Spotted Monsters

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
4 2685

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

October 2019 Event

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The Beast

The once gentle breeze became harsher as it fell into the dead of night. The silence replaced with the white noise of crickets and other nocturnal creatures that lurked, though peaceful there was something eerie about the night time that Clover loved but not everyone did. The harsh breeze whipped the rider’s hood off his head, leaving his messy hair not exposed to the world as he didn’t bother to try and pull it back up. All he could really do was sigh, wondering was this just one of those tales that got picked up and carried away until people with a bit too much imagination had gotten a hold of it. It had been hours now that the duo had taken to sitting outside, early night now a long forgotten memory as the darkness hid them so well even if one of them was not in any sort of dark coloration. Only the faint light from the moon and stars stayed with them, the glow lighting up rocks and other slightly lighter surfaces so some things were seen to the naked eye. Clover did argue with himself that he could maaaaaybe light a candle, but he still didn't want to risk keeping away whatever this thing was or could be. He wasn't even sure if it was smart enough to still come if it saw the glow, maybe thinking something or someone was now privy to it's existence and was waiting for it's appearance.

“Clover, nyah, where is it?” The dragon asked, stretching out with a yawn as she rolled onto her back to looked up at the male whose eyes had not been taken off the small hiding spot that he never thought could hide anything let alone something spooky. He absentmindedly stroked the feline, not even speaking for a moment until it clicked in his brain he was being spoken too. He was a focused individual, and not even company of some sort could change that unless his attention was more on said company.

"I don't know Moony, just nap if you'd like. I know you've had a long day of playing with the boys." He couldn't fault the young one for wanting some rest, but he personally hoped she didn't take to snoozing away as that would be pretty lonely. At least in the moment he had her to talk to. Maybe next time he should take Kane with him, or maybe he was just biased to having Kane around as much as he could.

Just as he spoke to the other offering some rest for the wicked, the distant treeline moved. Expecting maybe a bear or maybe a big deer, the humanoid that emerged was not one of the things Clover expected. Sinking down more into the bush he had taken a spot next to he studied it's movements. It walked elegantly, letting his eyes trail down he noticed the deer like legs covered in an eye pattern. The creatures skin monochrome and so were the socks, at least at the distance he was at. It looked almost normal to him, a deer like humanoid that maybe had taken to resting in the woods closest to the town and the stories got out of hand when it wandered off.

Relieved, he was going to call that quits when his eyes went wide. The once humanoid creatures stretched out, softly saying something to a shape not in his view before the arms turned to more legs, it’s average height growing, and now the almost normal humanoid was... not. Instead a deer like monster emerged, the horns more prominent now and it's little hooved feet looked a bit more claws. This was very much the monster the town was scared of, whatever it was.