Zani's Bio

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
18 5671

Chapter 11
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Allies: Amera

- Affinity between them: Amera is a part of the ancient Torrinean royal court. Miara is her best friend and queen of Torrine.  Her brother is king of Torrine, Nieus.

Enemies: Master Xyro, Entity X

- Affinity between them: Zani has an evil doppelganger created by Master Xyro, whose goal is to plunge humanity into eternal chaos and corruption. There are nine generals that serve Master Xyro and are dedicated to his cause.

Best friends: Cat Reichart, Kyra Alberti, Rochelle Reynolds, Genevieve Kingston, Casey Henderson, Gwen Fujioka, Shea Miller, Blaze Taylor, Atticus Wyndham, Kalle Wyndham, Sutton Elliot, Nadir Jhaveri, Antonio Giuliani 

- Affinity between them: She loves everyone, although she and Antonio may have some disagreements. Zani can mostly be seen with Cat, Kyra, Rochelle, Shea, and Genevieve.

Co-Workers/Colleagues: Solaine Marceaux, Candace Jacobs, Wendy Nguyen, Mila Kendrick

- Affinity between them: Solaine is Zani's boss - basically Miranda Priestly 2.0. However, Zani isn't intimidated by her. Candace, Mila, and Wendy are in the same department as Zani. They often get together for lunch and 'spill the tea'.

Crushes: Adrien Murphy, Ro Jung-Su, Travis Calhoun, Lorenzo Milani, Gerald Pierce, Justin Bartley

- Affinity between them: Zani falls in and out of love rather quickly. Justin was her first crush in grade school until Tina stole him from her, sparking their heated rivalry. She has dated one or two of the gentlemen listed once throughout her high school and college life. While they are in relationships of their own or pursuing their dreams, Zani manages to keep in touch with some of them. Gerald was a star basketball player that Zani enjoyed watching in college and have dated for a short time but broke up due to scheduling conflicts. Ro-Jung Su went on to become part of a KPop group after college; he and Zani keep in touch through FaceTime. When Travis came out as gay in high school, Zani helped him find a boyfriend, which turned out to be Adrien, who she had a crush on for some time after Travis came out to her; she figured it out on her own. Travis often calls Zani about his relationship and asks for her advice; they often get together for Sunday brunch. Not much is known about Justin, Lorenzo, and Gerald but Zani does stalk their social media, mostly Instagram. Lorenzo is a model, Gerald is a travel blogger, and Justin actively serves in the marines. Travis became a respectable hairstylist and esthetician at a local salon.

Friends: Chelsea Davis, Tawny Rayner, Aimee Campbell, Keani Mahelona, Shirin Opulencia, Nate Foster, Asher Ryan, Everly Campbell, Dalton Gardner, Anise Gardner

- Affinity between them: She likes these people equally to her best friends, even though they don't see each other often. Nate, Chelsea, and Zani attended high school together. Zani can be seen with Aimee and Everly shopping and modeling for Instagram. Zani admires Everly as a mutual role model.

Family: Tarik (father), Lydia (mother), Sunny (brother), Pierce (cousin-in-law; married to Cleo), Gia (sister-in-law; married to Seth), Salma (maternal grandmother), Karim (maternal grandfather), Ahmad (paternal grandfather), Edrice (paternal grandmother); Maye and Ashira (aunts, mother’s sisters), Abraham (uncle, mother’s brother); Ammon, Julius, and Rameses (uncles, father’s brothers), Cleo and Seth (cousins), additional cousins 

- Affinity between them: Loves both parents dearly. Comedic relationship with brother; never boring. Loves her cousin Cleo dearly as she inspired Zani to get into fashion and beauty. Pierce often uses Zani for modeling purposes as he is a professional photographer, much to Zani’s delight. 

Love Interest: Marco Alberti

- Affinity between them: Marco is Kyra’s brother. At first, Marco didn't take an interest in her right away like most men would in previous experiences. Zani felt a ‘hot nerd’ vibe emitting from him, an archetype she didn’t think of pursuing herself; she felt intimidated that her intellect wasn't enough to win him over, but nevertheless was worth a try. She took the initiative in this relationship for the most part, using her competent social skills as an asset. Marco is highly rational and an expert at not taking a hint, but in truth he’s completely shy around her and has to fake his confidence. While he may come off as insensitive, Marco has never felt lovestruck in a peculiar way when it comes to Zani - she's perhaps the ideal woman in his eyes; beautiful, outspoken, and ultimately selfless. However, it's their contrasting interests that bring many obstacles to this relationship - think Penny and Leonard from The Big Bang Theory. Many compromises must be made in order for this relationship to work - Zani must learn restraint while Marco must learn to not sell himself too short for him to see his full potential as a person (and Zani see a lot of it).

Rivals: Tina Marlowe, Nastasia (Stacie) Ivanov

- Affinity between them:  Zani's rivalry with Tina is usually sparked by jealousy and competition over fashion and beauty. How their rivalry started traces back to their grade school days where Tina would intentionally steal Zani's 'boyfriends' to make her jealous. Zani has a sharp tongue around Tina and her cronies, causing Tina to sometimes taste her words before spitting them out. Zani knows Tina is jealous of her but refuses to admit it.

Stacie is Zani's kickboxing rival who is twice her size and formidably stronger. Zani finds Stacie a worthy adversary despite their physical differences. In the ring, Stacie is the powerhouse while Zani is all about speed and technique. While their matches end in a draw, Zani’s indomitable will allows her to stand tall and grasp the victory. There was one match where Stacie knocked Zani unconscious as she took a blow to her face - ouch! Outside the ring, Stacie disclosed to Zani that she dreams of becoming a model instead of being a kickboxer, to Zani’s surprise and delight. Zani is Stacie’s hype girl through her modeling journey, being her #1 fan.

Animal companions: Gracie the cat

 Affinity between them: Zani loves and spoils Gracie every day ever since she got her for her 16th birthday as a kitten. In turn, Gracie shows Zani affection in her unique way. Even in her old age she is still sprightly.

Person they are closest to: Cleo Evans (née Mubarak)