Zani's Bio

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
18 5671

Chapter 14
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Elementary/middle school (K-8)

-Name: Dawson Elementary

-Location: Long Beach, California

-Age Completed: 14

-Year Completed: 2007

-Social Status: Average, rose to popularity by 8th grade

-Typical Grades: A's and B's; one D in history (progress reports only)

-Favorite Classes: Art, music

-Least Favorite Classes: Detention

-Favorite Activities: Lunch/Recess

-Least Favorite Activities: PE

-School Friends: Christine Jolie

-School Crushes: Justin Bartley

-Best Memory: Making lots of friends and going to her first dance with Justin, making Tina extremely jealous

-Worst Memory: Tina stealing Justin intentionally and getting her in trouble; being in detention with Tina didn't really help, either. Christine moving away in 6th grade; her father was in the military and was stationed in France.

High School

-Name: Eastbrook High school

-Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos

-Age Completed: 18

-Year Completed: 2011

-Social Status: Popular 

-Typical Grades: As and Bs

-Favorite Classes: Fashion and art

-Least Favorite Classes: Word processing

-Favorite Activities: School dances and pep rally parades, especially if she's in them

-Least Favorite Activities: Whatever Tina is involved in 

-School Friends: Cat, Kyra, Shea, Blaze, Marco

-School Crushes: Travis Calhoun, Adrian Murphy

-Best Memory: Winterguard winning championship, winning prom queen senior year

-Worst Memory: Losing homecoming queen to Tina


-Name: Saffron Hills University 

-Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos

-Age Completed: 23

-Year Completed: 2016

-Social Status: Fairly popular

-Typical Grades: A's and B's

-Favorite Classes: Fashion design

-Least Favorite Classes: Whatever didn't apply to her major

-Favorite Activities: Lunch

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Cat, Kyra, Rochelle, Blaze, Atti, Gwen, Casey, Marco

-School Crushes: Ro Jung-Su, Gerald Pierce, Lorenzo Milani 

-Best Memory: Winning kickboxing championship

-Worst Memory: Being harassed by a pervert

Degrees: Bachelor's in visual arts - emphasis on fashion design