Spotted Monsters

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
4 2685

Chapter 4
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

October 2019 Event

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“Moony, why are you still so rigid. Are you scared? What did you get into when I wasn't looking?” The male cooed, stroking the clingy little lady who had not spoken a word to him since their encounter with the monster that was terrorizing the town by just existing. It was a peaceful encounter as far as Clover understood, but after such his little dragon had become clingy. She still didn't say any words, her little claws just digging into Clover’s shirt as he kept stroking her and trying to get something from his little dragon.

Standing and leaning on one of the trees, Clover was making sure the deer monster was indeed traveling away and didn't think he was just a fool and could return once again when his back was turned. But true to their word they kept going. Eventually turning back into a humanoid and vanishing off into the night. He supposed he could pop back tomorrow afternoon or the afternoon after to make sure all was well but he was almost certain that would be the last he saw of them or at least the last they'd be of any trouble.

Returning to stroking the little dragon, he tried planting kisses on her forehead as a way to calm her but with no such luck he just hoped she'd calm down by the time he got home. He reeeeeeally wanted to have some alone time with his darling and get that nice reward kiss and back rub he was promised if he went to help the town. Kane knew his soft spot for his touches and affection, and boy was he weak to that offer and took it without a second thought. It would have made it all worth it even if it did come down to a violent fight to the death or a match of wits.

Staring up and Clover with her big eyes, Moony meowed softly and got the male’s attention, being pulled up more for more soft words and gentle face rubs so she’s calm down. He wanted his little dragon babies to be only the most happy and even if Moony was still a bit of a derp with her display of running up to the unknown stranger she was still his baby.

“Heeeey, you feeling better. What got you so worked up? It was just a bit deer shifter. You seen plenty like that before.” More so curious then really pushing it, he was more than willing to say never mind if her big eyes went bigger and she started trying to dig her little claws into his flesh again. He was fond of not having a lot of little holes in him.

“N-nothing.... there was just something scary there is all.” She wanted to big a big and strong dragon like her other two siblings. Her other siblings that were granted, very much bigger than her with one being a big snake like dragon and the other about the size of a trex. Clover always told her size didn’t matter but she had a feeling it did one way or another.

“Alright then, well you calm down now. My clothes don't need any more holes because of you. If you keep poking me up I may have to remove those little claws of yours. That won't be fun for anyone involved.” Trying to lighten the atmosphere with some jokes, Moony only pouted at him and buried her face into the shirt. Convincing herself the big spooky eyed thing was all gone, she curled up in the warmth that was her rider’s arms as he walked them back home.