even looking at what she was doing, she threw one of her knives at Cameron, slicing her lightly on the arm! The knife landed a few feet away, on the floor.

Darilyn's arm fizzled and the wound closed, but the woman was K.O.'d on the floor.

Alexis was finally coming back to their senses, still seeing Jules in double. ".. Whaddafuk....."

Piper jumped and blinked. "Cher? Cheri?!" when no reply was heard he cursed then saw someone come into the room. He barely recognized the man, what with the dark and all. "..Mikky? Mikky! Good! Stay here and use this." he grabbed two walkie talkies from the supplies and handed him one. "And let me know if anything dangerous is happening throughout the factory. I have to go check on Cheri." he pocketed his phone. He grabbed handcuffs, rope, an a baton from the items in the room and bolted out and down the hallway.

"Good question! Must be part of the whole haunted house plan or something. Just another mystery to unfold!!" he nodded to himself.

Pip grumbled and shoved Kim's arms to the ground. "Kim stop! This is a crystal, its not you!" she straddled her waist the best she could.

"Alright, then lets get going already." Lilith responded simply. "Lets hope we can get in.... Even if hoping won't do us much good. It doesn't really ever do much good." She walked through the door, waiting for her light source briefly before staring to head to their destination.

"Your funeral then!" Harvey replied without a second thought and ran for it. It would only take one swing to incapacitate their attacker but this simple task would prove to be twice as difficult in the dark. Determined to shed a light in to the situation, literally. Deciding to stick to the walls for better judgement of where he was at, he needed to look for the circuit breaker, or in the very least a place to hide if all else fails.

Davie watched X and Cheri leave, before following Mikky as he bolted out the door. "HEY, WHAT'S.. WHAT'S GOING ON?" He shouted, barely keeping up. Damn it, why was everything going to shit? He caught up to the security room just as Piper ran past, panting a little.

Cameron was evidently set on ignoring all orders, trying to join Pip in restraining the weird blue kid, approaching with both arms out. Before she could react the knife was thrown, and she let out the shout. "What the?!" She turned, spotting the knife on the floor and quickly went to grab it. Less knives in the open the better?

"Ah... Miss?" River tried again as she waved her hand in front of Dari's face. Looked like she was in shock?

"Oh dear... well I suppose we have to wait here,,"

"Haunted Hous- Max this is not normal!!" Kisami finally yelled out, the fear in her being more obvious as she did. Her glow got slightly stronger as she yelled but went back to a normal soft glow after.

"Something is actually happening here and it's not fine!!"

Xavier swiped at the first sight of movement against the glowing graffiti, yet his pursuer barely dodged the strike. Shame. It took her a few moments to recognize her as Cheri, and by then she had already grabbed his wrist. This was bad. He wasn't able to guard his other hand either. He figured that if he escaped the Security assistant with a broken arm it would be a worthly price, so he pulled his right arm, the one with his glasses, roughly to pull her out of balance, and kicked out his knee to hit her to the stomach.

Jer pushed himself against the wall. Holding his knees tight. “A-are you ok Sebastian?” He couldn’t see very well so he wanted to at least verbally know his friends where alright. “You too Ami-c-Chan.”

Anya sighed, sitting next to Riley and checking her phone. No service and a battery at 17%. Great. She thought for a moment. Placing her hand into her extensions she flipped a switch and turned on the lights imbedded in her dreads, lighting up the hallway just a bit.

Opal took the steps down two at a time with Lilith, on the way to the sublevel - only to almost run into Piper on his way down the hall, probably, at least she's visible? "Piper!" she said, jumping back at his sudden appearance, "Are you okay? Do you know if the security room's open?"

He jerked a bit, shivers hitting his spin at hearing his full name- "Uh, yeah, I'm alright-.." He couldn't really seeing anything, so he couldn't tell where they were in relation to each other. "How are you doing?-... You seemed a bit off before-"

As Cheri felt Xavier pull her down, she tried to resist but wasn't able to pull back and dodge the knee, feeling it go up onto her sternum. With the wind knocked out of her, Cheri decided to release the arm that had the glasses and claw into Xavier's ribs, just to be able to cause some sort of discomfort while she tried to stand up straight again. Whether or not it would actually hurt was on X's tolerance.

"Stand Down!" she commanded.

Piper skidded to a stop at the familiar glow. "Opal! Yes, go there and stay and don't leave. Grab one of the tasers and keep it ready okay?" he put his hands on her shoulders in a dad-like way. "I have to go check on Cheri okay?" and with that he was back down the halls, flashlight on to guide through them to find Cheri in the last place he remembered seeing her on the camera.

Max blinked, registering the shock and worry and his expression almost comically went from bright and peppy to very sad and downturned. "Oh- Oh I'm sorry, Kisami... Sweet my god, I didn't mean to upset you..." tears, TEARS, were forming in his eyes.

Ami nodded, still standing over the boys. She wanted to keep an eye out for anything coming into the lab. Someone maybe looking for shelter as well? "I'm okay! The dark doesn't scare me. Scares my sister Cam really good though. So we sit in the dark and hum stories when that happens. We'll be just fine, don't you worry."

Mikky kept his eyes on the screen, looking at the disaster that seemed to progressively get worse. He was distracted for a moment by Davie coming up to the door. "Have you just been following me all night-" he said before pursing his lips and turning back to the screens. The best he could do was go over the Walkie over where the main problem points was along the floors.

Leaf didn't know where she was, uncovering her eyes and continuing to cry as she fell to the floor. She was terrified and exhausted and her teeth hurt, she's never been so lost before.

"Right - got it," Opal said, nodding quickly. "Good luck, stay safe, okay?" And then he was gone. "Okay, security room," she said, out of breath by now, and waved for Lilith to follow the rest of the way down the hall and into the security room. Okay, it looked like - "Mikky, Davie, hi hi," she said, giving a tired smile. "Mind if we join you guys in here?" Oh god she was about to pass out.

Kim kept struggling to get out of Pip's grasp, dead set on releasing herself and going to chase after others! And well... Just shaking wasn't doing the trick. One, two, THREE!

And she slammed her legs against Pip's back and headbutted her chin!

Darilyn was finally coming back to her senses, and all she heard was static, her vision was blurred, and... oh... there was someone talking...

Davie bristled. "Of course I'm followin' you, dumbass, everything's going to hell and you're the only fucker I care about in this place. Who ELSE am I gonna stick with?" He slumped against the wall, happy to just rest in a safe place, squinting up at the screens. Despite everything, it was kind of neat to be on the other side of these things. He gave the newcomers a nod of acknowledgement as they entered. "Hey. Welcome to the party."

Kisami gasped at Max's reaction. That was just so... sudden! He was never this unstable!

"Ah- no no Max don't cry please- I'm fine I'm fine see??" she said pointing to a fake smile on her face. Wow this was so awkward for her.

"I'm just scared- Its dark it's getting weird here I don't know what's going on and it's just getting weirder and wierder-" okay now she is getting panicky again,,,

River continued trying to talk to Darilyn, hoping that something would get to her.

"Please Miss, answer me if you can..!"

Lilith walked into the security room, a teensie bit concerned. Sighing, she grabbed Opal and dragged her into the security room. Her eyes narrowed a bit at Davie but was now really the time for pettiness? Honestly at this point, she could care less for the goblin and they had bigger things to worry about. "Yeah yeah, hello, whatever." She muttered, looking around before grabbing a flashlight, just in case her current light source failed. Alright, what else was in here, just in case....

Kei was getting very tired. This was all too much. "Leaf please calm down! I'm just trying to help you!" he called out to her. Thank god for night vision in vampires.

Pip let out the biggest "DAMMIT" as her chin in the ground and she rolled away in a somersault. "Kim, please, make this fucking easy!!" she shouted, trying to quickly get to her feet.

Max sniffled and whimpered. "I-I'm sorry... I know its scary... I just thought that- that maybe if I kept it light hearted it wouldn't be so bad? Oh golly... I'm... so stupid..." he wiped at his eyes.

Xavier felt a hand dig into his ribs, and he let out a painful yelp. That would definitely bruise, but he could take it for now. Medical assessing would have to come later, as he still had an ongoing situation in his hands. He registered that his hand was free, so he took an another chance to use his improtu knuckle weapon. He aimed for the face, full force. Her face was already scarred, some more wouldn't even matter.

Too late! Kim was free! And bolting in Kellen's direction with her knife held at stabbing point, Kim went straight for their thigh in a jump attack!

Piper slid around the corner and his light shown on Cheri and X. His face went from surprise to pure fury in a matter of second. He grabbed the baton he was carrying and chucked it at X with aim. (He rolled a 13)

Ami heard a yell that sounded familiar and looked to the CC entrance. "Guys stay here." and she hurried over to the door to look out into the hallway. "Is someone hurt out here?!"

"Thanks," Opal said with an exhausted smile, then swayed on her feet and collapsed on the floor. Too much glow, too much exertion, time to stop. She managed to prop herself up to her elbows and took deep breaths, slowly dimming her light to just a slight glow, then dragged herself over to the wall and propped herself against it and pulled out a granola bar. "Piper said keep a taser handy," she said, words blurring together a bit as she rested her head back. "Are you both okay?"

Riley blinked as Anya's dreads lit up, their joy and curiosity at this oddity briefly overriding their fear. They focused on their breathing, trying to calm a little. "...Thank you."

Cameron froze up for a few seconds, unsure what to do with the knife in her hand, before deciding to just... throw it down the empty corridor, safety be damned. Turning her attention back to the fighting, she attempted to tackle Kim from behind.

Cheri used this moment to try and push Xavier into the wall but as soon as she started to push she saw a small blur by her face. Having been too focused on regaining control she actually loss the upper hand. Suddenly Cheri felt pain on the side of her face as a mix of a gloved fist and breaking glass came to her full force.

Cheri let out a loud yell from the pain before instinctly pushing Xavier away via the ribs, trying to still cause some sort of discomfort while getting away.

Cheri put a hand to her cheek, feeling the blood drip quickly, and looked to Xavier with one eye closed, having the most pissed off face she's ever worn. Just then she saw the baton fly by towards X but didn't turn around. Instead she used that as a way to go for X similtaneously. He can only dodge one thing at a time after all!

"No no it's fine I'm just not used to that please dont cry lets just get out of here okay??" Kisami said in one breath hoping to get it through to Max without making him cry more animu tears…

Kellen managed to move just enough to avoid getting a knife through their leg, but not without a pretty nasty gash. “Mother of ...” they bit their lip. Trying to move backward away from the dark figure moving towards them.

Anya nodded. She wasn’t sure what she had done, but she was glad it made the other feel better.

"yeah yeah, okay, no problem i guess." Lilith responded before gladly grabbing the taser. It'd probably be more effective than her pole in this circumstance. Seeing Opal's glow go down until she was only slightly glowing, Lilith turned the flashlight on, providing them with another light source, before going to look through the cameras. "What in the world...." She murmured, observing the chaos with a sigh.

Leaf just sat there and curled into herself, scratching at her mouth to try to get the bits and pieces out of her teeth. Atleast the tears were letting up,,, cuz she was running out of them.

Mikky nodded, staring at Davie for a second after his comment but not holding onto it. Caring about people was something you did anyways,, right. Not that that helped any of them right now. He handed opal some kind of candy bar he had from his night of trick or treating, but atleast it was something since she seemed, out of it.

Since losing Leaf and Kei during their exchange, Tiger had been traversing the halls mostly blind though using a bit of his memory and other senses to find other people. All the while he gripped his bleeding arm which he had wrapped with one of his spare neckties he had packed with him just in case (though who knew the would have to use it for that in specific). While going around, he started to hear yells happening across the halls, drawing him closer to them. "HELLO? WHO IS THERE?" He called out, though somehow in the middle of the noise he caught the sound of Ami's voice, which could only mean his friends were close by. "AMI!! SEB!!! JER!!!! WHERE ARE YOU? IT'S YOUR FRIEND, TIGER!!!"

Alright... Ok, ok, she could stand now-- Oof, okay what was-- Oh fuck no.

Dari gave River a confused look, immediately running off in Kim's direction before... Cameron tackled her to the floor. Kim laughed maniacally from the floor under Cameron, chocolate blood on her knife from slashing Kellen. "Hahahaha!! I got one, I got one~!! Oh y'all too fun! Scream more for me~!"

"Thanks. Hold her... still" Darilyn yelled at Pip to find some rope quickly and went to help Cameron and check on Kellen. "You hurt?"

"Huh- Wait-!--..." Too focused on the noise himself, Seb hadn't taken in what she said fast enough to stop the shrimp from bolting out into the unknown. And, sadly, he personally didn't have enough initiative to go after her nor did he really wanna leave Jer, who was already stressed out, on his own. "She'll be ok probably-" Just as he began to speak, though, he heard another mass of yelling. ".....!?"

Kei walked over to Leaf, sighing, and tugged off his jacket, tossing his wings to the ground. "Leaf, here, just wipe your mouth on this okay? Breathe and take it easy-"

Pip kept a string of curses going as she ran after Kim. She looked around for ANYTHING that would be useful in restraining her.

Ami jumped, hearing Tiger. She looked around, her vision not the greatest and shouted, not thinking about who may be nearby. "Tiger-san!! We're in the CC wing!!" this idiot didn't think that maybe the murderer would hear them too.

"Mmhmmm," Opal said, finishing off her granola bar and gratefully accepting the candy bar with a slow nod, still clearly kind of fuzzy but getting back at least enough to open her eyes and look at the screens from her spot by the wall. "X," she murmured, eyes flicking between the screens, "And Kim. Are doing the worst of it I think, and they're nowhere near here. Still, taser is good, Lilith." She still felt like she was about to fall asleep. Where was Kisa?

Jer perked up hearing Tiger’s voice. He felt better with the protective friend around, and knowing he was safe. Jer stayed against the wall though, still to scared to leave his hiding spot.

Kellen winced. “I’m good, I can walk. Get her tied down, I can patch myself up.” They sat down, ripping their costume to create a bandage.

Davie raised an eyebrow. "Man, crystals must fuck with them a lot, they both seem so chill." He squinted up at the cameras. "Should we... like... do somethin'?" He glanced at Mikky, with him being the security guy and all.

Cameron shifted all of her weight down onto Kim, trying to drive her into the floor. She was getting more than a little pissed off at this point. "Can someone-- grab the knife??"

River gasped as Darilyn suddenly became active and went towards the others. Naturally she followed, not wanting to be left alone at a time like this!

It took her a while but she walked up behind Darilyn, keeping a little distance before looking down at the knife. What was that on it..? Chocolate? Where did she get- oh

River looked at the injured Kellen and quickly her eyes widened. OH.

"ah-- AH-" River backed up slowly, her tears starting to form... Just then she heard Ami's voice and breathed in, looked away, and screamed.


she was panicking and yelling, sorry ya'll

Xavier had no time to recover when he was surprised by the sudden pillar of light aimed at them, and even more surprised at the baton flying towards him. He could cust about dodge it, but the motion left him open for Cheri's counterattack. At least now he could tell he had inflicted real damage, judging from thestrength of the blow and the blood on her face. How delightful.

"I warned you, your new husband is going to be heartbroken," he hissed, unable to ignore the pain completely, doupling over a little. He dropped the glasses in his hand and a single shard of a purple lens stuck into his flesh. He grabbed Cheri's braid in order to maneuver her between himself and approaching Piper.

"CC WING. GOT IT!!" Tiger yelled as he continued making his way through the halls in a hurried pace, using the sound of Ami's voice and context clues based on his surroundings to find them. "Oh please let them be safe..." He murmured to himself, though hearing the panicked yell only made his worries worse.

In the middle of the dark and glowing neon spray paint on the walls, some splotches of black and glowing green goop seemed to fall from the vents... dropping on the floor near Pip, Darilyn, Kim, Cameron, River and Kellen.

Cameron instinctively went to cover her ears as River screamed, letting go of Kim as she did so. "Child-- CHILD, QUIET--"

"Yes, it's very good, just in case they make it over here." Or if a new problem arises in the next few hours. Wait, what was that? She squinted at the camera. What were those splotches...? "These types of crystals are the worst...." Lilith muttered, lowkey side eyeing Davie for a moment before looking back to the cameras. "Do you really want to go out there? There's two stupid psychopaths roaming around. We're safest here." 

Piper glared and ran towards Cheri, signaling to her with a nod to be hoisted into the air by her. Once up there, he maneuvered himself into a full twist and flip, bringing a knee down right at the base of X's neck. As he landed, he reached out for his hands to grab them and twist them behind him in a pose of submission. 

Ami turned to the source of the commotion she was hearing and gasped at the light she could see. "X-san?... X-san! Why are you hurting him?!" she shouted, nearing their direction. 

Pip found a rope and headed back to the others, only to trip and slip in some gross goo on the floor. She blinked and touched at it, grimacing at first. She sniffed it and coughed. It smelt like burnt sugar! 

"Sour crystals do that," Opal said absently, still munching on the candy bar, "My sister got soured, one of my best friends got soured, another one of my best friends just got soured..." she raised a heavy-feeling arm and pointed at Lilith then dropped it again. "They mess people up." Her brows furrowed at the sight of the goop dripping from the ceiling, and her eyes widened before slamming shut again. "No," she said, "No no no. Don't go out there right now, that stuff's not good." 

Cheri felt her braids suddenly get pulled after she heard what Xavier had stated, but instead of complaining or yelling from the pain, she was able to see Piper making his way over. Quickly glancing at him and confirming the unspoken plan, she reached over her shoulders to grab onto Xavier's... Bent forward to hoist Xavier onto her shoulders.

"Piper, go!!" she yelled to give him the go to do as he needed.

She could feel the impact of what Piper did and couldnt help smile.

Kellen went to stand to help in calming River, when a dark ooz started to sink into their shoes, making it harder to move. “Now what is this?!” They turned their attention to the panicking girl. “Hey, hey, it’s ok. It’s just chocolate. I promise, I’m fine.” 

Mikky slipped off his jacket and set it on opal. "Atleast it's a somewhat contained area. As long as more people don't run into it then,, it should be taken care of." He hoped atleast. Though surprised, looking up and the cameras and watching the goo drip. "Do you know what it is??" 

Leaf leaned into Kei, more just dry sobs than anything. She was back to shaking as well harder than she usually really does. 

Darilyn whipped around to see where the scream came from, landing eyes on the black and green goop-- and her eyes immediately widened in shock. Oh fuck. She quickly glanced at Pip, and then at Cameron, and then-- and then Kim was wriggling her way out while everybody was distracted! She was off running in the direction of the sounds and voices, knife still in her hand!


Alexis is probably in the medical wing idk

River heard herself get yelled at but couldn't stop the screaming and crying. She then felt the ooze land on her shoulders and immediately freaked out some more. Eventually the hyperventilating and screaming got to her and she slowly passed out...

She will remain passed out likely for a good 20 minutes.

"I -" Opal opened her eyes again, squinting at the screens. "I don't know. I think - it looks familiar. Black and green is like...that's what we saw last Halloween. Things made of black and green stuff, that were hurting people. It just - that's a lot of coincidence, that it's the same both times. But we're not supposed to talk about it." She wrapped the jacket around her a little better and took another bite of candy and winced at the happenings in the fights on the screens. "Although - it does look like people could use some help." 

Running as fast as he could, he suddenly caught sight of people fighting against X whom Tiger could easily tell he was soured, and as much as he wanted to help with the fight, he realized Ami was close by and watching, and hearing the panic in her voice made his heart drop. Now his job was to protect those who didn't have much defenses, so by instinct he finally made his way to Ami though not without scooping her off the ground and keeping her in his arms, hiding her eyes from the fight "IT'S OKAY, AMI. NO NEED TO SEE THIS. X WILL BE ALRIGHT." 

Kei sighed and bundled Leaf up in his jacket, petting her shoulder. "It's alright, just breathe..." 

Pip was brought back to reality at Dari's shout and tried quickly to get up and run after Kim. The smell of the goop was making her nauseous but she tried to ignore it with another leaping jump at Kim. 

Ami jolted in surprise at being lifted. "W-wait, TIGER-SAN!! THEY'RE HURTING HIM!! WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING?! YOU HAVE TO STOP THEM-" 

Sitting still like this with so much commotion- He knew it was probably the best idea to stay, but couldn't shake the pit in his chest. "Jer... should.. we move? It sounds like a lot is happening- Im a little curious..." 

Xavier was taken over quickly by Cheri's sudden grapple, and was even more surprised by the sudden peppermint flying through the air and hitting him in the neck. He could feel his neck crack under the force, but aside from making him loose his breath the pain didn't linger. He could hear Ami screaming nearby, and decided to use it to his advantage ans Piper restrained his arms.

"Ami-ch-ii.." he coughed while trying to get his throat to work again.


Cameron bolted up, cursing. Why did she let go of the fucking-- she began to ran after them, until the screaming suddenly stopped. She looked down at the passed out girl on the floor, and immediately crouched down to check on her. Yeah, leaving an unconscious person when there were knife wielding maniacs about? Not happening. She scooped River up into her arms, intending to carry her to Medical. She glanced down at Kellen. "Your wound-- are you okay? Come with me."

Davie frowned up at the cameras. "Kim's heading towards CC. Looks like trouble if they cross paths." He commented. He kind of wanted to be out there helping a little, mostly out of curiosity, but wasn't going to go anywhere if the other three weren't. 


Ami could just hear her name and her chest lurched. She shoved away from Tiger, pushing at his chin and fell down to the floor. "I'm SORRY!! BUT HE'S GETTING HURT!" She quickly got to her feet and RAN down that hallway. "X-san! Please, stop!! You're hurting him!!" 

Piper stumbled back and quickly searched for the handcuffs on his belt. "Dammit, my hands- shaking-" he shuddered out a breath with a cold sweat. 

Jer curled himself into a ball, to scared to even look up. He wanted to disappear. 

Kellen nodded. “I’m fine. I know some first aid, maybe I can help.” They did their best, to stand in the goop.

Lilith crossed her arms, listening to Opal as she told them about the goop. What the hell.... She bit her lip. This was just.... too chaotic, and definitely not a coincidence. So what was that... stuff? Shaking her head, she turned back to the cameras. Okay, it was getting kinda bad, but... it looked like it was slowly getting sorted out? Maybe?? "Lets just... stay here for now. It's really best to stay put, no matter how you look at it." But.... hm.... Her gaze stayed on the cameras. 

"Nyehehehehehehe wait for me~!" Kim sing-sang to no one in particular, following only the voices near the CC labs. She could hear running steps coming towards her and took off sprinting as fast as she could, but Pip was still faster and ultimately tackled her to floor, making her hit the side of her face on the floor with a loud scream. Oof that was definitely gonna bruise!

"Ow, ow, ow, hey, get off me!! No fun! Noooooo, no, no, let me go!"

Darilyn sprinted past Pip and Kim, praying to Sweet that she had the situation under control. "RESTRAIN!!"

And ran towards Xavier.

Cheri took a knee by the two, still holding her cheek and panting. She watched as Piper restrained one of X's arms and sighed in relief before she heard what X was saying...

"What...?" slowly, Cheri turned around and widened her eyes as she listened to what Tiger yelled out. Though it warmed her heart to hear he cared for his friends, she noticed Ami running towards them.

"No-" she said before shaking her head and focusing on the situation at had. Almost by instinct, Cheri grabbed at the handcuffs on Piper's side and clipped it onto One of Xavier's wrists.

"Got it! Clip the other one!" she had faith that Piper would at least be able to do that before his condition got worse.

Opal nodded slightly and pulled out her phone again, hitting Kisa's contact again. "Kisa," she said when her sister picked up, "I can see you and Max on the cameras - we're in the security room, it's safe down here, with Lilith and Mikky, and Davie, if you guys want to come down. I'd show you but I'm...a little tired, right now."

Guess that wasn't going to work- ".... mn.." He couldn't leave him alone... He wasn't very confident in his suggestion either, so staying put seemed to be the only option. "Alright. We'll wait.." 

Xavier was trapped. He was completely outnumbered, even if he could manage to get the assistance of the the purple gremlin. At least she would get in the way and possibly even provide him a chance to escape. Then he saw Darilyn racing towards them. Oh no no no. Bad. His hand was handcuffed by Cheri while he was distracted. Oh they wont get him this easily. He twisted his arm painfully to cut her with the piece of glass in his knuckle in order to get her to let go of the cuff, so he could run, run to the Concoctionist lab, and get a proper weapon...

"AMI- DON'T!!" Tiger called out as his chin was suddenly shoved, and he frantically looked around in the dark to see where she ran off to. Thankfully Dari too would run into the situation, so hopefully with the 3 of them instead no potential harm could happen to either Ami or X. Just then, he also picked up Seb's voice in the dark, reminding him there was other family he had to protect as well. "SEB! JER! BOSS, WATCH OVER AMI FOR ME!!" 

Pip quickly tied the rope around Kim's hands and feet, almost like a hogtie. She huffed tiredly and dragged kim over to a table to then tie the rope to that table and grabbed every knife, sharp object, and so on and got them as far away as possible from her. 

Piper shuddered another breath and grabbed at the handcuff, unhinging it to then clasp it onto the other wrist. Then the damned thing was ripped from his hand as X made his move to escape. He stumbled to his knee and shouted. "WATCH OUT!!" at whoever he was headed towards. He went for Cheri, now more concerned with her injuries.

Ami paused to see X heading her way now. She smiled, since moving meant he was okay right! "X-san!! You're okay!" she smiled stopped infront of the CC wing entrance to look back at Tiger. "He's alright, Tiger-san, see!!" 

Cheri yelled again from more pain, falling back to her knee as the arm she had tried to cuff Xavier with was cut just at that instant.

"Dammit..." she cursed under her breath as she watched Xavier run. She wanted to chase but knew with her injuries it wouldn't be much help anymore.

She groaned from the cheek injury, feeling some glass shards still there.

Kisami answered her phone and nodded at everything Opal said as if she could see her.

"I'll be right there. Rest." she said before hanging up and grabbing the sobbing Max's hand

"Come we're gonna go to security to meet up with Opal." she said with a soft and slowly getting tired type smile

"...!" Turning away from Jer, Seb could easily make out his macho cousins voice calling out to them in the mist of chaos. "Tiger?? We're ok! We're, uh, here?--" He didn't know how to direct him- he also wasn't that ok with yelling out there position.. but since Tiger was calling to them it should be ok right? 

Lilith siiiighed as she watched this all go down from the security room. Why was one man so hard to restrain and catch....? Well, security were trying their best....

Watch-- watch?! Darilyn could see well in the dark thanks to her vampire genes, and what she was met with was definitely not what she expected. "AMI STAY!" And she lunged at X like a train, going at full brute force in order to hold both his arms behind his back, twisting them up in a painful way so he wouldn't have a chance. "CHERI, HANDCUFFS! QUICK! OTHER HAND!"

"I will," Opal said to Kisa, hanging up the phone and closing her eyes again. She was starting to feel a bit of energy coming back, and pulled out another granola bar. She blinked her eyes open and looked at the screens again. "Almost there," she murmured, pulling herself into more of a sitting position. "We can get you home soon, Lilith, promise." 

"STAY PUT AND HIDE UNTIL THE COAST IS CLEAR. PLEASE PROTECT JER WHILE I CAN'T!!" Tiger yelled to Seb now that he can see X going for CC, though with Ami's voice calling to him again, Tiger's instincts spiked. "AMI! STAY AWAY FROM HIM! XAVIER I SWEAR TO SWEET YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY FAMILY!!" 

Piper fussed over Cheri, mostly trying to observe the damage to her face with the glass still stuck in it. "G-God..." his breathing was uneven and his vision was blurring in rounds but he had to keep it together. He turned to Dari's voice and grabbed the other pair of handcuffs from his belt, throwing them the best he could. "DARILYN, CATCH!" 

Ami jumped and froze at the bark that came at her from Dari. She blinked in distress and worry, backing up a little only to turn with another jolt when she heard Tiger yelling. That's a lot of yelling. She's not used to yelling. Not like this. Her hands instinctively began going to her ears, now getting really confused from it all. "But- Wait- But-" was all she could mutter out. 

Max followed along behind Kisa, sniffling like the biggest baby ever as marble-like tears flowed down his face. "Mmngh..."

Cheri was kneeling in pain, honestly wanting all this to be over, but suddenly she heard her name in a familiar voice and looked up. She had gotten orders, and those orders she will complete.

"Copy!" she yelled back as she stood up, using her now blood covered hand to go so and bolted towards the two. With swift motion she grabbed the cuffs in the hair, turned, and cuffed Xavier's hands before kneeling back beside the two. She panted lightly, a small tear dripping from her eye where her hurt cheek was but smiled.

"Mission Accomplished." she said quietly. As she turned her head it could obviously be seen that she was bleeding out. (Note: She bleeds excessively! She needs medical asap!)

Cameron motioned for Kellen to follow her as she headed to medical, trying to pick up as many injured stragglers in the halls as she could on the way. Mom mode activated, she wriggled her phone out of her bra and got to phoning the authorities after setting River down on a bed. 

Davie lowkey whistled when Dari finally tackled X. "Is it poor tastes to say this is kinda more interesting than the movie..?" 

"We're never going to get out of this hell." Lilith mutters, burying her hands in her face for a moment, before looking to Davie and giving a looooong sigh. "Yeah, actually, it is." She replied bluntly, before looking to the screens again, and then going and opening the doors for Max and Kisa. 

Xavier managed to get free, and bolted straight fot the CC wing door, feeling like he finally made it, only to be slammed by Darilyn. He couldn't fight back anymore. The air vas completely knocked out of his lungs, leaving him into a sputtering mess onto the floor as the Security Manager twisted his arms. He let out a pathetic wail of agony as he struggled with his last strength, every move futile. Despite admitting defeat he shot a look directly at Ami.

"I neede-d you... And youh didn't come..."

Piper grumbled as Cheri got up, and followed her over. Once X was restrained, he scooped her up bridal-style, careful not to jostle her too much, and gave her the flashlight. "We need to get you to medical..." 

Ami's head snapped up and she stared towards X. "No- I- I wanted to help! I- I tried! I'm sorry!" and now purple tears were forming at her eyes. Her ears twitched downward. Her legs moved towards X and Dari on autopilot. "I'm r-really sorry!!" 

"Oh, definitely more interesting," Opal agreed, struggling up to her feet and leaning against the wall. "Oh - is there a control here that unlocks the outside factory doors? Since - I guess it must have been Kim, locked them. Then people can leave easier, once everything is calmer." 

Well, that was it, Kim was completely tied up and had no means to do anything else. She struggled against the rope trying to set herself free as Pip took all sharp and weaponable objects away from her. "Aww, nooooo, c'mon! I was just getting started! ... Hey, hey, you're not leaving me here, are you? Huh? Hey, hey, answer me, don't ignore me!!"

"Shut it" Darilyn hissed sharply at Xavier, pulling him restrained in two pairs of handcuffs up like a sack of potatoes over her shoulder and holding him in a way that didn't let him move his legs either. "Medical. Now. Quick. Piper, get... Cheri!"

Cheri looked to Piper as she was lifted and naturally held onto the flashlight as it was given to her. She smiled softly and leaned her head on him as she was taken to get medical attention.

Kisami went to security wing and finally entered with Max, panting lightly and extra tired. She had been naturally glowing this entire time, though lightly it was still longer than she was used to. Her energy was running out and she went and sat down on the floor.


River had stayed knocked out for longer than usual before slowly coming to. She could feel that she was in someone's arms and could see a blurry figure of a large.. red.. Prince? No.. Princess?

"Hmm...?" all she saw was the crown on this Bowsette Cosplayer and couldn't help smile. A princess saving a princess, now isn't that such a sweet gesture?

Finally finding his way back to Ami, he again picked her up, but this time he went on to take her to where Seb and Jer were right away so she wouldn't have to hear anymore from Xavier. "Shhhh Shhh- Ami. No more. No more of this. Xavier will be better after this. You did what you could." He calmly though in a rush said to her while making his way to the others, and once he was in their room and settled, Tiger closed the door behind him and placed Ami down, crumpling to sit down almost immediately. "Are you two alright?" he says to Seb and Jer now that he could see them again, though once more he had to pay attention to Ami since she had begun to cry. "Shhhh- No more tears please. I'm sorry for shouting. I didn't mean to scare you. Please, things are going to be okay..." 

Opal smiled tiredly at Kisa and Max as they arrived and offered Kisa a granola bar, then straggled over to the wall by the cameras and looked over a series of buttons and levers. "Emergency, emergency, emergencyyy," she mumbled, reading the labels, then found the proper labelled button and pressed; elsewhere in the factory, the main doors unlocked, allowing people to finally leave, if they wanted. 

He did as instructed and remained quiet in the room until finally his cousin came barreling into their room with the sobbing shrimp in hand. "..ah-... Yeah... I think we're ok. Well, mostly..." Muttering he turned to look at Jer who hadn't been saying much and was still tucked into himself. "We might have to carry him out... is she ok?" 

Riley heard the doors unlock and immediately bolted, not thinking to say goodbye to the girl that had been sitting with them for so long. So long, suckers. 

Pip, after being completely sure there was no way of Kim getting loose, went and reset the lights so that the factory was illuminated again. She went to the doors to confirm that authorities and medical had arrived. She quickly hacked the intercom system to sync to her phone. "Attention factory workers. Authorities have arrived. Anyone with excessive and lethal injuries, report to the outside of the factory. Ambulances are stationed and waiting. Everyone else, report to the medical bay for proper first aid and to answer questions." 

She then unsynced her phone and went to inspect the goop from earlier... before authorities could find it. 

Piper heard the announcement and headed outside with Cheri. He wobbled a bit, but for most was able to make it outside. 

Max stuck close to Kisa, now mostly just sniffling. 

Ami softly sobbed, when she was sat on the ground again. The reassurances were nice but all she could mutter out was "I'm not a bad friend.. I'm sorry, really..." and she buckled over, face in hands. 

Kei heard the announcement and helped Leaf stand, taking her to the medical bay. "C'mon now..." 

Lilith nodded briefly to Kisa and Max before going over to the cameras again. Oh thank sweet, they'd been apprehended.... And Opal freakin found the button that opened the doors. She took a moment and sat on a chair, leaning back, taking in that it was over? was it really over? She didn't want to hope for anything, but evidence seemed to suggest that this was coming to an end. A small sigh of relief escaped her, before she sat up straight as the announcement rang out. With a huff, she got up. "What are we even going to say....? This whole thing was a total mess and a waste of time." Stretching, she turned the flashlight off and walked out of the security room. After the trip to the medical bay, she was going home.

Xavier might have given up for now and let himself gather what was left of his strenght on Darily's shoulder. The sorenes and pain took over him as the adrenaline of his mad spree vaned, and it made him have a hard time thinking. The position allowed for some blood into his brain but his arms were so sore... And his ribs... He took a small pleasure in the fact that the blood from his knuckles would stain her costume. For now, he let her do as she pleased. But he would not forget. No no, this night would be burned into his memory in high definition.

Opal gave Kisa and everyone else in the room a small smile and pulled out another granola bar, then scurried off after Lilith with a "I'll see you at home, Kisa, I'm going to make sure Lilith's fine, 'kay?" Time to answer questions, questions, then get some sleep, please... 

"Well, she's-" Tiger started once he heard Seb's question, but again his attention was drawn away."Ami..." Tiger could only watch as the girl began to sob in front of him, breaking his heart further as he listened to her and slowly became unable to hold back his own tears before pulling her into one of his warm hugs. He could just feel how she felt in that moment. "I get why you feel that way, but you're definitely not a terrible friend. I know you wanted to help and feel like you didn't, but trust me- you did the best you could for Xavier in the moment. You will one day understand... Just please... Don't c-cry a-anym-more..." 

"Fuckin' hell... I'm tired." Davie mumbled, slumping into the closest chair he could find, once most the others had left. Yeah, yeah, medical bay, questions, whatever. He'll get to it when dragged there. He probably followed Mikky home to crash on his couch cause he high-key doesn't want to go home alone after all that.

Cameron determinedly helped tend to the wounds she could, before letting actual medical professionals take over when they arrived. She felt... a little frustrated with herself, for a lot of small things, but kept her brave face, answering the questions she could and heading home, glad that she had a day off tomorrow.

Darilyn handed Xavier off to the authorities, making sure to tell that he was crystalled, not in his normal mind, badly injured, and needed to be locked up at least until back to normal.

And then proceeded to go to the medical wing, check up on everyone, answer questions as best as she could, and stay as long as needed to watch over the whole mess until it was solved.


Cheri just let Piper take her where needed. Sure enough they'd need to be in the hospital for a while before going home and going to bed.

Kisami leaned onto Max and ate the granola bar or whatever it was and just nodded at Opal.

"Be safe Sis. I'll see you at home." Likely she'd take Max with her to sleepover so thats a thing I guess

River probably got checked on and released to go home pretty quickly, but she didn't let herself get taken away or leave without properly thanking the one who brought her over. River tapped on Cameron.

"Thank you, Miss." she said softly before she was taken to get checked.

Pip quickly went to the engineering wing and god a few test plates for microscopes and got samples of the goop, storing them away in her locked drawer at her table. She then stayed with Kim until authorities would take her away for holding until the crystal wore off. 

Piper went with Cheri to the hospital for her to be treated, while taking his medication finally to try and calm down. This night proposed some questions in the back of his mind though... 

After answering the needed questions, Max went with Kisa to sleep at her place. He definitely didn't need to go home like this.

Ami allowed herself to be held and coddled until she could make it on her way home. She still felt horrible though. Her mood and actions would probably be... off for the next few days. 

Kei made sure Leaf was tended to and taken care of before making his way home. It was late and he was tired and honestly really confused so he called up Jessie to talk about everything that happened before going to bed.