Zani's Bio

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
18 5710

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Height: 5'3"

Weight: ~100 lbs

Skin Color: Light tan

Hair Color: Ebony; often dyed at tips - red, pink, purple, or orange. Mostly seen with red tips

Hair Length: Waist-length

Hair Style: Wavy with side swept bangs

Eye Color: Russet Brown

Makeup: Coral pink and red eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black mascara, reddish-pink blush, bronzer, concealer, highlighter, scarlet red matte lipstick

Tattoos: Red heart tattoo on lower right side of her back

Piercings: Ears

Scars: None